2004-06-29, 02:28
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timedragon. Have you tried this Valar, it's a project band of the leader of Azaghal and Wyrd. It sounds almost indentical as Summoning do. Symphonic and Atmospheric black metal using also J.R.R. Tolkien's novels in their main theme (well it could be noticed direct from their name, Valar). They have released amazing Magic and Wyrmfire full-length, definitely worth to try.

2004-06-29, 02:57
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Identical as Summoning!!
It must be good then. It's just too bad that they used the same theme. They could have tried to diverge a little instead of being a full blooded clone.
As for Dimmu...it's a shame. They used to be gods.
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2004-06-29, 03:17
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Damn I hate my posting things so late in a thread, oh well...
1. ArthemesiA
2. Mayhem
3. Dark Funeral
4. Borknagar
5. Ebony Tears
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-06-29, 04:40
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
timedragon. Have you tried this Valar, it's a project band of the leader of Azaghal and Wyrd. It sounds almost indentical as Summoning do.
Great! thanks for the tip  . What time period of summoning are they closest to, considering the drastic changes summoning have made.
Monk: "they used to be gods". yeah, stormblast if fuckin beautiful!! (of coarse other albums are great, but i just wanted to compliment that one for now)

2004-06-29, 13:16
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
like many style of black metal.
The fuck is this? Styles of Black Metal? See, you are one of the idiots who puts EVERYTHING into the smallest sub-genre you can.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-29, 13:19
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
In my opinion black metal should not be commercial , not to be making it for money. Mostly black metal is done for it's ideology/theme, not for money. Money is just earthen shit, music is pure art. And good art is not often made by perforced methods. Dimmu Borgir has made most of their songs just for money or what would sell well.
Yeah, I guess thats why they call it a 'living,' right?
Don't try to argue with an "experienced black metaller." 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-29, 13:28
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Originally Posted by Dissection
The fuck is this? Styles of Black Metal? See, you are one of the idiots who puts EVERYTHING into the smallest sub-genre you can.
Grindcore is a sub sub genre 

2004-06-29, 13:42
bugfucker strikes back.
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I know, but black metal should not be divided into anything else. Its fucking stupid and pointless.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-29, 15:50
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Dissection
The fuck is this? Styles of Black Metal? See, you are one of the idiots who puts EVERYTHING into the smallest sub-genre you can.
Dissection is angry. Yeah, you are correct about that, black metal is black metal and it shouldn't be divided into sub-genres. I mentioned the style of playing stuff, not classifying. I sometimes use terms like 'symphonic' black or 'raw' black to make it clear what it sounds. Well I can say that both are black metal, but in a some sort of introductions / review of some bands music, it's good to use some term to express what kind of black metal it is. Not putting it into a sub-genre, just telling the style. EG. Dimmu Borgir's old black metal albums were much more symphonic than their latest stuff.

2004-06-29, 20:13
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Its fucking stupid and pointless.
A bit like Black Metal 
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-30, 01:15
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well here are mine
2.Abyssic Hate
5. (old) ...And Oceans

2004-06-30, 01:16
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
Dissection is angry. Yeah, you are correct about that, black metal is black metal and it shouldn't be divided into sub-genres. I mentioned the style of playing stuff, not classifying. I sometimes use terms like 'symphonic' black or 'raw' black to make it clear what it sounds. Well I can say that both are black metal, but in a some sort of introductions / review of some bands music, it's good to use some term to express what kind of black metal it is. Not putting it into a sub-genre, just telling the style. EG. Dimmu Borgir's old black metal albums were much more symphonic than their latest stuff.
I know this, but some people take it too far.
And John, don't post your opinion if you don't like it. Its fucking pointless, and annoying.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-30, 01:21
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well techincally their are different styles... i.e. nsbm... you could almost say folk..

2004-06-30, 18:51
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Originally Posted by Deimos
Great band! I just recently heard their Total Soul Rape full-length, and it sounded very good. I'm now going to buy their newest, Terror Propaganda. Let's see if it is as good as their debut.

