A wayyyysss back, i wrote a little ditty called "Pure chaos (chant of Azag-thoth) And i thought i would be a dumb ass and make a second part..
"Pure Chaos II(Channeling the power)
Rusting visions of the future
could have never prepared them for this
A world with out a savior
All hope churned to piss
Bludgening omens of the future
nothing prepared them for this
A land taken back
By this time tommorow
Not a single person will live to be missed
They crack the sky with fists of gold
enchant the minds of all alike
Controlled by a sadistic overmind
Out of the abyss they came
Back to reality they entered with hate
No longer forgotten
They refresh the memorys of all
Governments overthrown
citys turned to dust
so many dead, because they couldnt trust
That a man, with a false prophecy
Could really be warning us all
of minions comeing forth to watch us fall
Into the past, with out thought or ration
They ablaze many plains with passion
All hope is lost
All sense is gone
So many lives lost when we drop the bomb.
The end line is kinda metaphorical...........This whole song is more of a metaphore....please dont bash me too hard....Im fragile...