2004-08-20, 16:28
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Jeg er Samantha og jeg er NSBM. Norge er min hjos lind.

2004-08-20, 18:44
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agfa snortkin vashkinhic

2004-08-20, 19:08
Die Young.
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What is that? Kilngon?
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2004-08-20, 19:53
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
What is that? Kilngon?
Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Jeg er Samantha og jeg er NSBM. Norge er min hjos lind.
du snakke norse å?
well back to the topic at hand, anyone here has a bm project?

2004-08-20, 22:29
Supreme Metalhead
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anaal nathrakh
for godsake Cof isnt even a black metal band as far as im concerned, its more of a gothish heavy metal thing.
"When we watch star wars, we root for darth vader"-dani filth, ha what a dumbass

2004-08-21, 01:47
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
What is that? Kilngon?
... Is it true that ignorence is bliss?

2004-08-21, 01:51
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good to see more norsk speakers here
you all deserve a hug

2004-08-25, 09:11
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Originally Posted by Deimos
well back to the topic at hand, anyone here has a bm project?
I'm busy with a oneman bm band... I'm quite getting along with this drum software crap and the rest of the instruments I can do easily...
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2004-08-25, 09:57
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of course Im going to be the first one you hook up with your new shit right?

2004-08-26, 01:20
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Personally. I think black metal is no different from going to the circus to see bunch of clowns. LOL I don't mind some music. Like Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, and some others. But seriously I just like those bands cause they sing about different things. Almost every black metal band sings about the same fucking thing: Satan! Same goes for Deicide. Every song has Satan's name in it. I'm a gore hound myself. And I know alot of you are saying "But all they sing about is GORE" ok yes but they have different gore topics. One song would be called..oh..let's say. Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt while the other song is called Hammer Smashed Face or let's say one song is called Decrepit Cresendo and the other is called Funeral Fuck. Yes they are about gore. But they are about different gore topics. Now look at Satan. One Dark Funeral song is called The Arrival of SATAN'S army and the other An Apprentice of...*GASP!* Satan! Or Deicide...one song Fuck Your God and the other (get ready for it).....Mad At God!! Wow not much of a differece. It's seems ALMOST every armor wearing, guy in face paint is either trying to destroy churches or sacrafice some virgin. Now the music on the other hand is cool. Great guitar work the keyboards are cool. By the way I am not some bible thumper. I just think satan is just so overused. But then again so is gore. But blood and guts seems more real to me than some army of demons.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2004-08-26, 01:36
Wasted Custom User title
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I dont like black metal but sometimes I can listen to it. Its Ok every once in a while.
This is my signature.

2004-08-26, 05:09
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
Personally. I think black metal is no different from going to the circus to see bunch of clowns. LOL I don't mind some music. Like Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, and some others. But seriously I just like those bands cause they sing about different things. Almost every black metal band sings about the same fucking thing: Satan! Same goes for Deicide. Every song has Satan's name in it. I'm a gore hound myself. And I know alot of you are saying "But all they sing about is GORE" ok yes but they have different gore topics. One song would be called..oh..let's say. Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt while the other song is called Hammer Smashed Face or let's say one song is called Decrepit Cresendo and the other is called Funeral Fuck. Yes they are about gore. But they are about different gore topics. Now look at Satan. One Dark Funeral song is called The Arrival of SATAN'S army and the other An Apprentice of...*GASP!* Satan! Or Deicide...one song Fuck Your God and the other (get ready for it).....Mad At God!! Wow not much of a differece. It's seems ALMOST every armor wearing, guy in face paint is either trying to destroy churches or sacrafice some virgin. Now the music on the other hand is cool. Great guitar work the keyboards are cool. By the way I am not some bible thumper. I just think satan is just so overused. But then again so is gore. But blood and guts seems more real to me than some army of demons.
Im quite pissed tonight, so ill start this off with something ive posted in 2 other threads now, and tried to make my sig. but it wouldnt fit...
Today it hit me, most of you guys on this site have stated that metal is not about looks. Well, from my understanding, you seem to judge black metal ONLY by its looks. I've yet to see a constructive critical comment about black metal other than the usual bullshit about how most of its creators choose to dress. I for one, am not the type to use corpse paint and all that other bullshit, which will hopefully count in the end, but all of you bullshitters try to say how looks don't matter, but when it comes to black metal its all you can bitch about. Like for example, that thread that was in the chit chat a while back ... "what you do to look metal". Yeah, that, most of you claimed that looks don't matter. Oh, but black metal looks do matter, fuck you. Its really ironic how you talk so much shit about a style of music, A style of METAL no doubt, based simply on its look! Fuckin hypocrites, fuckin hypocrites.
Now to say Fuck you to YOU. Not all black metal lyrics are about satan. Some are about completely different things, For example, One of my favorite black metal badns, Mourn in silence, is not satanic...
Song number 4 from album Light of misery:
Heaven's sword
I'm the arcangel chosen by God
to fight and defeat the group of abject angels
Me saint warrior of heaven, armed with the creator's pity
will hunt you out of heaven and throw you
into the burning furnace.
"Love me"
My pity will hurt your pride
My sword your body
in your tears there wont be salvation
Michael i dont fight to remain in heaven
but to kill the highest number of his sons
cause he doesnt "love me"
and so He'll pay with his angels blood
and you, the chosen ones, hit to death
will fall with us in the deep oblivion
Lucifer, you proudness has driven you far from the light
your place now is in the shadow
where the warmth of love soesnt exist
where you swears wont reach the most high's ear
where there will be sorrow and chirping of teeth
...Me, saint warrior of heaven condemn you
and with my sword i create the existence
cancel each mistake of compassion
From my limbs it drops the blood of defeat
from my eyes the tears of conciousness
i percipitate behind in an ocean of fire
i see my brothers shouting and swearing
while falling with me
Light little by little dissapears to give to darkness
dont give up my seraph, the altar of compassion is far
and itll come the day in which my wounds heal up
and my army will recover the strenght and it will be then
that we'll com again from the darkness to fight.
Yeah, laugh all you want, this is my greatest interest you so blindly laugh at. Some people just need to accept other people and their things, especially if youve ever wanted the same in return. I like black metal for the feeling it gives me. Call this not black metal all you want, but if you heard this music (the way i do) without these not so "black metal" lyrics... I just dont know why you people talk so much shit
Last edited by timedragon : 2004-08-26 at 16:15.

