2001-08-10, 01:44
New Blood
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Guitar Brand of Choice?
Mine would definitely be Ibanez, I own a modified JS1000 and an RG350 deluxe, both badass guitars in my opinion. I like the feel and playability of an Ibanez probably above all, they're really well made and have nice tone too. What bout all you guys?

2001-08-10, 03:20
hell i wouldnt want to play imported shit like ibanez theres only one good ibanez though.
anyway,i play any usa made bc rich or washburn.

2001-08-10, 03:59
Drunken Yeti God
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Nothing feels quite as nice as a Gibson to me. I'll take one over damn near anything else.

2001-08-10, 04:43
New Blood
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To each his own Darrell Hanneman, i find that BC Rich is kinda poorly made, and not that great to play on...kinda lacks in the tone department too, but that's just me

2001-08-10, 07:05
I dont believe in gravity
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Gibson! Gibson! Gibson!
Man I fuckin like the SGs. Even Alex Hellid (Entombed) uses one  .
I am a Katham.
Atifman wrote: 'Katham is from Hungary, hö?'
Godflesh is good.

2001-08-10, 07:05
well you probably play those shit rich's off of the guitar center wall i expect,i have a few bc rich's that are made of Koa and Korina and your tellin me that doesnt have tone?
all i have are custom guitars,(except one) that i or had someone else make and use completely different exotic woods.
expensive as fuck but well worth the sound.
im sorry i dont like ibanez maple....hahah
and your also playing licensed floyd roses that take tone out of the axe
i use original Floyd Rose,which has a Heat treated plate for tone,and longer lasting.
and if i have the time,i install Kahler tremolo's in some of mine.

2001-08-10, 13:48
New Blood
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I prefer Danelectros.

2001-08-10, 14:00
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by the way, i've been running a poll about this... you can see the results here 
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2001-08-10, 15:33
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BTW, I don't like Ibanez, because it has got so... 'metallic' sound, it just doesn't fit for beautyfull black metal and gothic music.
I think the best wood for giutar is birch. 
I am a Katham.
Atifman wrote: 'Katham is from Hungary, hö?'
Godflesh is good.

2001-08-10, 16:20
New Blood
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Luckily Danelectro's are made of plywood and masonite.

2001-08-10, 16:21
Drunken Yeti God
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I'm more of a fan of rosewood than birch.

2001-08-10, 16:41
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Rosewood?... Hmmm...
I am a Katham.
Atifman wrote: 'Katham is from Hungary, hö?'
Godflesh is good.

2001-08-10, 16:47
Drunken Yeti God
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2001-08-10, 17:02
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Usually dithers are made from rosewoods...
I am a Katham.
Atifman wrote: 'Katham is from Hungary, hö?'
Godflesh is good.

2001-08-10, 17:45
Drunken Yeti God
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2001-08-10, 17:53
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Some stuff, similiar to giutar, has annoying voice, often used in Hungarian folk music.
I am a Katham.
Atifman wrote: 'Katham is from Hungary, hö?'
Godflesh is good.

2001-08-10, 17:58
rosewood is what fretboards are made of.
and im looking at this pole,and ibanez doesnt deserve to be at the top.
i always felt that another company owned ibanez.
like gibson and epiphone.
ibanez are poorly made,sounds like shit,to much,stupid ass flat floyd roses,thats korns fault i read a magazine that head and gorilla said that there really 'hardcore' on stage and we jump around a lot.so are floyd roses get out of tune,so we told ibanez to make flat floyd roses.
yeah well look at dime he does 180's off of vinnies drum stand.
ibanez sucks.

2001-08-10, 18:17
New Blood
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So, how do you really feel about Ibanez?

2001-08-10, 18:24
New Blood
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I've never heard of anyone using Rosewood for an electric body, but quite a few acoustic guitar makers use it for backs/sides. Taylor comes to mind.

