View Poll Results: Do we need classified ads section on this forum?
7-string warlord, Amadeus, antipunx, autumncurve, blizzard_beast, brainsforbreakfast, DameFraMorkum, davie_gravy, DeathCS, Defiant Mind, Dissection, espmetalmonster, estringrev, h4x5k8, IlikeRiffseveryone, Infinity, JacksonGuitars07, Joe Rogers, KalimboJoe, L,B'XXX, lamb_of_god, LordofStorms, Metdude711, newHELLonEARTH, Perdition City, rabbifoodslicer, Rapture, Shreddist, Silent Night 6 6, Soeru, SpiritCrusher, sqol, travI56669, Vardanstalt, xDeadHandsRisingx, YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD, Zertonshfits
37 |
68.52% |
Amon rA, BeastOfCarrion, Corpsevomit98, deathxleprosyx, Def, fatdanny, Father Death, HAMMERSMASHEDFACE, humancorpse, IRON90, MetalThrashingMad, metal_monkey, nomad, powersofterror, The Execrator, the lamb, younguitarist
17 |
31.48% |