#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
#Unless specified otherwise, this is NOT an official tab from the band members.#

  Visit MetalTabs.com for more metal tablature
                                 P A N T E R A


                            S H E D D I N G   S K I N

                                FAR BEYOND DRIVEN
		           (c) 1994 East West Records

                                 Standard Tuning
                                   E A D G B E

  Note that the tuning on the CD track is 50 cents lower than that outlined in
                             the tab's guitar tuning.

			         Tempo = 144 BPM
		              Time Signature = 4/4

		                 Transcribed by

		                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                   Version 1.0
                               17th November 2009

		             Tablature Symbols Used:

 P.M.. ... -  Palm Mute
 h         -  Hammer-on
 p         -  Pull-off
 4 b 5     -  Bend Up
 5 r 4     -  Release Bend
 pb19      -  Pre-bend (Bend to the note before striking it)
          -  Slide Down to/Down From
 /         -  Slide Up to/Up From
 ( / )     -  Legato Slide
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 xxxx    -  Fret Noise & Random Slides to/from Nowhere
 %         -  Whammy Bar (Articulation is indicated above tab, blank spaces
              indicate length of articulation)
 x         -  Muted Note/Dead Note
 <9>       -  Pinch/Artificial Harmonic
 <<9>>     -  Natural Harmonic
 >>        -  Note(s) Fade in/out
 REST      -  Rest, and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |_3_|     -  Triplet Note(s)
 |------|  -  Let Notes Ring
  19///    -  Tremolo Picking

Section 1: Guitars 1 & 2 with Heavy Distortion (Play 4 times)

    ..........................     ..........................

|------------------------------|----------------------------------| |
|------------------------------|----------------------------------| |
|----------2--3-------3--2-----|--2-2-----2-2-----1-1-----0-0-----| |
|--0-0--3-------------------3--|-------3-------3-------2-------1--| |
   ..........................     ..............................

Section 2: Guitar 3 with Clean Tone (Play once)

* Let notes ring wherever possible *

  1                          2

 3                          4

 5                          6

 7                          8

 9                          10

 11                         12

 13                         14

 15                         16

Lead Fills for Section 2: Guitars 1 & 2

Guitar 1:


  % Pre-dip 3 steps and quickly return        % Dip 1 & 1/2 steps from
                                              0, fret 5 and release bar
|-[_ / 2]-----------|--2~~---------------|--(2)-------[0  4/5]--|

                            % Pull bar up half a step (don't re-pick)
|-(2    1)~~----------|--(1)--------[(1)   /   2]-------|

  % Release bar and fade out (don't re-pick)
|--[(2)  1]----------|

Rest for 6 bars

 % Pre-dip a 1/2 step then pull bar up steadily to 1, then quickly to 3
|--[0    /   1 / 3]--||

The last bar fades in to full volume

Guitar 2:



                     % Steadily pull bar up a 1/2 step, release and repeat
|--4~~---------------|--[4  /  54  /  5]-|

 % Same articulation as above (don't re-pick)
|--[4  /  54  /  5]-|--[4  /  54  /  5]-|

 % Same articulation as above (don't re-pick)
|--[4  /  54  /  5]-|

The last 4 bars gradually fade out

Rest for 4 bars

 % Pre-dip a 1/2 step then pull bar up steadily to 6
|--[54    /   6]-||

The last bar fades in to full volume

Section 3: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 4 times)

||--------------------------8- --------------|
||--------------------------9- --------------|
||--------------------------7- --------------|
    ......................       ....

|--R--------------------8- --------------|
|--S--------------------9- --------------|
|--T--------------------7- --------------|
      ................       ....

|------------------------------------------|---------------------------------| |
|-R--------------------8- ----------------|---------------------------------| |
|-S--------------------9- ----------------|---------------------------------|*|
|-T--------------------7- -0-0------------|---------------------------------| |
|----0--0--0--0--0--0-------0---(3/5)-(7b8 |   r 7 b 8 r 7 b 8 r 7)--3b4--0--| |

|-----------------------------------| |
|-----------------------------------| |
|-----------------------------------| |
|   r 7 b 8 r 7 b 8 r 7)--(51)--0--| |

|----------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------| |
|   r 7 b 8 r 7 b 8 r 7)--(51)----| |

Section 3 Tail: Guitars 1, 2 and 3

Guitar 1:

                              Whammy bar vibrato
||---------------------|---------------------------8  --||
||---------------------|---------------------------8  --||

Guitar 2:

    Whammy bar vibrato
||--4~~----------------------8---|--E--8 ~~--------------||

Guitar 3:


Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 1 four times

Guitar 3 plays Section 2 once, with the following variations:

* Let notes ring wherever possible *









Lead Fills for the Repeat of Section 2

Guitar 1:



                          % Steadily pull bar up a 1/2 step, release and repeat
                            (Don't re-pick)
|--(51)--------------|--[(1)  /  21   /   2]--|

