#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
#Unless specified otherwise, this is NOT an official tab from the band members.#

  Visit MetalTabs.com for more metal tablature

from Drew C.

"Shattered" By Pantera
From the album "Cowboys from Hell"
Tabbed by: Drew Callaway   CFH16@hotmail.com
Note from author: I saw Dime play it, so I know it's right.

Standard Tuning

Palm Muting:>>>>>>>>>>>
Stroke Direction(below each riff)  Up:/    Down:\
"Nirvana Muting"(Muted Strings):XXXX
(like that crap in the opening of "Smells Like Teen Spirit")

Opening Riff: If you play the C# on the E string instead of the A string
it sounds a whole lot heavier.
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d --------------------------------------------------------------------------
a --------------------------------------------------------------------------
E -9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9----------------------
   \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /
   Trem pick HARD and FAST                          ....and so on.

Opening Riff 2: Pretty easy and straight-forward. Make sure you hit the Dm
chord quick enough.
     E   D   E         E  Dm  E           E...............
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b -------------------------3------------------------------------------------
g -------------------------2------------------------------------------------
d -------------------------0------------------------------------------------
a ---14--12--14---------2--0--2------------2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2----------------
E ---12--10--12---------0-----0------------0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0----------------
      \   \   \         \  \  \            \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

Main Riff: Make sure you're warmed up before even trying it. Remember to
watch the stroke direction carefully. It's not difficult at all if you
know what you're doing and you're quick enough. The only hard part is
getting the palm muting right.
    E  F  F# A  F# B  F#  C  F# B  F# A  F#       E F F# A  B  C  B  A F#
P.M.>>>>>>>     >     >      >     >
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d -----------7-----9-----10-----9-----7-------------------------------------
a --7--8--9-----9-----9------9-----9-----9~~~~----2/3/4--7--9-10--9--7/4~~~-
E ------------------------------------------------0/1/2--5--7--8--7--5/2~~~-
    \  /  \  /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \  /  \        \      \  \  \  \  \

Verse Riff: This  is a fast, easy riff based on the F# minor pentatonic
scale. Simply play the first measure twice, and continue on.
Don't slide between the notes in the legato lick on the G and D strings.
Hammer-on and pull-off as indicated. Vibrate the Dm chords with
your tremolo a little bit if you have one. I can't get the timing right on
this on a computer, so use your head.

     C#           C#/B  F#/G#    C#                            E      Dm
       "It's storming..."      "Corpses left..."
       "Ungraceous..."         "That breaks the earth..."
e [---------------------------------------------------------]---------------
b [---------------------------------------------------------]----------3----
g [%-6-X-6-6-6--X--6/4-----------6-X-6-6-6----------------%-]----------2----
d [%-6-X-6-6-6--X------4/6-4/6---6-X-6-6-6----------------%-]--2-------0----
a [--4-X-4-4-4-------------------4-X-4-4-4--4-4-4-4-4-4-4---]--2-------0----
E [---------------------------------------------------------]--0------------
     \ / \ \ \  /   \   \   \    \ / \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \ \ \      \       \
                                                              hold    hold

    C#                                            E          Dm
    "Nothing can stop it..."      "...catastrophic"
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b ------------------------------------------------------------3-------------
g --6-X-6-6--X-6-X-6-6--X-6-X-6-6--X-6-X-6-6------------------2-------------
d --6-X-6-6--X-6-X-6-6--X-6-X-6-6--X-6-X-6-6------2-----------0-------------
a --4-X-4-4--X-4-X-4-4--X-4-X-4-4--X-4-X-4-4------2-----------0-------------
E ------------------------------------------------0-------------------------
    \ / \ \  / \ / \ \  / \ / \ \  / \ / \ \      \           \
                                                  hold        hold
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------4-----------------------------------------------
d --------------------------4-----------------------------------------------
a --2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-----------------------------------------------
E --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
    Trem Pick..............

