2004-03-17, 22:44
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Portland
Posts: 66
As an Irish american, i feel it is my duty to make a Song about the irish people, and the fucked up shit that both Irish Catholics, and Irish protestants do to each other and how the irish people were ripped apart by a fucking Religion......Fuck st.Patricks day..
"Blood Culture"
800 years ago
Two kings, two kingdoms
At war, With what?
Call in the kingdom united
Protestants call, Nobels fall
Sell the land from wich they live from
Catholics kill, protestants spill
War for a country, already torn
Terrorist tactics
But the true fact is
Both sides run for the blood
Protestant Propaganda
Catholic Propaganda
One is just as worse as the other
1972 january 30th
First catholic peaceful protest
Lead by a protestant man
The very first sign, of true unification
Shot down by a british mans gun
Crimes against humanity
Start with christianity
When will the bloodshed end
One nation shuned, another praised and hated
Diluted facts and half truths leak
Fuck your religion, its weak
I shame my past
From many bomb blasts
I care not to call my self one of them
Sincerly: Incantation (Colin Patrick Patterson)
Insanity is slowly strangeling me.....