  % Hold bar up a half step, release, pull up and release again
|--[(2)    1   /2 1]-|

The last 2 bars gradually fade out

Rest for 6 bars

 % Pre-dip a 1/2 step then pull bar up steadily to 1, then quickly to 3
|--[0    /   1 / 3]--||

The last bar fades in to full volume

Guitar 2:


|--(5)--------------|--5~~---------------|--(5)---------(31)--(3/5  4)--|

                     % Steadily pull bar up a 1/2 step, release and repeat
|--4~~---------------|--[4  /  54  /  5]-|

 % Same articulation as above (don't re-pick)
|--[(5)    4  /  5]-|--[4  /  5        ]-|

 % Same articulation as above (don't re-pick)
|--[(5)        4  ]-|

The last 4 bars gradually fade out

Rest for 4 bars

 % Pre-dip a 1/2 step then pull bar up steadily to 6
|--[54    /   6]-||

The last bar fades in to full volume

Guitars 1 & 2 repeat Section 3 four times, adding the following tail(s):

Guitar 1:

                              Whammy bar vibrato
||---------------------|---------------------------8  --||
||---------------------|---------------------------8  --||

Guitar 2:

    Whammy bar vibrato
||--4~~----------------8---|--E--8 ~~--------------||

Guitar 3:


This is a slight variation of the first tail, with only the second guitar having
any real difference

Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 1 four times, adding the following tail(s):

Guitar 1:

                              Whammy bar vibrato
||---------------------|-------------------------13  --||
||---------------------|---------------------4/ --------||

Guitar 2:

    Whammy bar vibrato
||--4~~----------------8---|--E--8 ~~-----------------||
||-------------------------|--S----------------13  --||
||-------------------------|--T----------------13  --||
||-------------------------|---------------4/ --------||

Guitar 3:


Section 4.1: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 16 times)

  |____________________[1-7, 9-16]
||-----------------------------| |
||-----------------------------| |
||-(1  h2p1)----1-----1--------| |
||-----------3-----3-----0--3--| |

||--(1 h2p1)----1--(1/3)--(1/3)--||

Section 4.2: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play once)

| |-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|
| |-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|
|4|--(1 h2p1)----1--------|--(2 h3p2)----2--------|--(3 h4p3)----3--------|
| |-----------3-----0--3--|-----------4-----2--5--|-----------5-----3--6--|
              ..........              ..........              ..........

|-----------------------| |-----------------------------| |-----------------|
|-----------------------| |-----------------------------| |-----------------|
|--(4 h5p4)----4--------|4|--(5 h7p5)----5--------------|4|--(2 h3p2)-0--2--|
|-----------6-----4--7--| |-----------7-----7--6--5--3--| |-----------------|
            ..........                ................                ....

| |----------------------||
| |----------------------||
| |--5----3----2----1----||

On the last bar the tempo increases to 208 BPM

Section 5: Guitars 1 & 2 (Repeats outlined below)

||-------------- /9  3-- /9--|-- --3-----------3--3--|
||--------------  x---x--- x--|------3-----------3--3--|
||--2--2--2--2-- /7  1-- /7--|-- --1-----------1--1--|

|------------------------------|------------------------| |
|------------------------------|------------------------| |
|-------------- /12  3-- /12--|-- --3-----------3--3--|*|
|--------------- x----x--- x---|------3-----------3--3--|*| x 2
|--2--2--2--2-- /10  1-- /10--|-- --1-----------1--1--| |
|--0--0--0--0------------------|------1-----------1--1--| |

||-------------- /11  5-- /11--|-- --5-----------5--5--|
||--------------  x----x--  x---|------5-----------5--5--|
||--4--4--4--4-- /9   3-- /9---|-- --3-----------3--3--|

|-------------- /14  5-- /14--|-- --5-----------5--5--||
|--------------  x----x--- x---|------5-----------5--5--|| x 1
|--4--4--4--4-- /12  3-- /12--|-- --3-----------3--3--||

||-------------- /9  3-- /9--|-- --3-----------3--3--|
||--------------  x---x--- x--|------3-----------3--3--|
||--2--2--2--2-- /7  1-- /7--|-- --1-----------1--1--|

|-------------- /12  3-- /12--|-- --3-----------3--3--||
|--------------- x----x--- x---|------3-----------3--3--|| x 1
|--2--2--2--2-- /10  1-- /10--|-- --1-----------1--1--||

|--2--2--T--2--2--T--5/ ---||
   ....     ....