2004-08-26, 11:09
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 381
i like blackmetal as well and i agree that alot of my favorites don't involve and satanic shit, but if i recall wasn't there a thread a while back where some dude was flipping out about how if black metal wasn't satanic or didn't have some anti god msg then it wasn't real black metal? while i don't agree it's just another string of flames that i remember. ok i'll shut up i'm going to bed
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-08-26, 16:11
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 279
Satanism is the common theme in black metal, most of bm bands logos, images and so on have some inverted crosses, inverted pentagrams with goat head inside and so on.
Some cases it is just propaganda, to introduce that what kind of music band are making. If you go to a record store and go look through hundreds of records, if there is a dark coloured record and you see some satanistic images on it, there might be a chance that it would include Black Metal (of course looking through track listing etc. also helps, but this thing is about the image), and to absurdly thinking, I wouldn't guess a record with some hippie flowers and colours on the layout as a Black Metal record.
The true believes of the band can be usually seen from the lyrics or their interviews.

2004-08-26, 16:24
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I wouldn't say the common theme is Satanism... but moreso Anti-Christianity.

2004-08-26, 17:55
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
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black metal must be verry grim
also very necro and cold
and it must be tr00 kvlt, or it isnt real black metal
did i mention grim
Too grim to function

2004-08-26, 21:33
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 2
Butterfly Temple
Black metal isnt really my thing i like some but i go for the folk stuff.
P.S. Gore sucks.
Last edited by WaylandLament : 2004-08-26 at 21:39.

2004-08-26, 23:00
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The folkish stuff as in NM?

2004-08-26, 23:04
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
Satanism is the common theme in black metal, most of bm bands logos, images and so on have some inverted crosses, inverted pentagrams with goat head inside and so on.
Some cases it is just propaganda, to introduce that what kind of music band are making. If you go to a record store and go look through hundreds of records, if there is a dark coloured record and you see some satanistic images on it, there might be a chance that it would include Black Metal (of course looking through track listing etc. also helps, but this thing is about the image), and to absurdly thinking, I wouldn't guess a record with some hippie flowers and colours on the layout as a Black Metal record.
The true believes of the band can be usually seen from the lyrics or their interviews.
ok then there can be black metal that doesn't insist on it being the whole lifestyle thing. i was sort of wandering that, cause a handful of the bm bands i've listened to i've talked to or read interviews really weren't that way at all anyway thats cool and thank you for not flaming me 
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-08-27, 00:25
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Originally Posted by sanderinos
I'm busy with a oneman bm band... I'm quite getting along with this drum software crap and the rest of the instruments I can do easily...
The drums and recording are holding me back. I can never get them the right way i want them. I need to find a drummer soon.

2004-08-27, 04:14
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by WaylandLament
Thats a first! except for when ive mentioned them. love them.


2004-08-27, 06:53
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
I wouldn't say the common theme is Satanism... but moreso Anti-Christianity.
Yes, that is true. But it is often channeled through satanism.

2004-08-27, 13:31
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
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havnt heard much bm.but watever ive heard they r all singing some anti christ shit
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
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2004-08-27, 16:24
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Originally Posted by sanderinos
I'm busy with a oneman bm band... I'm quite getting along with this drum software crap and the rest of the instruments I can do easily...
Using a drum machine?