2004-06-30, 19:14
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Terror Propaganda let me tell you is good. At the end of the first song Ablaze is just fucking evil 

2004-06-30, 21:14
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Dissection
And John, don't post your opinion if you don't like it. Its fucking pointless, and annoying.
It wasn't my opinion, it was a joke, hence the 
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-30, 21:21
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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in any case Jonathan, it was uncalled for, youre grounded! Go to your room!

2004-06-30, 21:40
Schrodinger's Cat
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Let's just say I couldn't resist - Dissection walked straight into it!
Maybe I can redeem myself a little. I really like In The Nightside Eclipse by Emperor. Hell I even learnt how to play Cosmic Keys To My Creation And Times - great song. Other than that album...
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-07-02, 02:06
New Blood
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Vehemence - Melodic Death Metal on Metal Blade Records http://www.vehemence.com

2004-07-02, 03:30
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You should be proud that your not black metal 
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-03, 02:41
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Originally Posted by Deimos
(old) ...And Oceans
I thought I was the only ...And Oceans fan here. The dynamic gallery of thoughts and the Symmetry of I are simply brilliant.

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2004-07-03, 21:59
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Ah, but you know im with you on that one as well, Monk


2004-07-03, 22:21
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verbranntes herz
Feel the ancient rite!

2004-07-04, 03:15
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Originally Posted by timedragon
Ah, but you know im with you on that one as well, Monk

Of course, sorry if I forgot you buddy. 
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2004-07-05, 00:19
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Lately, I have been loving Xasthur and Mutiilation. Emperor is still the top for me though.

2004-07-05, 00:44
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Lately, I have been loving Xasthur and Mutiilation. Emperor is still the top for me though.
Mütiilation's original releases might be bit hard to find, except their latest, Majestas Leprosus. I also would like to hear those older stuff from Mütiilation ( Vampires of Black Imperial Blood, Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul and Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)), besides mp3s. But paying those ridiculous prizes at eBay don't interest me.

2004-07-05, 00:57
bugfucker strikes back.
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I am still looking for more black metal on the lines of Darkthrone/Dark Funeral.
Help, anyone?
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-07-05, 14:55
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
Mütiilation's original releases might be bit hard to find, except their latest, Majestas Leprosus. I also would like to hear those older stuff from Mütiilation (Vampires of Black Imperial Blood, Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul and Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)), besides mp3s. But paying those ridiculous prizes at eBay don't interest me.
I got Vampires of Black Imperial Blood for cheep at a secong hand store (craziest fine ever) and Remains... fomr a friend who reformed and un-metaled himself. Its all good stuff really.
But that Xasthur, oh my. I'm loving right now.

2004-07-05, 16:18
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by AbbathGS
I got Vampires of Black Imperial Blood for cheep at a secong hand store (craziest fine ever) and Remains... fomr a friend who reformed and un-metaled himself. Its all good stuff really.
But that Xasthur, oh my. I'm loving right now.
Lucky.. How much did you paid for the Vampires..? I have seen prizes from 30 euros to even 200 euros for this release. I wish that Drakkar Productions would re-release this CD as soon as possible (as they did for Torgeist / Vlad Tepes split recently).

2004-07-05, 16:50
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
Lucky.. How much did you paid for the Vampires..? I have seen prizes from 30 euros to even 200 euros for this release. I wish that Drakkar Productions would re-release this CD as soon as possible (as they did for Torgeist / Vlad Tepes split recently).
I paid 40 Canadian Dollars (I don't think the store had an idea that it was worth as much as it is). A steal, that's for sure.

2004-07-06, 01:12
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I thought they did re-released Vampires of Black Imperial Blood and added a few tracks to it with a bathory cover.

2004-07-06, 11:56
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Originally Posted by Deimos
I thought they did re-released Vampires of Black Imperial Blood and added a few tracks to it with a bathory cover.
There is few official re-releases of Vampires of Black Imperial Blood.
Original Drakkar Productions (France) release CD from 1995 (lim. 1000 copies)
EAL productions (France) official re-release Double-LP from 1999 (lim. 100 copies). In this version there has been removed one track ( Born Under the Master's Spell) and added three bonus tracks ( Forests of an Evil Dream, Travels to Sadness, Hate and Depression and The Rite of Darkness (Bathory cover))
Drakkar Vinland official re-release CD from 2001 (lim. 500 copies). This is bit shitty version, most of the pictures and many other things has been removed from the original version.