2001-08-10, 18:28
Drunken Yeti God
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Personally, I dont' mind Ibanez's at all, some of them that I've played are really nice...
Hmm, maybe I was mistakenly thinking about the fretboard as opposed to the body...oh well, it happens 

2001-08-10, 18:34
k fine ibanez is the greatest guitar ive ever played,its the best sounding guitar ever,the founder of ibanez is a genius,nothing beats ibanez,they make the best copy floyd roses,especially the flat ones that dont stay in tune,but who cares...
they have so much sustain with there bolt-on necks and di marzio pick ups,its the best sounding guitar ive ever played

2001-08-10, 18:40
Drunken Yeti God
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You just totally changed your opinion from your last post 

2001-08-10, 19:13
according to everyone here they all think ibanez is the greatest....
all ibanez wants is money to make more bullshit.
costs $700 for an S series? hahaha
your all fucking brainwashed by ibanez,theres other ways to go then just ibanez

2001-08-10, 20:16
Drunken Yeti God
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Can't be everyone here. I for one know it isn't the case for me, since I like Gibson's better, but in my opinion, not all Ibanez's are bad to play on, so don't get all pissy because someone has a different opinion than your own.

2001-08-10, 23:45
New Blood
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Perhaps you could try some Ibanez therapy. Start with an S-classic series with a fixed bridge and work your way up to a K-7. 

2001-08-11, 01:12
New Blood
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My Gibson flying V is my fav, followed by my bc rich ironbird.


2001-08-11, 01:18
Drunken Yeti God
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Hehe, I love my Gibson ES 335 

2001-08-11, 01:47
K7 sucks you must be a korn fan,because thats korn signature series guitars.
and theres no way i will ever use a copy floyd rose bridge,and i dont paly fixed bridges i dont know about you but i wanna stay in tune

2001-08-11, 03:38
New Blood
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Hey Darrell- If it makes you feel any better, I prefer B.C. Rich over anything else too. 
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2001-08-11, 04:42
New Blood
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shit dude, i've been playing the guitar for 8 years and i still suck!


2001-08-11, 16:07
Drunken Yeti God
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Why do you think you still suck?

2001-08-11, 16:24
New Blood
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well...i guess i'm ok...i just never practiced or anything...only played when i wanted to. I'm sure if I had been practicing ever day and really working at it i'd be a hell of alot better. oh well 

2001-08-11, 16:28
Drunken Yeti God
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Hehe, so a tad on the lazy side eh? I'm with you on that one 
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2001-08-13, 09:44
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i would have to say that my favorite brand is Jackson. i like the feel, the playabillity, etc. i was at the music store one day and i compared the Jackson to an Ibanez, and the sales clerk was even telling me that he thought i would like Jackson better than Ibanez. he said you can tell just by playing it that the Jackson feel's new, and has better tone and shit. i tried the both out, and i just had to agree with him. i guess Ibanez is alright but i like Jackson alot better.
Tammie Big Nuts saved my soul in africa today.
Last edited by atifman : 2001-08-14 at 03:25.

2001-08-15, 05:49
my favorite is Bc Rich & Washburn
best sounding ive ever heard is any usa made Rich or Washburn.I have customs made with Koa * Korin.
i hate import guitars,there cheaply made
and never get an esp,cause there always imported

2001-08-16, 00:15
New Blood
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anything that makes a good V, i love V's, i dont have one but id like to own one, i think the gibson lespaul is nice, my frend has , i was jamming on it its pretty sweet, his esp ltd thing is pretty cool too, and that B.C. Rich Beast looks pretty sweet
Take My Hand And Let Go Of Your Life

2001-08-16, 07:00
the beast is shit.trust me.
its made of the lightest wood,chesswood,which hs knots in it,even in the guitar,its very light,it sounds hollow,and it sounds like shit.
if you want the beast call up rich and order the real Deicide custom Beast,its totally different wood and has emg-81's its neck-thru...etc..
if anyone ever thinks of getting it from musicians friend,forget about it,youll regret it.
thats why they lowered the price from $800 to a web special of $350

2001-08-16, 09:59
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Wow, sounds neat 
I am a Katham.
Atifman wrote: 'Katham is from Hungary, hö?'
Godflesh is good.