2004-08-27, 17:34
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Originally Posted by Disincarnate
havnt heard much bm.but watever ive heard they r all singing some anti christ shit
Not all them have that theme.

2004-08-27, 20:44
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Deimos
Not all them have that theme.
Yes, it mostly depents on what their lyrics include and what are the bands' views, some sing about satanism, other sing about nietzschism, some national sosialism and so on.

2004-08-27, 20:46
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Using a drum machine?
I'm sure he's playing the drums, guitar and whatever else all at once.

2004-08-27, 23:25
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Toronto
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Originally Posted by timedragon
Im quite pissed tonight, so ill start this off with something ive posted in 2 other threads now, and tried to make my sig. but it wouldnt fit...
Today it hit me, most of you guys on this site have stated that metal is not about looks. Well, from my understanding, you seem to judge black metal ONLY by its looks. I've yet to see a constructive critical comment about black metal other than the usual bullshit about how most of its creators choose to dress. I for one, am not the type to use corpse paint and all that other bullshit, which will hopefully count in the end, but all of you bullshitters try to say how looks don't matter, but when it comes to black metal its all you can bitch about. Like for example, that thread that was in the chit chat a while back ... "what you do to look metal". Yeah, that, most of you claimed that looks don't matter. Oh, but black metal looks do matter, fuck you. Its really ironic how you talk so much shit about a style of music, A style of METAL no doubt, based simply on its look! Fuckin hypocrites, fuckin hypocrites.
Now to say Fuck you to YOU. Not all black metal lyrics are about satan. Some are about completely different things, For example, One of my favorite black metal badns, Mourn in silence, is not satanic...
Song number 4 from album Light of misery:
Heaven's sword
I'm the arcangel chosen by God
to fight and defeat the group of abject angels
Me saint warrior of heaven, armed with the creator's pity
will hunt you out of heaven and throw you
into the burning furnace.
"Love me"
My pity will hurt your pride
My sword your body
in your tears there wont be salvation
Michael i dont fight to remain in heaven
but to kill the highest number of his sons
cause he doesnt "love me"
and so He'll pay with his angels blood
and you, the chosen ones, hit to death
will fall with us in the deep oblivion
Lucifer, you proudness has driven you far from the light
your place now is in the shadow
where the warmth of love soesnt exist
where you swears wont reach the most high's ear
where there will be sorrow and chirping of teeth
...Me, saint warrior of heaven condemn you
and with my sword i create the existence
cancel each mistake of compassion
From my limbs it drops the blood of defeat
from my eyes the tears of conciousness
i percipitate behind in an ocean of fire
i see my brothers shouting and swearing
while falling with me
Light little by little dissapears to give to darkness
dont give up my seraph, the altar of compassion is far
and itll come the day in which my wounds heal up
and my army will recover the strenght and it will be then
that we'll com again from the darkness to fight.
Yeah, laugh all you want, this is my greatest interest you so blindly laugh at. Some people just need to accept other people and their things, especially if youve ever wanted the same in return. I like black metal for the feeling it gives me. Call this not black metal all you want, but if you heard this music (the way i do) without these not so "black metal" lyrics... I just dont know why you people talk so much shit
Ok first of all. When the fuck did I say it's not about looks? I am just stating the fact that so many bands are doing the corpse paint thing that it's become very boring to me. But that's IMO. I said the music was good. And I also said "almost every black metal band" I never said they all sing about satan. I thought you would have noticed I put up bands like Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir (ok not black metal persay but meh) and Immortal on my favourite bands list. I like those lyrics you put up since it is accually something a little different. That was probably one of the best songs I read that has Lucifer in it. Very good taste dude. I was not trying to pick a fight by the way. The first post said "What do you think about black metal" and I just put my oppinion.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2004-08-31, 22:31
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Black Metal
I've started to dislike black metal after some black metal dudes I talked to spoke ill of Deicide. There are cool black metal bands, but the dudes that take black metal to the extreme are stupid. Dimmu, Cradle and CoB are too overhyped by stupid teenagers.
black metal bands that are cool:

2004-09-01, 00:17
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD
I've started to dislike black metal after some black metal dudes I talked to spoke ill of Deicide.
Maybe because Deicide suck?

2004-09-01, 00:22
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Location: Toronto
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Maybe because Deicide suck?
Got that right. The music is alright but the lyrics suck ass.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2004-09-01, 03:39
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
The music is alright but the lyrics suck ass.
For the first few albums, it was decent... but boy do they ever blow the big one now.
Plus Glen Benton has the I.Q. of a rock.
P.S.: I apologize to all rockkind.

