2004-06-09, 05:23
New Blood
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Amplifier Vs. Pedal for sound
I just bought a new BC Rich NJ Beast with the Speedloader bridge for $228 dollars on E-Bay (is that not an awesome deal?) and want to get the best sound out of it for not a too much money. I like to do Suffocation+Immortal+Emperor+Marduk kind of music, Heavy and Fast but still complex and rich. I have a Peavy Rage 158 Transtube amp and Ibanez Classic Metal Distortion Pedal and am not happy with the results. Should I get a new amp or pedal to get a better sound?

2004-06-09, 05:25
New Blood
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my guess is get a new amp, just guessing though

2004-06-09, 05:43
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a new amp.your not happy w/ the resuts bcuz its a 15 watt which is crap.

2004-06-09, 05:44
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Amps always sound better, but are also expensive
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
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2004-06-09, 06:25
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Amp, but be prepared to either spendsome money now, or spend alot in the long run looking for pedal and cheap amp combinations that will you lead you to just buying an expensive amp in the end.
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2004-06-09, 07:50
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Sell you pedal and amp, save some money and get a tube amp
And how do you like that speedloader?? Ive been wanting to try on of those out
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-06-09, 10:50
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2004-06-09, 15:56
Wasted Custom User title
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Those headstocks on the speed loaders are pointless. Since it has no tuning heads then there shouldn't a headstock. I think it would look cooler without a headstock at all.
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2004-06-09, 15:59
Wasted Custom User title
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I think the obvious answer to this question it... Get a new amp! Now I dont know how much money you have to spend but the best thing to do is just go to a music store and try out amps in your price range and see what you like. Don't use pedals for distortion!
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2004-06-09, 16:13
The Mountie From Hell
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3 words for an amp head "peavey xl supreme".
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-06-09, 17:44
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well, that specific amp sucks hands down with or without a decent pedal. even a crate s.s. amp's distortion will sound much better. i'd suggest get a decent amp. even if it's not a big amp.
5150's, XXX's,and blue voodoos are probably what most people would probably go for as far as an affordable tube amp that still sounds great.
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2004-06-09, 19:11
New Blood
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Thanks for the repsonses
Thanks. I figured that an amp was the way to go but wasn't totally sure. I have been told by friends that Crates are the best for good distortion. But I will definitely look at some of the ones suggested here. The speedloader was a pain to tune when I first got it but other than that it seems fine. The only thing that really bothers me about it having to buy the FLoyd Rose strings for it. The Headstock is totally useless. It probably would look better without, or at least make sense to not have it.

2004-06-09, 19:42
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Keeping the headstock on the neck is the smartest thing B.C. Rich could do... a beast with no headstock would look dumb... almost as stupid as a steinberger.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-06-09, 20:04
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start by changing those god awful bc rich pickups if u haven't already and then after that buy a decent amp, perhaps a randall for s.s or engl for tube
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2004-06-09, 20:13
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randall or engl... lmao only like a $2000 difference in price their 
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-06-10, 01:31
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[QUOTE=necroviscera]Thanks. I figured that an amp was the way to go but wasn't totally sure. I have been told by friends that Crates are the best for good distortion.QUOTE]
crate, best for distortion? no no no, although you can get good, even great distortion out of a crate, by no means are they the best.......
i don't dig the speed loader stuf though, it looks funny with no tuning pegs, and if they took the headstock off then it would look really stupid.
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2004-06-10, 08:10
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id give up looke (think it looks fine whithout tuner anyways) for ultimtae tuning stability and quick string changes
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-10, 17:10
Wasted Custom User title
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Those guitars without headstocks can look kind of cool. Some are homosexual but they CAN look cool. I'd probably would prefer an OFR over one of those speed loaders. I just don't like the concept.
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2004-06-10, 17:49
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then i better NEVER hear you bitch about setting up an OFR 
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-10, 17:49
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I really dont like the look of guitars with speedloader trems, should be kahler 

2004-06-10, 18:00
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i agree! 
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-10, 23:07
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"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-11, 03:35
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Originally Posted by BLS
then i better NEVER hear you bitch about setting up an OFR 
I know how to set up my shit. There for you shall never hear me bitch.
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2004-06-11, 05:05
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wow thats a first... someone here who can acually adjust a floyd rose!! Yay! Now if i never see another "floyd rose problem" thread ill bee the happiest guy in the world
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-11, 08:29
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BTW , speaking of floyds, i saw a used Jackson SL-1 USA MADE with EMG pickups, bought 2000. Guess what they sold it for! 8000 sek! AND THE ORIGINAL PRICE IS 32000 SEK! MADNESS!

