I am the one of putrid faith, look at all my shame!
I watch your eyes devouring the filthy rotten stains
How unfortunate I am, living all these years
Waiting for what has to come, Waiting for the tears
The winter of the fetid realm - my everlasting fate
Composed of finer threads of woe, sorrow at the gate
Locked to keep the Demons in and hold the Devils back
The demons of my darkest fears, their brutal bodies hacked
Someone show me lack of pain, present to me affection
Show me my beleifs are wrong, prove to me perfection
Time is ticking faster now the hourglass is smashed
Existance is in agony, Jesus has been bashed
It's time to meet my afterlife, the gates are open wide
In my rotting fetid realm, the demons at my side
The Devils feast upon me now, my decomposing flesh
Turning on eachother too, to taste the blood that's fresh
See what God has given me, watch the blood that spills
Hell was fiction, Heaven lies, this afterlife's what kills!
It's sort of an idea about what MIGHT happen after people die. There are shitloads of possibilities, and I've written about a fair few that make at least a tiny fraction of sense to me.
I s'pose I just want an opinion really, I've never really had the chance or the guts to show people who I know my poetry, they're just too... i dunno, distant from me. Well thanks for looking.