2004-07-06, 18:57
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Originally Posted by The Dimmu Monk
I thought I was the only ...And Oceans fan here. The dynamic gallery of thoughts and the Symmetry of I are simply brilliant.

...and oceans is pretty cool, i have only heard like 2 or 3 songs by them, but i liked what i heard
Too grim to function

2004-07-07, 01:49
bugfucker strikes back.
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There is a French Black Metal band that kicks ass. Does anyone know who they are? I lost the post on Bolt.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-07-07, 02:11
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um there is alot of black legion bands that are good

2004-07-07, 12:17
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Originally Posted by Dissection
There is a French Black Metal band that kicks ass. Does anyone know who they are? I lost the post on Bolt.
I think there's many good French Black Metal bands around. I don't know which you are meaning, but here is some:
Vlad Tepes
Deathspell Omega
Seigneur Voland
Blessed in Sin
Peste Noire
Last edited by Decrepify : 2004-07-07 at 12:46.

2004-07-07, 16:32
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Deimos
um there is alot of black legion bands that are good
Yes, 4 of em'. 

2004-07-07, 17:22
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
I think there's many good French Black Metal bands around. I don't know which you are meaning, but here is some:
Vlad Tepes
Deathspell Omega
Seigneur Voland
Blessed in Sin
Peste Noire
Seigneur Voland are cool.
Ad Hominem is pretty sweet aswell (musicwise)

2004-07-07, 17:27
But why is the rum gone ?
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dark funeral kicks ass
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-07, 20:48
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Kristallnacht, Blessed in sin and seigneur voland made a cool split in 2000 or 2001, can't remember exactly.
Kristallnacht quit around 2002, he's drummer in Desolation Triumphalis nowadays (if they still excist)
I've got this book about french black metal bands dedicated to Mad Max.
Feel the ancient rite!

2004-07-07, 21:07
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Originally Posted by Pentacle
Kristallnacht, Blessed in sin and seigneur voland made a cool split in 2000 or 2001, can't remember exactly.
Yeah that's very good one. It was re-released recently (including Kristallnacht's Of Elitism and War album).
Originally Posted by Pentacle
Kristallnacht quit around 2002, he's drummer in Desolation Triumphalis nowadays (if they still excist)
I have always though that L.F (former of Kristallnacht) changed Kristallnacht's name into Desolation Triumphalis. Because L.F is doing every instruments and vocals in that band (as he did in Kristallnacht) and that band were formed somewhere in 2002-2003. Tell me if I am wrong, I don't really know about this thing.

2004-07-07, 21:30
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Well, I can quote something:
"My wish is to concentrate on my new band in which I play drums. The provisory band's name is DESOLATION TRIUMPHALIS. A split with BEKHIRA is planned as well as another one with HORNA (fin). No date or label can be anounced right now for both release."
Then he starts talking about his ideas which did not change. He also doesn't want to be linked to the circus around the (NS) black metal scene which is becoming boring and pathetic with all those discussions about "true and satanic".
"The bands who use NS as provocation, to <<hide>> their shit music or to search for a certain credibility or fame because of the trend can fuck off and die"
This statement is from September 2002, so around that time Desolation triumphalis was created. What he's up to nowadays I don't know.
some info about the split with Horna: http://www.mz.art.pl/reviews/desola...halis_horna.htm
Feel the ancient rite!

2004-07-07, 21:59
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Originally Posted by Pentacle
"My wish is to concentrate on my new band in which I play drums. The provisory band's name is DESOLATION TRIUMPHALIS. A split with BEKHIRA is planned as well as another one with HORNA (fin). No date or label can be anounced right now for both release."
I am just wondering who are the other members of Desolation Triumphalis?, if L.F is just a drummer? And why he would do the drums?, for example he used drum-machine in his Kristallnacht band, or if he didn't, there was a session drummer Lord Rimmon from Seigneur Voland and Infect. And in Seigneur Voland L.F made all guitars, so at least he would have done the guitars in Desolation Triumphalis. But if this is the truth then it is.