2001-08-18, 00:01
New Blood
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alright man,thats good you told me cuz one of my frends was gonna buy the beast from muscians frend, thanks alot, what about the dime bag guitar, im not sure what thereclled, how that one? 
Take My Hand And Let Go Of Your Life

2001-08-18, 05:44
which Dime model?
i hope not the 332 (the tune-o-matic) because that piece of shit is made of compressed wood.
the 333,is imported (and i fuckin hate imported axe's)...its alright its bolt-on (i hate that to!!) but other than that its ok
the *3* is the USA series!! yeahh!! its a set neck,original Floyd,flamed maple,rosewood fingerboard....i would tell your friend to get the 3 model.

2001-08-18, 14:22
Drunken Yeti God
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I don't mind playing on the 333, but Dude's right. The 332 is a piece of shit...
I don't know about the ST though...anyone played a Stealth before?
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2001-08-18, 17:34
New Blood
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i dunno i just really dont care what brand it is as long as it isnt a complete piece of shit. i myself have a yamaha and im quite happy with it
Life's for my own to live my own way
-James Hetfield

2001-08-19, 21:30
Stealth's are built a little better,and It even sounds good and has the right amount of sustain even with the bolt-on neck.

2001-08-23, 21:57
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I am all for Jackson guitars, although sometimes I find them a bit hard to play, like you have to fight the guitar to play it. Jacksons are excellent solo guitars. PRS guitars are also very nice.
Speaking of guitars, Guitar Center pisses me off. They have a whole gigantic wall full of useless fender guitars and a tiny section for the guitars that are worth playing. It would be nice if they carried more guitar and amplifier brands.

2001-08-23, 22:06
Drunken Yeti God
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Originally posted by Atheist
Speaking of guitars, Guitar Center pisses me off. They have a whole gigantic wall full of useless fender guitars and a tiny section for the guitars that are worth playing. It would be nice if they carried more guitar and amplifier brands.
You're not kiddin man...GC really annoys me sometimes too, especially with amplifiers.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2001-08-23, 23:10
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yeah, they always have more Fenders in music shops because older people like to buy them, and first-time players (i know too many people where their first guitar was a fender squier).
My guitar brand of choice? I like just about any guitar that has a double-locking tremelo, at least 22 frets, looks good, and of course sounds good, but i prefer Jacksons and Ibanezs.

2001-08-25, 17:01
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my ibanez was my first guitar i love it, but i never knew how good it could be till i replaced alotta the factory shit on it. but as far as my favorites ill say ESP. thats my other guitar and i fucking love it to death
Go home, throw your T.V.'s in the fire place and jack yourself off into oblivion.

2001-09-03, 18:38
My favorite guitar brand(s) would have to be,Bc Rich and Washburn...other words anything made in the USA and has a Floyd Rose on it. 

2001-09-05, 20:11
Pussy Pulverizer
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I'm torn between Jackson and B.C. Rich.
I wish B.C. Rich would start mass producing King "V's".
That would be my guitar of choice!
You fucking wanker!

2001-09-05, 22:31
The Devil
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Well, i only have one guitar, and it's a custom Samick.....licensed floyd rose bridge with 24 frets and a rosewood fingerboard. It's not my favorite kind, but i didn't have much money, plus it was used. But it plays very nicely, and it's easy to move along the fretboard.....just gotta get new pickups.
My favorite brands though, would probably be bc rich, jackson, and a few washburns.
The brand i HATE the most....Fender....the model.....stratocaster......cause everyone thinks it's the best, and it's total garbage.
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2001-09-06, 01:27
Drunken Yeti God
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Originally posted by memnoch
The brand i HATE the most....Fender....the model.....stratocaster......cause everyone thinks it's the best, and it's total garbage.
Fender can fucking suck my ass through a crazy straw. I'm serious. Fenders, and strats in particular, have to be the most overpriced pieces of shit I've ever played in my life!
And just for anyone who thinks I'm talking out of my ass, I've played at least 6 different strats...
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2001-09-06, 02:26
The Devil
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I just hate how every "popular" band these days are playing them.....like blink 182 and sum41 (i think).....and a few others.
The shape (personally) i think sucks total shit.....i prefer the step up, soloist type of shape, more metally i find. Or any crazy shape that washburn and bc rich can think of! 
Through me you pass into the city of woe
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Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
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2001-09-06, 03:16
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Originally posted by walpurgis
Fender can fucking suck my ass through a crazy straw. I'm serious. Fenders, and strats in particular, have to be the most overpriced pieces of shit I've ever played in my life!
And just for anyone who thinks I'm talking out of my ass, I've played at least 6 different strats...
really?? a standard Stratocaster (not Squier)? i think differently. i played one and it was so easy to play and it had good tone. but oh well.

