2004-06-07, 21:03
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 154
Yeesh! From what I can see, not much at all is coming to SF in June.
There's a local metal club called Lucifer's Hammer, at the Cat Club, 1190 Folsom (between 7th and 8th). They've got shows scheduled for June 8th, June 15th, June 22nd, and July 6th. I've never been there, so I can't attest to the quality of the bands they get. Unfortunately I'm out of cash for the month already, but if you end up going, tell me how it is!
Just so you don't think SF is COMPLETELY fucking lame... we did have several good shows in the past few months. I don't know why the summer's going to suck so fucking hard.