2004-08-14, 19:21
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
I am just wondering who are the other members of Desolation Triumphalis?, if L.F is just a drummer? And why he would do the drums?, for example he used drum-machine in his Kristallnacht band, or if he didn't, there was a session drummer Lord Rimmon from Seigneur Voland and Infect. And in Seigneur Voland L.F made all guitars, so at least he would have done the guitars in Desolation Triumphalis. But if this is the truth then it is.
You confuse me with your statement. Desolation Triumphalis is a one man band.

2004-08-14, 20:05
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Originally Posted by Deimos
You confuse me with your statement. Desolation Triumphalis is a one man band.
I think it is also so, but the L.F's self statement of Kristallnacht http://www.killtosurvive.org/renouv...ewK/kristal.htm (Quote: "My wish to concentrate myself on my new band in which I play drums. The provisory band's name is DESOLATION TRIUMPHALIS") confused me. Maybe it is just a wrong expression on what he is actually doing in that band (he plays real drums in there, and does all other stuff too).

2004-08-14, 20:24
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hmmm.... looks like he is tired of the elitism aspect. Is he still in Seigneur Voland?

2004-08-14, 20:27
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Originally Posted by Deimos
hmmm.... looks like he is tired of the elitism aspect. Is he still in Seigneur Voland?
Yes he was, they also split-upped recenlty. Their last gig was on this spring at Belgium. Though Kristallnacht werent the best stuff from France, Black Legions and Deathspell Omega are on the top.

2004-08-14, 20:34
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On the subject of Black Legions, in the one man band thread you said that mutiilation was a one man band but i have seen photos of mutiilation and there were 2 people not one... but to be honest i do not know thier history that well.

2004-08-14, 20:45
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Originally Posted by Deimos
On the subject of Black Legions, in the one man band thread you said that mutiilation was a one man band but i have seen photos of mutiilation and there were 2 people not one... but to be honest i do not know thier history that well.
Yes, there has been another member too. The bassist Mordred (who isn't in Mütiilation any longer, atleast he was on Vampires of Black Imperial Blood, but I don't know when he leaved), though Meyhna'ch has done all instruments/music/lyrics for now on (actually before too, besides bass), so I call it only a one man band.

2004-08-14, 20:50
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I always had the impression that one would guitars and do vocals and the other would play the drums... way off on that one.
On another note that bathory tribute i posted a while ago might not happen.

2004-08-14, 20:53
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Originally Posted by Deimos
I always had the impression that one would guitars and do vocals and the other would play the drums... way off on that one.
In live performances Mütiilation has had Celestia members playing intruments.
Originally Posted by Deimos
On another note that bathory tribute i posted a while ago might not happen.
There is coming other tributes for Bathory too (at least I have heard), so maybe that is the reason.

2004-08-14, 20:59
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Well the guy planning the whole tribute was displeased with the recordings or something along the lines of that.
Celestia... are they from france or in that area? Im not quite familar with them.

2004-08-14, 20:59
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Posts: 279
What do you people think are the top 10 Black Metal releases?
I go for:
1. Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
2. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (or S/T)
3. Gorgoroth - Antichrist
4. Graveland - Carpathian Wolves
5. Moonblood - Blut und Krieg
6. Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
7. Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath
8. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
9. Emperor - S/T (or Wrath of the Tyrant)
10. Paysage d'Hiver - S/T (or Winterkaelte)

2004-08-14, 21:01
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Deimos
Celestia... are they from france or in that area? Im not quite familar with them.
Yes they are french band, Celestia is led by the boss of Drakkar productions, Noktu. They do very simple and raw black metal with very melancholic atmosphere.