2004-09-01, 06:42
Pokémon Master
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you bloddy well should, rocks arent that low
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-01, 23:21
Lo, they do call to me...
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Location: virginia beach, VA
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benton tries to hard to be anti-christian, but i do like the music.
i am as of recently getting really into borknagar, and i would like to get an album of theres, any suggestions on which one, i actually prefer where they sing more than growl.
Too grim to function

2004-09-01, 23:28
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I hate Deicide.

2004-09-02, 16:27
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
i am as of recently getting really into borknagar, and i would like to get an album of theres, any suggestions on which one, i actually prefer where they sing more than growl.
Quintessence has more clean vocals, but eventhough musically the best is still their debut S/T, Borknagar. Truely a masterpiece of Pagan Metal.

2004-09-02, 16:52
Supreme Metalhead
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1. Emperor (Bow down, they are your new gods!)
2. Akercocke (fair enough, they are kinda death as well but they're in the middle of BM/DM)
3. The Children of Bodom (my pet name for 'em is "The Kidz"  )
4. Dimmu Borgir (Not as rough as I usually like BM but hell, they make some good tunes)
5. Old CoF stuff (everything up to and including Midian, then they just got silly)
Recently I saw a Maniac Butcher video, the video was bloody terrible but the actual music was pretty sweet, no idea what the track was though.

2004-09-02, 23:47
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Dyvim Tvar
1. Emperor (Bow down, they are your new gods!)
The only band mentioned worth a fuck. But what a fuck they are worth!

2004-09-03, 14:20
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Fleetwood, England
Posts: 592
The only band mentioned worth a fuck. But what a fuck they are worth!
I'm glad someone agrees! I never see people talking about Emperor anymore, it's like they are taboo or something 

2004-09-03, 15:29
New Blood
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Denmark
Posts: 9
I dont mention any names, but some of you guys should really do some BM-research before claiming CoB are BM.. I like CoB, but that's not relevant in this topic - just because they have borrowed various elements of different genres. Furthermore I would like to puke in disgust to whoever listening to BM while being Christian. I'll kill you!!!
Some of the best BM-bands - new and old:
Ad Hominem
Anaal Nathrakh
Black Dawn
Carpathian Forest
Dark Funeral
Dimmu Borgir
Judas Iscariot
”The most merciful thing in the world . . . is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.”
- H. P. Lovecraft

2004-09-03, 15:52
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: the putrefying road in the nineteenth extremity
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^^^ that too in alphabetical order !!! tr00 ist-krieg kvltness !!! \m/
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2004-09-03, 16:34
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Originally Posted by Deimos
Not all them have that theme.
Yeah, like Paganism, or National Socialism.

2004-09-03, 16:36
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The best part about Emperor- without a doubt- is Ihsahn. He MAKES the band in my opinion. I think it's just how many different styles he can sing. He can scream and he can SING. Sure, he has some pretty tacky ideas, in fact I was talking to Transient about it. But do I respect Ihsahn and adore his music? Without a doubt!

2004-09-03, 17:52
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 279
Ihsahn is sucky songwriter, Samoth made much better songs (old Emperor material).
~UlvedaL~, truely old Blut Aus Nord is damn good stuff, have you heard from Vindsval's other project, THE EYE?

2004-09-03, 18:26
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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darkthrone are one of my fav black metal bands, cant beat norsk arisk black metal
emperor arent racist though, are they?
ihsahns clean singing voice makes me get goose bumps

2004-09-03, 19:00
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by ~UlvedaL~
Furthermore I would like to puke in disgust to whoever listening to BM while being Christian. I'll kill you!!!
thats the most ignorant statement i have ever heard, you are a moldy twat
Too grim to function

2004-09-03, 19:07
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
thats the most ignorant statement i have ever heard, you are a moldy twat
He is totally correct with it, Black Metal is not a music for judeochristians as well Gospel music isn't for the ones who oppose christianity.

2004-09-03, 19:14
Lo, they do call to me...
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Location: virginia beach, VA
Posts: 2,209
Originally Posted by Decrepify
He is totally correct with it, Black Metal is not a music for judeochristians as well Gospel music isn't for the ones who oppose christianity.
it doesnt matter your beliefs, if you like the music, you like the music, i am strongly opposed to chritians beliefs, but if i like the music of a christian band, then ill listen to them.
Too grim to function

2004-09-03, 19:27
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
it doesnt matter your beliefs, if you like the music, you like the music, i am strongly opposed to chritians beliefs, but if i like the music of a christian band, then ill listen to them.
I wasn't talking about liking of the music, I was talking about for who the music is ment for, compare it to this: Is Grindcore ment for peace loving hippies? Yes, musical taste doesn't ask for your believes, but if you're ideologically totally against Black Metal ideologies, it would be hard to listen the music in a neutral way.