2001-09-06, 19:34
Drunken Yeti God
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Yes. A Fender strat...I do know the difference.
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2001-09-07, 14:18
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In my opinion, Fender Stratocasters are the best ones for thick groovy beat chords, punkish riffs, and neo-gothic (Scott Ayers  ) solos. I use it for my grindcore band, and sometimes for my black/neo-gothic/gothic metal band for neo-gothic solos (but ONLY for neo-gothic solos, it isn't worths to do any black metal solos/riffs with it)
I am a Katham.
Atifman wrote: 'Katham is from Hungary, hö?'
Godflesh is good.

2001-09-09, 20:48
I think Fenders just sound good in fuckin inbred country music.There not good for anything else,not even the ones with a Floyd Rose,there's not even a fuckin cavity in the body for it! what the shit is that!!?!

2001-09-11, 04:35
New Blood
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 Goddamn Who Gives A Rats Ass Where The Guitar Comes From...And Get A Ibanez if you cant find the right one look for another ibanez cuz i know they make some good ass shit its just hard to find...well at least for me...maybe cuz im lazy. Well they make good guitars dont let the other guitar people put ibanez down.
Wait a minute...umm you should get a fender they make some really good ones!!
You May Make Fun Of Me..
You May Talk Shit...
But You Have No Fucking Life.
Last edited by atifman : 2001-11-08 at 20:31.

2001-09-16, 02:21
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good suggestion, Package, but the good Fenders are only the expensive ones.

2001-09-16, 05:16
actually,i went to a guitar shop thursday and played the Malmsteen series fender,and it sounds way the hell better than any fucking alder body cheap ibanez.this didnt even have a floyd rose because it had sperztel tuners and it kicked ass,and just something to add,it looked way fuckng better than any ibanez.
Last edited by atifman : 2001-11-08 at 20:24.

2001-09-16, 21:34
Drunken Yeti God
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Yeah, well I don't know him god damn it. Quit telling me this shit, because the only person being an ass is you, "trust me."
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2001-09-17, 00:54
New Blood
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Man, Morbid you hate everything whos the one that was going to get the ibanez s series...you ...i like other guitars to..not just ibanez. 
You May Make Fun Of Me..
You May Talk Shit...
But You Have No Fucking Life.

2001-09-17, 01:45
yeah your also the one that said you hate Washburn.which is a good brand.for a fact.
and i do have an S series what are you talking about? i only customized it to make it better than the stock version.its made of shitty wood though and has no sustain whatsoever.

2001-09-17, 02:57
New Blood
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i like Washburn..i like all guitars. i just wont ever get a washburn. 
You May Make Fun Of Me..
You May Talk Shit...
But You Have No Fucking Life.

2001-09-17, 21:15
why not?
oh yeah,because Dime uses them.

2001-09-30, 08:32
New Blood
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You all are happy people, because I live in Czech rep. and there are no Guitar centers or USA made guitars, weve got only two shops with el guitars + im left-handed and to get a lefthanded guitar is fucking hard. The only affordable choice for me was an Ibanez, wich has 3 left handed el. models, i think. GRX20, RG470 and S470 series. grx is piece of shit and s470 was too expensive. So i own rg470 and i think it sounds fine, but only for power/speed metal. And it is superfast for solos, because of the wizard neck.