2004-08-14, 21:13
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
What do you people think are the top 10 Black Metal releases?
I go for:
1. Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
2. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (or S/T)
3. Gorgoroth - Antichrist
4. Graveland - Carpathian Wolves
5. Moonblood - Blut und Krieg
6. Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
7. Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath
8. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
9. Emperor - S/T (or Wrath of the Tyrant)
10. Paysage d'Hiver - S/T (or Winterkaelte)
1.Darkthrone - A Blaze in Northern Sky
2.Grand Belia's Key - Judeobeast Assassination
3.Krohm - Crown of the Ancients
4.Von - Satanic Blood
5.Taake - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid
6.Mayhem - Deathcrush
7.Black funeral - Empire Of Blood
8.Deasthspell Omega/MoonBlood - Sob A Lua Do Bode / Demoniac Vengeance
9..Graveland- The Celtic winter
10.Krieg - The Black House

2004-08-14, 21:20
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Originally Posted by Deimos
2.Grand Belia's Key - Judeobeast Assassination
I forgot that. Maybe the best BM release from the states.

2004-08-14, 21:26
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
Yes they are french band, Celestia is led by the boss of Drakkar productions, Noktu. They do very simple and raw black metal with very melancholic atmosphere.
I went to their website to check them out ... they split up or what?
Originally Posted by Decrepify
I forgot that. Maybe the best BM release from the states.
Yes i like this band's work. Some of the bands over here try to hard hard to be "kvlt".

2004-08-14, 21:30
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Originally Posted by Deimos
I went to their website to check them out ... they split up or what?
I don't know Celestia's status at the moment, Noktu has said that they will re-release their old stuff ("Dead Insecta Sequestration" demo has just recently got released on CD) and so on, but about making new stuff he hasn't said anything. Still their latest is "Apparitia - Sumptuous Spectre" CD. Celestia is worth for checking out.

2004-08-14, 21:48
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Well i check them out. Is Alghazanth (sp?) good or no?

2004-08-14, 21:56
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Originally Posted by Deimos
Some of the bands over here try to hard hard to be "kvlt".
How to make your music KVLT?
First make some very raw and grim Black Metal, then sign in for a Sombre prod., EAL prod. or Drakkar productions. Do your release only on a VINYL format, limited to not more than 500 copies. Distribute this release only for underground distributions or labels. Do some interviews where you make your ideologies clear and make a statement that your music is only for true black metallers (elitism), not for trendies/similiar. Now you are a KVLT band, and your all further releases will sold on a ridiculous prizes at ebay, and no one cares what quality music those includes.
I think that KVLT status should be earned in true Black Metal spirit, it shouldn't be a goal to reach for. Very good example for this is Nargaroth.
Originally Posted by Deimos
Is Alghazanth (sp?) good or no?
I think that they are kind a mediocre Black Metal, not really special, but not bad. They do have some great songs.
Last edited by Decrepify : 2004-08-14 at 21:59.

2004-08-14, 22:03
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
How to make your music KVLT?
First make some very raw and grim Black Metal, then sign in for a Sombre prod., EAL prod. or Drakkar productions. Do your release only on a VINYL format, limited to not more than 500 copies. Distribute this release only for underground distributions or labels. Do some interviews where you make your ideologies clear and make a statement that your music is only for true black metallers (elitism), not for trendies/similiar. Now you are a KVLT band, and your all further releases will sold on a ridiculous prizes at ebay, and no one cares what quality music those includes.
I think that KVLT status should be earned in true Black Metal spirit, it shouldn't be a goal to reach for. Very good example for this is Nargaroth.
Haha I agree but I think the whole Kvlt thing should be removed. Labels abuse it too much.

2004-08-14, 22:11
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Deimos
Haha I agree but I think the whole Kvlt thing should be removed. Labels abuse it too much.
Yes, its sad bad true that many (even respected) labels use band's kvlt status, ideology or some release's limitation for commercialism and trying to make good money. The music is only thing what they should advertise, not anything else.

2004-08-14, 22:21
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The thing i hate though is that all this adversting brings in the morons and they get the pop star attitude that they got to move to norway and start hating christians right away.
well i must go... thanks for the chat... i hadn't a good talk about bm in awhile.
Last edited by Deimos : 2004-08-14 at 22:27.