2004-06-11, 12:00
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I'd say more Amp than effects, but a good guitar with good humbuckers will help alot too.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-06-12, 09:32
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get yourself a better amp mate.

2004-06-12, 09:44
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But if you had like this:
Guitar>Tube-preamp something>Distortion Pedal>Amp with tube power amp.
Wouldn't it be kinda tubeish sound then? with all the breakup and shit?

2004-06-12, 10:10
El Diablo sin pantalones
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That would totaly wreck the sound, though an tubescreamer or other o.d pedal might be ok, that depends on what kind of pedal you use.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-06-12, 17:47
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
But if you had like this:
Guitar>Tube-preamp something>Distortion Pedal>Amp with tube power amp.
Wouldn't it be kinda tubeish sound then? with all the breakup and shit?
if you had it like:
guitar>distortion pedal>tube preamp>tube power amp(or a hybrid amp with a tube poweramp and a s.s. pre, then you just bypass the amp's s.s. preamp by using the fx loop in...)
that would work like putting a pedal up to a tube amp though because the elements of a tube amp are a tube preamp and a tube poweramp and that's what you'd have.
if the tube preamp's distortion sucks(then don't buy it  ) then i could see an o.d. or something in front of it, but otherwise you'd be fine taking out the distortion pedal from the signal.
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2004-06-12, 23:16
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 49
its always good to have a mix of both. od boxes and fuzz pedals are great for adding layers onto your sound. though for high-gain tones, a well-designed tube preamp/pedal will always beat out a solid state box, imo. there are a lot of tube-driven distortion pedals out there that sound a lot better than some tube pres/amps that ive tried.

2004-06-12, 23:31
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Originally Posted by orangebic
its always good to have a mix of both. od boxes and fuzz pedals are great for adding layers onto your sound. though for high-gain tones, a well-designed tube preamp/pedal will always beat out a solid state box, imo. there are a lot of tube-driven distortion pedals out there that sound a lot better than some tube pres/amps that ive tried.
like what?
mesa's tube pedals(v 1 bottle rocket and vtwin pedal) are pretty nice, but compared to any mesa preamp they arent as good, the older rack vtwins are better than the new pedal version even.......
the akai shred o matic, isnt bad either, but compared to a nice preamp it's nothing.
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2004-06-13, 04:56
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
like what?
bad cat x-treme tone, budda pedals, sib varidrive, tonebone pedals...those last 2 will do marshall tones better than a jmp-1 or any current marshall product.
Last edited by orangebic : 2004-06-13 at 04:59.

2004-06-13, 19:40
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Originally Posted by orangebic
bad cat x-treme tone, budda pedals, sib varidrive, tonebone pedals...those last 2 will do marshall tones better than a jmp-1 or any current marshall product.
no they won't... i've never played a bad cat x-treme tone.... budda stuff is really really nice for great tube overdrive.
the sib varidrive isnt really as marshally as people say it is so i kinda felt left down when i tried one, but great overdrive non the less.
the tonebones are alright, but nothing does a better marshall than an actual marshall, you might be able to say a varidrive can do a better jcm 900 than a marshall mg or an avt or a better jcm 800 than a m4....
i've compared my jmp-1 rig(with my buddies mesa simulclass 2:95) to real marshall amps, an mg, m4, jcm900, dsl50, and an old jtm). it blew away the mg100 and mode 4 hands down with no suprise, the jcm 900's sounds were extremely easy to mimic with the jmp-1, as were the jtm's. the dsl50 wasnt as easy to copy when it was cranked, but the jmp-1 still does high gain with no problems.
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2004-06-14, 01:11
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
no they won't...
hate to burst your bubble, kiddo, but yeah, they will.
the jcm 900's sounds were extremely easy to mimic with the jmp-1
i wouldnt be surprised if it sounded better, though both are still pretty worthless.
but the jmp-1 still does high gain with no problems.
no problems other than thin, buzzy and sterile tone.

2004-06-14, 01:24
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Originally Posted by orangebic
hate to burst your bubble, kiddo, but yeah, they will.
i wouldnt be surprised if it sounded better, though both are still pretty worthless.
no problems other than thin, buzzy and sterile tone.
bwahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!! good one!
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