Hey, i've been playing for about 6 months (doesn't seem long but i can play pretty much any song not using tremolo a whole shit load at the correct pace), and i play mostly metal. I really love the death tone, specifically chuck's guitar tone. I'm using a Schecter S1 Elite, (check it here:
http://www.zzounds.com/item--SCES1EL), and a shitty fender that came with my old strat. I'm playing in a band right now, and my shitty mk2 metalzone just ain't cutting it. Getting really sick of that cheesy sound. So as I was saying, i'm looking for a new amp and i'm kinda strapped for cash. I have about 400$ to spend, and from the amps I've looked at I can't get the tone I want. The closest thing to what I want i've seen so far is the avt 20 but for the size and volume of it it's a little pricey. I found a couple old valvestates and they sound exactly like what I want but they're a little too pricey for me (1300$). You guys think I should replace the seymour duncan h101 pickups on my schecter with some emg 81s and 85s, or an 85 and a dimarzio x2n, or could someone suggest an amp to check out, or should I just wait to save up for something a lot better?
Also, i feel like i might wanna modify my guitar in the near future, if anyone's had the same guitar I have, could you give me some suggestions on what I should do?
Other tones I like include vader, slayer, callenish circle, napalm death, decapitated, fleshcrawl, and deicide
Already posted in this guitar gear but no one seems to browse that form so maybe i'll get more attention in here (despite the constant flaming following this post)