2004-08-14, 22:32
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Deimos
The thing i hate though is that all this adversting brings in the morons and they get the pop star attitude that they got to move to norway and start hating christians right away.
Yes that is because mainstream sees Norway the only country where Black Metal could be produce (because of this "inner circle" scene stories of Burzum and Mayhem). Though from Norway comes (came) many good Black Metal bands (Burzum, Mayhem, Ildjarn, Gorgoroth, Emperor, Darkthrone, Sort Vokter, Immortal, Hades etc.)

2004-08-15, 14:57
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The Norway scene has died down quite a bit. Neverless did you get Craft's terror propaganda?

2004-08-15, 18:55
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Originally Posted by Deimos
Neverless did you get Craft's terror propaganda?
It was way more better than Total Soul Rape, the musical structure was much more clear, they played better and the atmosphere was very dark and cold if comparing to their latter full-lengh.
Swedish scene is quite good nowadays, Craft, Onskapt, Shining and Dödfödd are very good ones. But I still count on Finland.

2004-08-16, 00:05
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5.Children of Bodom
Last edited by Knight : 2004-08-20 at 19:16.

2004-08-16, 01:44
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Thessaloniki,greece
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The last good black metal bands
I "discovered" are Anaal Nathrakh and
Revenge,anyone else like them?
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-08-16, 18:14
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Originally Posted by HELLBLASTER-666
Anaal Nathrakh
Hmm, I haven't heard any songs from the besides when they were covering Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas song.

2004-08-16, 19:29
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
Hmm, I haven't heard any songs from the besides when they were covering Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas song.
Don't waste your time. Boring hyperspeed BM.

2004-08-16, 19:31
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Deimos
The Norway scene has died down quite a bit. Neverless did you get Craft's terror propaganda?
The early 90's boom is as big as it will get. Now you just have patches of BM here and there.
It's unfortunate.

2004-08-16, 21:04
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
It was way more better than Total Soul Rape, the musical structure was much more clear, they played better and the atmosphere was very dark and cold if comparing to their latter full-lengh.
Swedish scene is quite good nowadays, Craft, Onskapt, Shining and Dödfödd are very good ones. But I still count on Finland.
Yea i thought Craft had a better production on it. Im not familar with the Finland scene. It can't be worse than the USBM.
Originally Posted by Knight
5.Children of Bodom
Their BM??? Did i miss something? I always thought they were a power or thrash metal type of band.
Originally Posted by AbbathGS
The early 90's boom is as big as it will get. Now you just have patches of BM here and there.
It's unfortunate.
It may die out in my opinion.

2004-08-17, 03:02
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Originally Posted by Deimos
It may die out in my opinion.
I don`t think that ANYTHING that was as big as BM was in the boom years could die out. Not anytime soon anyways.

2004-08-17, 04:42
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Deimos
Their BM??? Did i miss something? I always thought they were a power or thrash metal type of band.
i agree, with confidence on that one.
But im more concerned with the mentioning of Finntroll in this thread
In any case, im glad you like them Knight.

2004-08-17, 17:02
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by AbbathGS
The early 90's boom is as big as it will get. Now you just have patches of BM here and there.
It's unfortunate.
I think that BM is now more famous than ever before (and also other metal genres too).
There are nowadays hundreds (even thousands?) of active BM bands, which are formed just before or after millenium and there is many which sucks. Yet it doesn't mean that there wouldn't be good bands too, for example in Germany has risen many good bands, after many years of silence (Katharsis, Luror, Secrets of the Moon).
Last edited by Decrepify : 2004-08-17 at 17:07.

2004-08-17, 17:13
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Originally Posted by timedragon
But im more concerned with the mentioning of Finntroll in this thread
Well, some of the Finntroll members are Black Metal maniacs, yet it doesn't make them Black Metal. Finntroll is a very good band, a band which have mixed black-ish melodic metal into ancient Finnish folk music and polka beats and it works somehow great. (Yes they are a finnish band, but they're using the other finnish nation language, swedish, in their lyrics besides finnish).