Chorus Riff: The chorus is just the main riff(seen above) played a full step
higher twice, the the main riff played twice with a simple ending variation.
For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, I'll tab it out
for you. Once again, if you follow the stroke direction this riff is simple.
P.M.>>>>>>>    >     >     >    >
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d ----------9----11----12----11----9----------------------------------------
a --9-10-11---11----11----11----11---11~~~~-----4/5/6--9--11--13--11--9/6~~~
E ----------------------------------------------2/3/4--7---9--11---9--7/4~~~
    \  /  \ /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \ /  \         \      \   \   \   \  \
                                     "Families are dying..."
P.M.>>>>>>>    >     >     >    >
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d ----------9----11----12----11----9----------------------------------------
a --9-10-11---11----11----11----11---11~~~~-----4/5/6--9--11--13--11--9/6~~~
E ----------------------------------------------2/3/4--7---9--11---9--7/4~~~
    \  /  \ /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \ /  \         \      \   \   \   \  \
      "This world is shatterred..."
P.M.>>>>>>>     >     >      >     >
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d -----------7-----9-----10-----9-----7-------------------------------------
a --7--8--9-----9-----9------9-----9-----9~~~~----2/3/4--7--9-10--9--7/4~~~-
E ------------------------------------------------0/1/2--5--7--8--7--5/2~~~-
    \  /  \  /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \  /  \        \      \  \  \  \  \
   "All Shattered"
P.M.>>>>>>>     >     >      >     >
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d -----------7-----9-----10-----9-----7-------------------------------------
a --7--8--9-----9-----9------9-----9-----9~~~~----2/4-----------------------
E ------------------------------------------------0/2-----------------------
    \  /  \  /  \  /  \   /  \  /  \  /  \        \

Then go back and play the verse riff for the second verse, then the chorus

Bridge: I'm pretty sure Dime is using a Digitech Whammy here. If you have
one, all you do for the riff is play the normal power chord, then press
down 3/4 of the way down the pedal, then depress it just before each
following power chord. The following tab illustrates the best way to play it
if you don't have a pedal. The ascending legato lick is easy, just remember
that you go up one half step each time.
      C        C     F#/E        C   C/A
e [----------------------------]--------------------------------------------
b [--------play 3 times--------]--------------------------------------------
g [----------------------------]--------------------------------------------
d [----------------------------]--------------------------------------------
a [--10-------10/----4/2-------]10---10/7-----------------------------------
E [---8--------8/----2/0-------]-8----8/5---7/4/0--8/5/0--9/6/0-10/7/0-11/8-
      \        \     \           \    \     \      \      \      \      \
This is where the solo starts. Basic power chord rhythm. I play it on the
E because it sounds better, but I'm pretty sure Dime plays it on the A on
the CD.
P.M. >>>>>>>>      >>>>>>>>>>     >>>>>>>>>         >>>>>>>>>    >>>>>>>>>>>
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d --------------------------------------------------------------------------
a 11----------11-------------11------------ 11-11-11-----------11-----------
E -9-9-9-9-9-9-9----9-9-9-9-9-9----9-9-9-9-9-9--9--9-9-9-9-9-9--9-9-9-9-9-9-
   \ \ \ \ \ \ \    \ \ \ \ \ \    \ \ \ \ \ \  \  \ \ \ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \ \
                >>>>>>>>>>>>>>      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d --------------------------------------------------------------------------
a -9-10-11---13----------------13------------------13-----------------------
E -7--8--9---11-11-11-11-11-11-11---11-11-11-11-11-11---11-11-11-11-11-11---
   \  \  \   \  \  \  \  \  \  \    \  \  \  \  \  \    \  \  \  \  \  \
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d ---------------------------------and so on........------------------------
a --16--15--14--11----------11----------------------------------------------
E --14--13--12---9-9-9-9-9-9-9----------------------------------------------
    \   \   \    \ \ \ \ \ \ \
End of solo: It's the same as the opening riff but only 1 step higher.
P.M.            >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d --------------------------------------------------------------------------
a -16--15--14---------------------------------------------------------------
E -14--13--12--11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-----------------
   \   \   \    \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \
               Trem Pick hard and fast                   ......and so on
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d --------------------------------------------------------------------------
a --16--14--16----------4--2--4-----------4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-----------------
E --14--12--14----------2--0--2-----------2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-----------------
    \   \   \           \  \  \           \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

Then back to the chorus.

Closing: Simple. Just go down one full step each time.
P.M.>>>>>>    >            >>>>>   >            >>>>>   >   >   >   >
e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d ----------9----11~~------------7---9~~--------------5---7---8---7---5-----
a --9-10-11---11-----------7-8-9---9------------5-6-7---7---7---7---7---7~~-
E --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    \ /  \  /  \  /        \ / \ / \ /          \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \

e --------------------------------------------------------------------------
b --------------------------------------------------------------------------
g --------------------------------------------------------------------------
d --2------------------------------------------------------------------------
a --2------------------------------------------------------------------------
E --0------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm not going to tab out the solos because it would take too long,plus, my
version of the first solo sucks. I will tell you that the opening of the
first solo is the "Smear" lick(if you don't know what that it too bad) in
C# in the 9th position, followed by natural minor runs(I think).The outro
is a simple E minor pentatonic in the 12th position. If you have any
additions, questions, or you extremely need me to tab the solos
(you can't buy a tab of this song in stores, i already looked)
you can e-mail me.

Drew Callaway

  Visit MetalTabs.com for more metal tablature