2004-09-03, 19:41
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Originally Posted by Transient
emperor arent racist though, are they?
No. i think... argh you got me thinking about that now...no its no.
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
it doesnt matter your beliefs, if you like the music, you like the music, i am strongly opposed to chritians beliefs, but if i like the music of a christian band, then ill listen to them
I'm starting to see more people think this. A kid at my school who goes to church listens to burzum .... But anyways it doesnt make sense to listen to music that your beliefs dont some how convey in the band's theme or ideology.

2004-09-03, 20:21
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Posts: 281
I've discussed this with so many people and they most all agree:
You dopn't have to agree with the message as long as you enjoy the music.
It's quite simple really. Anyone who disagrees is far too caught up in their fairytale "Black Metal" world.

2004-09-04, 00:06
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Glenn Benton "tries" to be anti-christian? Shut the fuck up already, dumbasses. What's it take? To do that little angry teenager shit like put make-up on or kill someone from another band? Deicide kicks ass. I'm sure even your stupid bands would agree. Burning churches? What are you, children? How much attention do you have to beg for? Let your fuckin' music do the talking, morons. 

2004-09-04, 00:11
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-04, 03:01
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
The best part about Emperor- without a doubt- is Ihsahn. He MAKES the band in my opinion. I think it's just how many different styles he can sing. He can scream and he can SING.
dunno about making the band, but i totally agree on the singing bit...the first time i saw him sing on emperial live i was literally jawdropped
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2004-09-04, 03:03
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Posts: 100
i agree to a degree that the make up and costumes are pathetic but its part of BM.
YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD - those chruch burnings made a statement. Granted its the 21st century and your gonna get caught.
i dont see whats the big deal ihsahn's singing.. ????

2004-09-04, 04:00
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD
Let your fuckin' music do the talking, morons. 
Tell that to Glen.
Oh that's right... his music is saying something like:
"We hate christians so much we're gonna use the same riff 45963543 times to show HOW much we hate them".

2004-09-04, 10:20
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
You dopn't have to agree with the message as long as you enjoy the music.
That is a bit complex to me, for example if you are a jew (not traditionally, but truely a believer), and you listen to some music where they sing about killing all jews and so on. And because of the holocaust in WW2 and the racial politics back then, it would very hard to listen to the music, even though you would like the music in its musical ways. This my point of this shit.

2004-09-04, 13:58
New Blood
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2004-09-04, 15:39
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i dont listen to christian bands , ever, i hate that shit
but i love anti religion bands

2004-09-04, 16:34
New Blood
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
thats the most ignorant statement i have ever heard, you are a moldy twat
Heck.. I'll kill you!! Goddamn hippie!!
”The most merciful thing in the world . . . is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.”
- H. P. Lovecraft

2004-09-04, 16:39
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Originally Posted by Transient
i dont listen to christian bands , ever, i hate that shit
but i love anti religion bands
I dont see why you hate religion bands. I don't there is no reason too.

2004-09-04, 17:03
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Decrepify
That is a bit complex to me, for example if you are a jew (not traditionally, but truely a believer), and you listen to some music where they sing about killing all jews and so on. And because of the holocaust in WW2 and the racial politics back then, it would very hard to listen to the music, even though you would like the music in its musical ways. This my point of this shit.
That would be an extreme example. That would be someone who is being bashed DIRECTLY and litening to it all the same.
I don't agree with Black Metal's general message, but I'm not offended by it, see?

2004-09-04, 17:11
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by AbbathGS
That would be an extreme example. That would be someone who is being bashed DIRECTLY and litening to it all the same.
I don't agree with Black Metal's general message, but I'm not offended by it, see?
Yes, but it seems that you aren't any christian(?), at least not a true believer because you don't get offended because of black metal's message (or otherwise you don't take its message seriously). These opinions of mine are about the ones who are ideologically totally against Black Metal, and how that affect to their listening of the Black Metal.

2004-09-04, 22:40
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Decrepify
Yes, but it seems that you aren't any christian(?), at least not a true believer because you don't get offended because of black metal's message (or otherwise you don't take its message seriously). These opinions of mine are about the ones who are ideologically totally against Black Metal, and how that affect to their listening of the Black Metal.
In that case, it might very well offend the listener, but otherwise, I don`t see how a non-believer would be shocked.
It comes with the territory I guess.

2004-09-04, 22:42
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Tell that to Glen.
Oh that's right... his music is saying something like:
"We hate christians so much we're gonna use the same riff 45963543 times to show HOW much we hate them".
Wow, thats a bold statement. It's really exaggerated. It's like Kerry King or Jeff Hanneman saying, "We hate god so much, we're gonna do the same riffs until he gets the message."
"Black" metal should be about the music, not dressing up like an evil KISS cover band.
Last edited by YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD : 2004-09-04 at 22:45.
Reason: mispelled something

2004-09-05, 10:12
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by AbbathGS
I don`t see how a non-believer would be shocked.
Yes, atheistic people. But I was talking about people who really believes (into that what they believe), not from people who are just traditionally christians (have christian traditions in their lives (like go to a church on sundays because it is a tradition in their community), but individualistically doesn't really care about the christianity in its spiritual level).