2001-09-30, 18:10
thats the only good thing that ibanez makes,is wizard necks.most of the time all the rg series necks fucking suck,there to round.i like bc rich or washburn flat necks.i think those are the best necks for solos.
but whats stupid about ibanez is,all there necks are bolt-on,dont they have the time to make good quality guitars? every mainstream trendster out there has ibanez and prs guitars,you think ibanez would have the money to make some new decent models that are made in usa.
but i guess they dont,oh well.i wont use them ever anyway.

2001-09-30, 18:12
Drunken Yeti God
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Um, what's a wizard neck?

2001-09-30, 18:32
some dumbass neck that dumbass ibanez makes.

2001-09-30, 18:34
Drunken Yeti God
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What's the difference between the "dumbass neck" on the Ibanez's and the "dumbass neck" on a Gibson or Washburn?

2001-09-30, 18:38
Gibson necks are cool.

2001-09-30, 18:43
Drunken Yeti God
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You think you could be a little more specific and explain to me about the wizard necks?

2001-09-30, 18:50
i never said anything about a dumbass washburn or bc rich (gibson) neck!!
i was talking about IBANEZ necks.i didnt sy washburn or BC RICH was dumb.I never even said anything about gibson,christ....

2001-09-30, 18:53
Drunken Yeti God
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The brand name is irrelevant. Nevermind.

2001-09-30, 18:58
New Blood
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Why do you hate Ibanez?

2001-09-30, 19:28
The Devil
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The question still remains......what the hell are wizard necks? Please, someone give an intelligent answer this time.
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Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2001-09-30, 19:55
New Blood
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Ok Wizard has, as far as i know two types of Wizard neck.
6 string
Wizard I 25.5"wich is
Width at nut: 43mm
Thickness at 1st fret: 17mm
Fingerboard radius: 430mm
Thickness 12th fret: 20mm
Width at 12th fret: 56mm
and Wizard II 25.5"
Width at nut: 43 mm
Thickness at 1st fret: 19mm
Fingerboard radius: 400mm
Thickness 12th fret: 21mm
Width at 12th fret: 56mm
7 string
Wizard-7 27"
Width at nut: 48 mm
Thickness at 1st fret: 21.5mm
Fingerboard radius: 430mm
Thickness 12th fret: 23mm
Width at 12th fret: 65mm
Ibanez neck are maybe the thinnest in world and are superfast for soloing, thats why Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and I play them.
Is it enough ?? 
Last edited by Ras_IMPerator : 2001-09-30 at 19:58.

2001-09-30, 19:59
Drunken Yeti God
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2001-09-30, 20:01
The Devil
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Same here!
Thanks for the info!!
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To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2001-09-30, 20:07
New Blood
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No problem, ill be watching for Morbids reply on this. 

2001-09-30, 20:11
The Devil
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lol, i'll do the same.
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Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2001-10-01, 03:53
fuck you, Ras....all of you are up against me because i dont know what a wizard neck is!...thats fucked up
I can really care less about this "wizard" neck.Fuck,i can solo on a fender strat,it doesnt make a difference on how "thin" a neck is.
I dont know jack shit about Ibanez,because i dont like them,they suck,there cheaply made,and I dont care for them.
You picked the wrong guy to ask about jap guitars.because i dont play them.
and why do you have to bring my name up "oh well,uh,lets see what Morbid has to say about this"
what was that about?
are you just trying to be competitive on how much you know more than me?
thats pretty messed up man.

2001-10-01, 03:56
The Devil
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I think he just wanted to see how you'd reply to his message because you claimed to have known what Wizard necks are because you made fun of them.....so, usually, if someone makes fun of something, it is because they know what they are making fun of, and have reason to do it.....just making fun of stuff you don't even know is foolish and childlike.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2001-10-01, 20:25
Drunken Yeti God
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Yeah I had figured that you knew what they were too, and were just being a smartass about telling me.

2001-10-01, 21:01
I dont know the "exact measurements" like this Ras.But,i have played these so called thin necks at guitar center ect...
and they were to round.And hard to play.
So,yes,I do know what im making fun of.Just because I dont know the exact width and height and everything else,doesnt mean shit.