2004-08-17, 17:47
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Originally Posted by HELLBLASTER-666
The last good black metal bands
I "discovered" are Anaal Nathrakh and
Revenge,anyone else like them?
Id say 'Revenge' are a raw death metal band... similar to 'Conqueror' maybe. Still real good brutal shit tho...'Triump Genocide Antichrist' rocked! 
..............................................................................That night he drove to the graveyard and dug up her lifeless body, he then eagerly returned home, positioned the corpse in his bed, and after almost forty years of celibacy, thusly began his first intimate aquantence with the feamale gender. Gein found the corpse so sexually stimulating that he ended up eating parts of the body, and making a waistecoat of the skin, so he could wear it and become a woman whenever he wanted to .......................................................................................... ..........

2004-08-18, 16:15
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Black Metal fucking sucks...far to GRIM for me... 
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2004-08-18, 16:35
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Thessaloniki,greece
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Originally Posted by Straker
Id say 'Revenge' are a raw death metal band... similar to 'Conqueror' maybe. Still real good brutal shit tho...'Triump Genocide Antichrist' rocked! 
J.Read played in Conqueror so it's logical
they sound alike.I think they sound like
Blasphemy if they were better musicians.
I think of them as black metal though not only cause of
the music but of their ideology
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-08-18, 19:03
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Black metal sucks fecal matter out of a beer bong 
I'm the Trillest HAUS from the mean streets of Sandy dog.

2004-08-18, 19:19
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Originally Posted by BOSE
Black metal sucks fecal matter out of a beer bong 
Then why post in a topic about Black metal? I think you smoked one to many.
Originally Posted by Decrepify
I think that BM is now more famous than ever before (and also other metal genres too).
There are nowadays hundreds (even thousands?) of active BM bands, which are formed just before or after millenium and there is many which sucks. Yet it doesn't mean that there wouldn't be good bands too, for example in Germany has risen many good bands, after many years of silence (Katharsis, Luror, Secrets of the Moon).
Well i don't know about there being thousands of BM bands but Im sure your going see the number of shit BM bands go down as soon as BM stops being a trendy type of music (satyricon doesn't help b/c they want to make bm popular here).

2004-08-19, 10:07
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Deimos
Well i don't know about there being thousands of BM bands but Im sure your going see the number of shit BM bands go down as soon as BM stops being a trendy type of music (satyricon doesn't help b/c they want to make bm popular here).
Not really Satyricon, but bands like Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth has helped much to get Black Metal for nowadays mainstream ears. MTV has shown some videos from those bands and that affects a lot to youngs (Harsh and Dark music has become a trend).
Like we have seen that Metallica is now very popular at mainstream/MTV, and now people want dark(er) and 'raw'(er) music and they has got interested to Black/Death or other Dark Metal styles. This leads to multiculturalism of Black Metal and that is how Darkthrone and Burzum has risen from deep underground to even closer to mainstream (they were quite underground before years 97-99 (breakthrough of Dimmu Borgir's Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Cradle of Filth's Dusk and Her Embrace (without caring " how" Black Metal those releases were), eventhought they have got high respects to their records and eventhough of this Varg killed Euronymous case (which was popular newstopic in norway for somewhile but it didn't really cause any interestes for the music). But now somehow the music has got popular.

2004-08-19, 21:53
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Yes you can even tell that ppl on this forum only listen to the norwegian bands b/c of that whole murder and the black circle gang that euronymous started. At my school all you see are kids (that think they're metal) wearing Cof and Dimmu shirts than they go on blabbing about how they listen to BM but the have no idea who for example xasthur is or who malefic is and the next day the will be talking about some nu-metal band. Mtv makes all these impressions on these kids that they have to do whatever they saw on tv .. and quite frankly its pathetic and would hate to BM get caught up in that mix.