2004-09-05, 15:35
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD
"Black" metal should be about the music, not dressing up like an evil KISS cover band.
In many (most) cases, I find it is.
There`s much great music to be found in the genre (if it were all ideology, I wouldn`t even bother).

2004-09-05, 19:14
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Posts: 279
I see that Black Metal is the incarnation of some ideologies in our cosmos and without ideologies, there wouldn't been born a such of subject which is called as Black Metal. I mean that ideologies are only hidden views, thoughts, believes in our ranges of thoughts, but if those are channeled into our world, reality, those most be synthesized into our world. And what would help in this synthesizizion, it would be a form of art, like in this case, Black Metal. Also paintings, novels, texts have had those thoughts included far before Black Metal as a music even existed.
This means that Black Metal is made through the norms of your views, from your own individual perceptions. It is a channel into another person's inner thoughts, his own perceptions. And if it is made through artificial views, like with an artificial atmosphere, lyrics etc. It is not real, not true.
Last edited by Decrepify : 2004-09-05 at 19:24.

2004-09-08, 22:40
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Hammy
in no order:
there are more but i dont feel like listing them ALL
Why do I feel as if you have listed all you know?

2004-09-09, 05:02
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
Ok first of all. When the fuck did I say it's not about looks? I am just stating the fact that so many bands are doing the corpse paint thing that it's become very boring to me. But that's IMO. I said the music was good. And I also said "almost every black metal band" I never said they all sing about satan. I thought you would have noticed I put up bands like Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir (ok not black metal persay but meh) and Immortal on my favourite bands list. I like those lyrics you put up since it is accually something a little different. That was probably one of the best songs I read that has Lucifer in it. Very good taste dude. I was not trying to pick a fight by the way. The first post said "What do you think about black metal" and I just put my oppinion.
I was really bitchy and offended that night, and drunk. But I didnt mean to be so. I am just confused about the whole black metal thing because i play it(if you heard my band) and i am in fact not anti-christian. im not anti anything! I accept all people and what they believe so it angers me when people think that only anti christs can play black metal. That is like saying that only satanic people can paint a portrait of demons! I only feel endless examples when i really think about it. Examples that further feed my belief

2004-09-09, 13:49
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Deimos
I dont see why you hate religion bands. I don't there is no reason too.
Old Living Sacrifice is pretty good, and so is some Extol. Not black metal, but it still goes to show you that just because a band is Christian doesn't mean that they suck.
although most band that do have religious overtones are generally shitty.
This goes back to another point of mine, that a band's lyrical and "ideological" themes should not be something that affects whether or not you like them. The music is what is important.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-09, 13:55
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Deimos
i agree to a degree that the make up and costumes are pathetic but its part of BM.
YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD - those chruch burnings made a statement. Granted its the 21st century and your gonna get caught.
i dont see whats the big deal ihsahn's singing.. ????
At least we can agree on that. I think it would be nice to see a good black metal band that doesn't feel that they have to do the norm and wear corpse paint; although Marduk eventually weened itself off of corspe paint... minus Legion, the goofy twat.
Originally Posted by Decrepify
That is a bit complex to me, for example if you are a jew (not traditionally, but truely a believer), and you listen to some music where they sing about killing all jews and so on. And because of the holocaust in WW2 and the racial politics back then, it would very hard to listen to the music, even though you would like the music in its musical ways. This my point of this shit.
You've finally made me believe that it does have an effect, but only to a degree.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-09, 18:27
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Dissection
This goes back to another point of mine, that a band's lyrical and "ideological" themes should not be something that affects whether or not you like them. The music is what is important.
I have noticed that there are two kind of extremities within Black metallers, other side prefers for BLACK metal and other side prefers for black METAL. And between that there are a lot of people who prefer more/less for these extremities.
And that how ideologically or musically they see Black Metal affects to their opinions of ideologies, how important they are in Black Metal as same time this happens in the musical side of Black Metal. I mean that this affects to their opinions of what is so-called "true"/"real" Black Metal and what isn't.
Eg. Ideologically Graveworm isn't Black Metal, but musically it is. And the ones who prefers more for BLACK metal, will say that Graveworm just isn't Black Metal and those who prefers more for black METAL definitely says that it is Black Metal.
This distribution usually causes many argumentations and conflicts, as we might have noticed on this board 