2001-10-01, 22:57
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 9
I didnt mean nothing against you "6MORBID6ANGEL6". I only wanted you to know, that if I say that Ibanez isnt as bad as you say, I say that because i know what im talking about. You may played it few times in Guitar Center, but i play it for a few years.
And whats this all about, good guitar player can play any guitar, even that fender strat can be good. Many people here say that Fender is overpriced piece of shit, but look on Jazz forum, they rate it as the most versatile guitar. It just a matter of opinion.

2001-10-02, 01:07
no shit,but why did you have to bring my name up and act like a jerk "oh well lets see how morbid replys on this"
you didnt need to bring my damn name up.
lets just keep it at that,dont say anymore shit about this in the thread.its done.

2001-10-02, 03:39
Drunken Yeti God
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Location: BangHer, Washington
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Jesus Christ you guys are bitchy...

2001-10-02, 05:24
Speak for yourself.
And I said don't talk about this again.Its stupid.

2001-10-02, 22:31
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 9
Have you ever played Kramer ?? I played model with two double humbuckers, thats 8 singles and thats fucking cool.

2001-10-03, 01:48
Once,ive seen only a custom Kramer with that setup.It looked bad ass.

2001-10-03, 11:47
New Blood
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 5
Throwing my 2c in..
I play, and have always plaid Ibanez... before all these nu-metal bands adopted it....
Sorta annoys be a bit that they all use Ibanez... but still.. IMO... great guitars.... sure .. they are much better... that cost a boat load more too... The neck just seems to fit me perfectly.... each to their own I say..

2001-10-04, 02:48
all the nu-metal bands all use gibson,prs or ibanez all in drop d tuning these days.....*sigh*
jesus christ,this cycle will never end....drop d shit... 

2001-11-06, 16:03
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: MICHIGAN
Posts: 1
Paul Reed Smiths,Fenders, and GIbsons are the best for any type of music.I put an EMG 81 in my PRS and it rips!It has the fat neck like a Gibson and the lightness of a Fender. 

2001-11-14, 20:35
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Louisville, Ky
Posts: 55
I agree with 6morbid6angel6, there is too much fuckin drop D shit going on now! I'm in a band and the other guitarist always tries to pull some drop D shit, man, it's like a disease or somptin.
By the way I have an ESP Ltd KH502 (Kirk Hammett) signature series guitar...it's the PooPoo ..it has skulls & crossbones for the 12 fret markers.. METALLICA, SLAYER, and PANTERA ...RULE!!!!!!!!!!
---> www.myspace.com/severthisillusion<---

2001-12-05, 02:33
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: SC
Posts: 4
Gibson for the scale length and fat sound. Jackson for the fast neck and small body size. 

2001-12-07, 15:55
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: UK,England
Posts: 4
Gibson SG's????????
Im thinkin of buying a Gibson SG Gothic! Im currently using Fender and i cant stand the tinny sound it gives. Has anyone tried out a Gibson SG?????

2001-12-07, 19:13
Drunken Yeti God
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Location: BangHer, Washington
Posts: 2,819
I've played a few, but you already talked to me about them, lol. 

2001-12-07, 20:10
The Devil
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Location: Banging your girlfriend.
Posts: 2,541
That SG gothic looks so awesome!!! Is it the one without inlays? God that'd be so cool to play!!! *extreme drooling*
Uh, however i've never played it......but Gibson is usually pretty good for sound......my buddy has an epiphone and it sounds pretty sweet. So i'd go with it, i trust Gibson. And if the guitar sounds as cool as it looks.....you might have one of the best sounding/looking guitars ever! (Well, apart from most of the BCRich series  )
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2003-07-17, 18:56
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 478
wow, this morbid dude sounds like ed roman........
i like the feel of a jackson but i dont have the cash. as of now, i have a bc rich warlock with an MG 85, but i think you guys already know that.
i love my axe

2003-07-17, 20:31
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 835
dude, this thread hasn't been opened for 2 years. Your just desperate to pimp your axe now. Yes, everyone knows, you have a BC rich and have put an EMG 85 in it, we've read, we've read. I'm hoping i'm not the only smart one who notices the dates on the bottom of the posts.
.hiding, the meaning of.
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