2004-08-19, 23:15
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Originally Posted by Deimos
Yes you can even tell that ppl on this forum only listen to the norwegian bands b/c of that whole murder and the black circle gang that euronymous started. At my school all you see are kids (that think they're metal) wearing Cof and Dimmu shirts than they go on blabbing about how they listen to BM but the have no idea who for example xasthur is or who malefic is and the next day the will be talking about some nu-metal band. Mtv makes all these impressions on these kids that they have to do whatever they saw on tv .. and quite frankly its pathetic and would hate to BM get caught up in that mix.
I listen to ALL BM. It is my favorite genre and I listen to Xasthur as well as Leviathan, Grand Belial's Key and Nokturnal Mortum. Don't be so quick to judge.

2004-08-19, 23:19
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
I listen to ALL BM. It is my favorite genre and I listen to Xasthur as well as Leviathan, Grand Belial's Key and Nokturnal Mortum. Don't be so quick to judge.
Sorry I meant to say most people on this forum. Besides you missed my point and as you said don't be so quick to judge.
Last edited by Deimos : 2004-08-19 at 23:22.
Reason: spelling errors

2004-08-19, 23:27
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Yes, you are right, perhaps that was a bit hypocritical. And I fully understand the point that you were trying to convey and I can't say that I don't agree.

2004-08-19, 23:39
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well lets hear your opinion then.

2004-08-19, 23:42
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Well, it's pretty similar to yours... I said that I can't say I disagree...

2004-08-19, 23:46
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Misread your post sorry. But I must say its rare to meet a girl that actually listens to BM.

2004-08-19, 23:50
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It's rare to meet anyone that actually listens to BM!

2004-08-19, 23:57
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Well that is true. On a different note does someone know about this band Stîny Plamenû? i want to know more about them and google doesn't help

2004-08-20, 00:00
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I have never heard of them. Google is a shitty search engine. They get paid to list certain websites first and sometimes they won't list sites at all. I prefer not to use it. Also, I couldn't help but notice the quote at the bottom of your posts. Descartes is a very good philosopher, do you study philosophy?

2004-08-20, 00:04
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Well i read about it. I becoming heavily interested in philosopy. I do like Descartes but im begining to read more about Hume. Its an interesting subject.

2004-08-20, 00:06
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Originally Posted by Deimos
Well i read about it. I becoming heavily interested in philosopy. I do like Descartes but im begining to read more about Hume. Its an interesting subject.
Very interesting. I have also begun to get interested in it. Right now I am studying many Greek philosophers and orators as well as Nietzsche.

2004-08-20, 00:11
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Nietzsche... he wrote Antichrist right? I bought some book that covered a bunch of philosophers but it wasn't in depth though. Descartes, Hume, and darwin are the only ones that im more immersed with right now.

2004-08-20, 00:56
Join Date: Apr 2004
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ohhhhh god dude
do you think i would listen to music because of the drama that occured outside of the music? just because im a huge fan of BURZUM doesnt mean i just like it cause he stabbed the shit out of euronoymous
it just happens that darkthrone and burzum are from norway.
....and norwegian is the coolest language ever

2004-08-20, 01:09
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Originally Posted by Transient
ohhhhh god dude
do you think i would listen to music because of the drama that occured outside of the music? just because im a huge fan of BURZUM doesnt mean i just like it cause he stabbed the shit out of euronoymous
it just happens that darkthrone and burzum are from norway.
....and norwegian is the coolest language ever
Originally Posted by Transient
hahaha thats a pretty shitty track list
should just be "BEST OF BLACK METAL (BURZUM)"
and the first four burzum cds
Example of what im talking about. I highly doubt you speak norwegian unless your from there.
Last edited by Deimos : 2004-08-20 at 01:12.

2004-08-20, 12:09
Join Date: Apr 2004
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jeg er amerikansk men jeg forstå litt norsk

2004-08-20, 14:49
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heh im horrible at languages but here goes.
likeså. Folk tilgodehavende de vite norsk.
Last edited by Deimos : 2004-08-20 at 16:17.
Reason: spelling

2004-08-20, 15:16
Senior Metalhead
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i dont know of many bm bands but for the ones i heard are:
1) COF
2) Dimmu Borgir
3) i guess COB, but theyre more death metal
COF were good up till after midian days. theres alot of kick ass songs that they made in the old days.
R.I.P. Dime
scream when u feel the pain. i probly wont stop.
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