Hell yeah. I'm glad you guys like this one..
I've messed around with it a little bit with some riffs, but
haven't came up with anything hot just yet. Suprisingly, as long as I've had this tune, I never really messed around with guitar riffs for it!.lol..
L,B'XXX, it's too bad I didn't have any music for this when I wrote it, but none the less, it'll be soon. I'm going to try and establish a death metal band, either doing vocals or guitar or both. I'd like to vocals for one band, and do guitar for another one. I have to get a decent amp! Right now I use a karaoke machine. It's not too bad, but it ain't loud enough of course.
I was even thinking of doing my own little side project in where I play guitars, vocals, and drum programming of sorts. Kinda like a Mortician deal.
I'll let you's know when and where I do this.
But the main thing aspect for me is to join or start a death metal band and do vocals and or guitar as well.
I can do vocals in close resemblance to :Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Hypocrisy(Old, with Masse Broberg),Kataklysm(With Sylvain Houde),Napalm Death, Cancer..and of course I have my own hellish voices! heh....