2004-06-29, 16:45
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Finland
Posts: 6
Tech 21 SansAmp tri-A.C
I am thinking of buying this preamp pedal but i wanna ask that can you get good metal sounds from that equipment? I play all kind off heavy metal from Iron Maiden to Children Of Bodom, so i wanna know that can i get enough gain from that equipment? Especially good palm-muting sounds you know that pum pum thing  ... and some good lead sounds too. Does that pedal suit for my style?
Up ThE IronS, Everything is nothing!

2004-06-29, 17:13
Join Date: Apr 2004
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you have to find out for yourself.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-06-29, 17:22
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Finland
Posts: 6
That was very shitty reply because i dont have the opportunity to try this equipment
Up ThE IronS, Everything is nothing!

2004-06-29, 17:38
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Sweden
Posts: 2,550
well okay check harmony central for reviews and also check the price so its not too expensive if you dont like it.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-06-29, 18:26
Alumni Staff
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the brit channel is kinda marshallish, and the california has some "chug" to it....
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-06-29, 20:10
Wasted Custom User title
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Yeah, just check Harmony-central.com for reviews although most of the people who review those things are dumb shits that no nothing. Just see if any other metal heads reviewed them and see what they had to say about it.
I really wouldn't buy anything I haven't tried out myself first.
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2004-06-30, 17:20
Alumni Staff
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Yeah, just check Harmony-central.com for reviews although most of the people who review those things are dumb shits that no nothing. Just see if any other metal heads reviewed them and see what they had to say about it.
I really wouldn't buy anything I haven't tried out myself first.
hehahehehe.... yeh, the metalheads arent the dumbshit ones that know nothing  .
i review shit on there every now and then.
usually people review stuff on there if they think it sucks or they're trying to sell it..... so you still kinda have be careful, hell "krank" got banned because their employees were going on there giving perfect reviews on all their products..... most people that play krank stuff hate it. i know i did.... and it's more overpriced than mesa imo... so instead of making their amps better they just started cheating.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-06-30, 17:44
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
Price Paid: trade (chicken)
Features: 10
this amp has the naked chix I like to look at. just like on the muddflaps on the back of my truck! how cool is that? my momma and pop bought me this amp as a gift for gettin out of the state hospital. i play my style which is like if Zakk Wild inbred his own mother my music would be the offspring of that. its pretty much Redneck, whoop-ass, rice-beer-drinkin, skoal-dippin, belly-over-the-beltbuckel, chainsaw, switchblade..i put on my shitkickers and plug in my Les Pal. its an Epifone flame top. it WAS! Haha, I painted a big bullseye on it like my hero Zakk! how cool is that'?
Sound Quality: 10
this amp can vibrate the plate in my head so much that sometimes I just pass out and fall on my Paul. but when I wake up i just kick the goddamn thing a few times. the sound is UNLIKE ANYTHING YOU"LL EVER HEAR IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFETIME. i mean, when i hit a supersquealing pick harmonic like my God Zakk and I use my nasty vibrato my momma usually asks why am i killing cats in my room? LOL Wow. how cool is that? its been a long time since i killed a kitty in my room. sometimes momma is sooooo stupid! haha. i do get constipated on ocassion and all i have to do is turn the XXX past 7 and i run for the bathroom. plus, after looking at the naked chix on the frnont i like to get some warm soapy water and...
Reliability: 10
like I said. i kick the goddamn thing after it causes my plate in my head to vibrate. i also throw it in the back of my truck. it rides back there with my dog. his name is big butt! i dont mind him even if he sometimes pisses on the XXX to nmark his territory. aint nothing gonna break the XXX
Customer Support: 10
i called peevey to ask them if the XXX would emit any radiation cause it would make the plate in my head fry my brain. thats what the doctor at the state hospital sayd. but he also said that it probbly wouldn't matter. so i told the peavey guy this and he said not to worry. i said the naked girls made me rock harder...haha...he didnt get it?
Overall Rating: 10
i have played Les Paul guitar ever since i saw my buddy Zakk Wild jam out with his bell bottoms and budwiser. i like it when Zakk flips his head back hawks loogies at the poor drummer guy. he should paint a bullseye on the drummers head! Zakk i like to prctice shooting gobs of snot backwards but it usualy just gets all over my face. how cool is htat? if this XXX was stolen me and Zakk would track down that sumbitch and first we would let Big Butt bite on his leg. me and Zakk would then blow boogers on his fat face while we punched him in the gut!
i compared it to a crate. the crate was ugly! i like the naked chix. mommas calling suppers ready.
Submitted by Dickface McSlapnuts at 09/30/2003 13:03

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