2004-06-16, 06:46
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 220
Deeds of Flesh/Psycroptic
Sorry to start a new thread over this but has anyone seen Deeds of Flesh and/or Psycroptic? It's just that I've got to jump on a six hour bus from my parent's place, who I'll be visiting on the week these guys are playing. That & it's $20 a ticket & I want to know if they can put on a decent show, because my parents actually feed me & that's nice for a change - especially during exam period.
I just listened to some of their stuff & although DoF aren't the greatest thing I've ever heard, Psycroptic sound like nutters. BUT, can they keep it up live?

2004-06-16, 07:04
Dog farts
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Deeds of Flesh are AMAZING live, I have several bootlegs. Psycroptic - seen them about 6-7 times as they are a local band, they are better than they are on CD. Super tight. I really recommend you going. I know I am.

2004-06-16, 07:04
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
since i am underage, i am heading to the all ages festival which has 12 support bands including Earth, Abrasion, Bowelmouth, and Fuck...I'm Dead.
this show is all ages as i said, not under 18, and this costs $8 to get in rather than $20 did you say? for the night before.
i have not seen deeds or psycroptic live but my mate said that psycroptic is insane. then of course there is supposedly chalky's funny little dances and faces  lol!!!
all in all, i would suggest you go but it is up to you.
print the flyer for the $8 ticket 
Last edited by andrewc : 2004-06-16 at 07:08.

2004-06-16, 07:20
Dog farts
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
Yes yes, wait for Chalky's moves. I'm not going to the all ages one, I'm leaving on the Sunday - to go back to Tas. And I hate going to shows horribly hungover.

2004-06-17, 03:51
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 220
Excellent. I shall give a low-down on the festivities when all is said & done & the whiplash subsides.
Cheers, Nihlist.

2004-06-17, 06:41
Pokémon Master
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ive seen Earth, Abrasion and Fuck ...Im Dead
Earth are pretty bloody good sweedish death metal, when i saw them they were pretty bloody tight and played well
Abrasion had a crap guitarist but the drummer was AMAZING to see live
Fuck ...Im Dead i saw on the weekend, their set was perfect, i cant say enough good things about them
I have a recent DoF bootleg, its bloody good, they pull the songs off nicely with a mix of old and new stuff
also, watch out for embodied andrewc, i saw them at easter, they were suprisingly good
i wont be at that all ages show, but im definately going to the old cunt one the night before, its going to be metal as fuck
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-06-22, 01:41
bugfucker strikes back.
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Deeds of Flesh are fucking amazing on their albums. I havent seen them live, but I hear its GREAT.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-22, 01:59
Dog farts
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
It sure is, I've heard reports from the gigs before this one. Can't wait now - only a few more days to go!

2004-06-22, 02:00
Dog farts
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
Hey, I just realized BoC's sig. It is the line that follows my signature, in "Cleansed by Fire". Hah. Cool.

2004-06-22, 05:24
Pokémon Master
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Location: Some grim and utterly pointless evil location(Aus)
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2 days 
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-07-06, 09:10
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
goddamn what a day it was!  it was well worth $8. i would have paid $20 a ticket actually...and got a scepter of the ancients hoody for $40. BOOYEAH!!! 

2004-07-06, 09:20
Dog farts
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
C'mon now, when don't they.
They performed rather shit at the all-ages in Melbourne though. I was talking to Chalky and Joe after, they were rather disappointed. Chalky's mic kept cutting out. I told him to do a necro laugh - ala Mortal Decay for soundcheck, and he did. HUZZAH!
Can't wait to goto Hobart again and borrow/steal Dave Haley's UL distro stuff.

2004-07-26, 03:08
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 220
Eck. Forgot to put up a little review after the show.
Well, Psycroptic certainly have their riffage down to a fricking art form. They're probably the tightest band I've ever seen this side of Damaged &/or CoF. However, the poor fuckers travelled god only knows how many miles to reach Adelaide & play to a crowd of approximately 70 people.
Obviously: That. Sucked. Arse.
Although some still were able to do a bit of surfin' & I managed to lose a shoe & had whiplash for days, it still blew with such a teeny crowd. And as a consequence both Psycroptic & Deeds had the collective stage presence of a bag of chips.
In any case, dissapointments aside, they are two very talented bands, esp. Psycroptic. As soon as I've paid off all of my holiday travelling debts, I think I'll buy myself one of their cds. A very fine example of good Australian death metal kicking huge arse. (And a very good example of how much the metal scene sucks in Adelaide).

2004-07-26, 07:19
Pokémon Master
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Some grim and utterly pointless evil location(Aus)
Posts: 3,740
in future can we put all ausie gigs in the specific thread Ausie Tour Thread, then there is less clutter
i asked doctor to make it a sticky too
Last edited by BeastOfCarrion : 2004-07-26 at 07:32.

2004-07-29, 05:07
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Toronto
Posts: 298
i took today off work to see deeds of flesh tonight
turns out the show is on saturday

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