Guitar 2 doesn't play the last note of the last bar

Guitar Solo 1: Guitar 1 (Play once)

    ..............................     ..........................

| 14)--12-(12)14-14(12)12------------------|-----------------------------------|


                           |__3_____| |____3___|

    |__3_____|  |____3___|    |___3___|   |____3___|
|-----------19--18--(1615)-----------18--17--(1512) / |

|----------------------------------------(17b  |

| 19)--------------------------------|------------------------------------|
|------19 p 17------19--(1716)-(16)-|--17--(1614)-(14)-16------<16>b17--|

| 17 b19)---(19r16)----17-16-|------------------------------------|
|----------------------------|-------(16b17r16b17r16b17r16)  ----|

|-----------15----15---------15--15-15-15 -|
|-----------15----15-15-12 / 15--15-15-15 -|
|--------------16----16-12 / 16-----16-16 -|

|------15-15-15-15-15 14-14-15-15-15--15-15-15 -|
|--12/ 15-15-15-15-15 14-14-15-15-15--15-15-15 -|
|--12-----16----16-16 15-15-------16--16----16 -|

|--13/15----16--16--17-----(18/19)--|-----(19/22)--24--<24> b27-----|
                       ...            ...

|--(27) --R-       -||
|----------E-       -||
|----------S-       -||
|----------T-       -||

Guitars 1 & 2 repeat Section 5

Section 6a: Guitar 1 (Play once)

||------- /14----------<13>~~-----|------- /14--------<14>~~-----|

    |___3____| |____3____|  |__3____| |____3____|

   |___3___| |____3___|


|-(8)----  --S--------||

Section 6b: Guitar 2 (Play once)

||------- /7---------<6>~~-----|------- /7---------<7>~~-----|

    |__3___| |___3___|  |__3__| |___3___|
|----------------5 p 0--------------4 p 0--|

   |__3__| |___3___|
|--------------3 p 0----------------|------------------------------|

|-(8)-<7>b8-----<11>b12----<8>b9-|-(9)---9b10--(5/9)-- ----|

|-------R-           -||
|--x --E-           -||
|--x --S-           -||
|--x --T-           -||

Guitar Solo 2: Guitar 4 with Heavy Distortion (Play once)

This part enters during bar 6 of Section 6

||--------------x/ -(9/13)--|
||-----0--------x/ ---------|

   |___3____|  |___3____|  |___3____|  |___3____|
|--11--12--15-(11 h12 h15)-12--14--16-(12 h14 h16)-|
   ..........              ..........

   |___3____|  |___3_____|  |___3____|  |____3____|
|--12--14--16-(12 h14h h16)---------14--(13/14)------|
   ..........               ......

   |___3____|  |___3____|  |___3____|  |____3____|
|--13--14--17-(13 h14 h17)-13--14--17--13--14--17--|
   ..........              ..................

   |___3____|  |____3______| |___3_______| |____3_____|

   |____3______| |____3______| |____3____|  |____3____|
|--13------12b13-13------12b13-(13/15)--17--13 h14--17--|

   |___3____|  |___3____|  |___3____|  |____3___|
|--13--14--17-(13 h14 h17)-13--14--17--13 h14--17--|

    Hold bend for the remainder of the solo
|--(19   b  20   b   21)---|--(22)-----(21b23)-----|

|--(21b23)------------(21b23)-|-(23)-(21b23)---(21b22  b24)--|
|--(21b23)----21b23---(21b23)-|-(23)-(21b23)---(21b22  b24)--|

|-------R-           -||
|-------E-           -||
|--x --S-           -||
|--x --T-           -||
|--x ----------------||

During the last bar Guitars 1 & 2 join in with the following:

||--------R--------R-    -||
||--------E--------E-    -||
||--------S--------S-    -||
||--2--2--T--2--2--T-    -||
    ....     ....

Outro 1.1: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 4 times)

| |-----------------------| |--------------------| |
| |-----------------------| |--------R--------R--| |
|4|--2--2--3--3--1--------|4|--2--2--T--2--2--T--| |
| |--0--0--1--1--1--------| |--0--0-----0--0-----| |
     ..........                ....     ....

| |------------------------||
| |--------R--------R-    -||
|4|--------E--------E-    -||
|/|--------S--------S-    -||
|4|--2--2--T--2--2--T-    -||
| |--0--0-----0--0---------||
     ....     ....

Outro 1.2: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 8 times)

||-----------------------|--------------------------| |
||-----------------------|--------------------------| |
||--2--2--3--3--1--------|--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--| |
||--0--0--1--1--1--------|--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--x--| |
       .......              ......................

||--------R--------R-    -||
||--------E--------E-    -||
||--------S--------S-    -||
||--2--2--T--2--2--T-    -||
    ....     ....


Tab summary:        Section 1 x 4
                    Section 2 x 1 (With Lead Fills)
                    Section 3 x 4 (With Tails)
                    Section 1 x 4
                    Section 2 x 1 (With Lead Fills)
                    Section 3 x 4 (With Tails)
                    Section 1 x 4 (With Tails)
                    Section 4:
                              4.1 x 16
                              4.2 x 1
                    Section 5 x 1 (Repeats Outlined in tab)
                    Guitar Solo 1 x 1
                    Section 5 x 1 (Repeats Outlined in tab)
                    Section 6 x 1
                    Guitar Solo 2 x 1
                          1.1 x 4
                          1.2 x 8


  Visit MetalTabs.com for more metal tablature