2004-09-09, 18:46
bugfucker strikes back.
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Yeah, no kidding.
In black metal news:
Newly formed band INVERTED CHEWBACCA has finished the lyrics for their upcoming album "THE UNHOLY NECROWIZARD OF HOTH."
1.)Depths of Hoth
2.)Ackbar is a Hack
3.)Falling into the Darkside
5.)The Unholy Necrowizard’s Lair
6.)Fight of the Necrowizard
8.)Transylvanian Hunger
9.)Black Metal
And no, I'm not kidding. I actually wrote 7 songs. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-09, 19:31
Death to all but metal!
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Emperor is the only Black Metal I like
Varg is seriously one bad joke
Thrash rules
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-09-09, 19:48
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
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1.) Emperor is snooze metal.
2.) Anyone who calls Bodom BM is a fucking moron.
3.) No shit, really?
4.) Only some thrash is good. Most of it is boring.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-10, 09:43
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Emperor is the only Black Metal I like
I must say that only old Emperor was good, the new is some crappy pseudo-Black Metal. Anthems.. was their last good one and through IX.. the downfall begun, and the Prometheus was the climax of the downfall. There were no epic atmosphere on that album, the music structure was just some boring riffs (recycling of old), ethereally 'fast' music, boring vocals (especially the clean ones were very bad) etc.
And I must ask that why Ihsahn wanted to release Prometheus under Emperor's name, maybe for the money, eh? Thus, Prometheus sounded just indentical as Ihsahn's (and his wife's) project Peccatum does, why they didn't release Prometheus under it's name? Yes, Emperor's name is bit reputative/famous that any other Ihsahn's projects, but for a description that "Hey! Ihsahn of EMPEROR plays in this band!! It is KVLT!" would have helped.

2004-09-10, 11:30
bugfucker strikes back.
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Yeah, I fell asleep to Prometheus. As did I their live DVD.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-10, 19:56
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Dissection
1.) Emperor is snooze metal.
I love Dissection (The band), but it's easy to bash them too:
"They use the same exact drum fills time and time again. The riffs are laden with those combination hammer-on/pull-off kicks that end up sounding the same."
Emperor made some of the most innovative music in the mid-90's. I can't see how anyone would think of them as boring.

2006-08-21, 10:49
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Originally Posted by FilthyGod
I was just curious to hear what other people think about Black Metal. What's
your top 5 black metal bands? And what do you think about COF, do you
think they've sold out? I like them but I think their too sold out.
1. Ancient Ceremony
2. Children of Bodom
3. Dimmu Borgir
4. Borknagar
5. Dark Funeral
When I read this, and most other replies, I can't but pray that this is a joke (of course, one can't expect much else from people that call themselves 'YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD'-did you even read the Holy Bible? Do you know the meaning of 'doctrine'?)
And all this crap about Jon Nodtveid's death, who cares? He's dead. Probably because of yoùr kind. Same goes for those 2 Mayhem members, and the Mayhem/Burzum thing. Who cares.
I've never liked Dissection (and Mayhem), and it'll remain like that
As for on topicness:
Watain, DsO, Funeral Mist, Antaeus, ...
In other words: bands that put conceptual works and songwriting before so called 'blasphemy' and other 'extremities'.
Last edited by Wolfsherz : 2006-08-21 at 10:53.

2006-08-21, 11:03
Life is pain.
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2006-08-21, 13:46
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 354
wow the post before the last 2 is from like 2004
well since the thread is back....
I dont have a top 5 because im new to the genre
CoF-Fav band so i dont really care what you think if a band is mainstream and i like it then,well i like it,Nymphetamine was a little wierd aside from Gilded Cunt,Nemesis,Medusa And Hemlock,Nymphetamine,Mother of Abominations,old stuff is better

2006-09-08, 12:15
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aynone heard Skydom?

2006-09-08, 21:53
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Originally Posted by Wolfsherz
When I read this, and most other replies, I can't but pray that this is a joke (of course, one can't expect much else from people that call themselves 'YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD'-did you even read the Holy Bible? Do you know the meaning of 'doctrine'?)
And all this crap about Jon Nodtveid's death, who cares? He's dead. Probably because of yoùr kind. Same goes for those 2 Mayhem members, and the Mayhem/Burzum thing. Who cares.
I've never liked Dissection (and Mayhem), and it'll remain like that
As for on topicness:
Watain, DsO, Funeral Mist, Antaeus, ...
In other words: bands that put conceptual works and songwriting before so called 'blasphemy' and other 'extremities'.
my screen name is a morbid angel lyric you block and yeah, i have read the bible, not the whole thing entirely, but i read some of it a long time ago.
EDIT: and to fulfill your question, a doctrine is like a lesson plan, thats my cheap definition of it.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.
Last edited by YOUR_GOD_IS_DEAD : 2006-09-08 at 21:57.

2006-09-09, 19:35
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I'm eventually going to go onto one of my little "CD hunts" and get a few black metal cds. I only have Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth (Who I still like, depite how much they are going in the direction of selling out), Old Man's Child, Kovenant, and an Ep from Satyricon (Intermezzo II).
I've already got an idea from what bands to invest into;
More Satyricon
More Kovenant
Any recomendations?
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2006-09-09, 19:41
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
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Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
I'm eventually going to go onto one of my little "CD hunts" and get a few black metal cds. I only have Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth (Who I still like, depite how much they are going in the direction of selling out), Old Man's Child, Kovenant, and an Ep from Satyricon (Intermezzo II).
I've already got an idea from what bands to invest into;
More Satyricon
More Kovenant
Any recomendations?
Oh fuck, Immortal all the way. Sons of Northern Darkness and At the Heart of Winter are the only ones I have right now but they are so fucking unbelievable.  Most of the people who are so black metal they wear corpsepaint when they shower think those are the sellout records but don't listen to them. Peter Tagtegran produced Sons of Northern Darkness and it makes it so much heavier.
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-09-09, 20:01
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: St. Louis
Posts: 3,003
Wait! How could you wear corpse paint when you shower? Wouldn't it wash off easily?
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2006-09-09, 20:20
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 1,278
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
Wait! How could you wear corpse paint when you shower? Wouldn't it wash off easily?
.....lol, yes it would. I probably should have put the sarcastic smiley after that sentence. 
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-09-09, 23:47
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
I'm eventually going to go onto one of my little "CD hunts" and get a few black metal cds. I only have Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth (Who I still like, depite how much they are going in the direction of selling out), Old Man's Child, Kovenant, and an Ep from Satyricon (Intermezzo II).
I've already got an idea from what bands to invest into;
More Satyricon
More Kovenant
Any recomendations?
i really liked Dissection's releases, except their latest one.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.

2006-09-10, 04:00
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Originally Posted by Blood Red Bass
.....lol, yes it would. I probably should have put the sarcastic smiley after that sentence. 
Yeah. I'm kind of stupid, if you haven't noticed.
"The first step to full recovery is admitting you have a problem."
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2006-09-14, 04:08
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humm it's not exactly one of my favourite genres, but i'd have to say....borknagar [they're more..symphonic..though....], immortal, dark funeral, mystic forest, and emperor. and most likely a couple i'm not thinking of. like maybe darkthrone or something. >.>
im in ur srvr
eatin ur dataz
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
doom metal tries to invoke the feeling of being a really fat guy stuck in the trash compactor from Star Wars IV

2006-09-14, 17:35
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Actually my bassist resently got me into Black Metal a bit more. I really didn't like it at first but now I think it's kinda cool. I've been listen to some Mayhem, Arkhon Infaustus, Immortal, Dark Funeral, In Memorium, They Infernal and Belphegor (they are sort of Blackend Death but they still fucking rule. My favourite Black Metal band next to Venom)
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2006-09-19, 14:23
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3
For all you people looking for classic Black Metal, check out the following:
Mayhem - Deathcruch, Live in Leipzig and De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Burzum - First 4 albums
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Transylvanian Hunger
Bathory - The Return, Under the Sign of the Black Mark and Blood Fire Death
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Anyone looking for new(ish) Black Metal, check out anything by:
Axis of Perdition
"The world of madness is a lot bigger than the world of sane" - Charles Manson.

2006-09-19, 14:42
Life is pain.
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December Wolves you gay fag.

2006-09-19, 21:54
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Another great upcoming band: Keep of Kallesin
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2006-09-19, 22:35
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 379
Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
Another great upcoming band: Keep of Kallesin
I just ordered Armada yesterday, cant wait to get it
Keep Of Kalessin
Woods Of Ypres
Dark Funeral
Hate Forest
Rotting Christ
Kult Ov Azazel
Impaled Nazarene
Carpathian Forest
Judas Iscariot
Meh, Im much more a death metaller than a black metaller :/
Last edited by Hecatomb : 2006-09-22 at 16:40.

2006-09-19, 22:57
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by Hecatomb
I just ordered Armada yesterday, cant wait to get it
Keep Of Kalessin
Woods Of Ypres
Dark Funeral
Hate Forest
Rotting Christ
Kult Ov Azazel
Impaled Nazarene
Hecate Enthroned
Carpathian Forest
Judas Iscariot
Meh, Im much more a death metaller than a black metaller :/
quit a good list though

2006-09-19, 23:49
Join Date: Mar 2006
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dark ages
gontyna kry
averse sefira
all good.

2006-09-23, 14:30
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: vienna, austria
Posts: 5
the best BM is the old school from Norway and Sweden
f.e.: Norway : Burzum TAAKE Darkthrone Mayhem ..
Sweden Abruptum , Bathory , ...
German : Absurd , Bilskirnir ...
The best BM is the "heidnische"
COF jumped on the Bm Mainstream and is a group of sissies

2006-09-25, 02:14
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Forgive my ignorance, since I don't really listen to Black Metal (though I do like Emperor and Dimmu Borgir) but what in the fuck does KVLT mean?
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