2004-01-19, 12:02
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Originally Posted by CarnivorousWind
Amon Amarth black metal... 
hahahaha... you gotta love these newbies
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2004-01-19, 13:35
bugfucker strikes back.
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Amon Amarth BM? Thats like saying Burzum is good.
No offense sanders. The guy couldnt sing if his life depended on it.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-01-19, 13:56
Dog farts
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It's funny, people apologizing for having an opinion around here.

2004-01-19, 15:32
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Thats like saying Burzum is good.
You reallly should not say that... Because you listen to Opeth!

Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2004-01-19, 16:13
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I don't like Opeth or Burzum lol.
Rush 30th Anniversary Tour 0wns y0u!


2004-01-19, 16:35
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You either like Burzum vocals or not, I personally don't mind...
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2004-01-19, 16:35
Join Date: Jan 2002
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I like Burzum, but i have to be in teh mod for it. Immortal is much better. I can listen to them anytime.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2004-01-19, 19:57
Lo, they do call to me...
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i simply replied to a post, no i dont listen to much black metal, i like death metal, so eat my ass, i could still play you under the table
Too grim to function

2004-01-21, 17:47
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2004-01-24, 22:26
my favorite BM bands
OLD MANS CHILD and CO(DB,K,Carpe Tenebrum)
and many many others,except COF

2004-01-25, 09:56
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Some goodies I listen:
I Shalt Become (monotonic, hypnotic)
Paysage d'Hiver (same as above)
Burzum (same as above)
Ildjarn (same as above)
Venom (One of the first bm bands, not very good IMO)
Bathory (80's epic bm)
Sodom (one of the german trash legends, but still black-trash metal)
Hellhammer/Celtic Frost (great black metal stuff)
KAT (starter of polish black/death/trash METAL scene)
Black Rose/Mercyful Fate/King Diamond (First real black metal band)
Sarcofagó (south american bm scene)
Darkthrone (BEST black metal band ever)
Mayhem (maybe most famous band in bm history, starter of second wave in bm)
Carpathian Forest (band hasn't made any bad albums yet)
Gorgoroth (bit epic and great stuff)
Faustcoven (today's norwegian bm scene is not shining, faustcoven is)
Emperor (epic)
Judas Iscariot (one of best US bm bands)
Hail (finnish cult)
Mütiilation (King of the french black legions)
Vlad Tepes (member of black legions)
Torgeist (same as above)
Belketre (same as above)
Vermyapre Kommando (same as above)
Deathspell Omega (french bm)
Pest (there is finnish, swedish and german bands named "pest")
Mortuary Drape (deathblack)
Nargaroth (german great stuff, burzum influences)
Lugubrum (darkthrone rip-off)
Troll (odd)
Immortal (Melodic)
Xasthur (Mütiilation in Abyssic Hate style riffing)
Moonblood (Great NSBM)
Satanic Warmaster (Pure Satanic Blasphemy)
Horna (true finnish satanic stuff)
Beherit (starter of finnish bm scene, very good stuff)
War (Total War-metal (satyricon and dark funeral members))
Von (joke band...still very good stuff)
Yamatu (Occult bm)
Abruptum (satanic hymns)
Aes Dana (ug bm from french, epic)
Nokturnal Mortum (epic NSBM)
Isengard (Darkthrone's Fenriz's project)
Satyricon (norwegian legend)
Rotting Christ (same as below)
Varathron (One of the starters of greek bm scene)
Antaeus (french stuff)
Enslaved (Viking BM)
Graveland (epic NSBM, great stuff)
Havohej (BEST AMERICAN BM, ex-Profanatica)
Kult Ov Azazel (Satanic stuff, blasphemy)
Throne Of Ahaz (Dissection style)
Deströyer 666 (Australian BM, (not anymore))
Seth (very satanic stuff)
Temple Of Baal (Insane black metal)
Gehenna (gothic elements in black metal)
Dissection (swedish great stuff)
Morbid (Mayhem's Dead's band)
Taake (norwegian vampiric stuff)
Ulver (Wolf bm)
Tulus (blasphemy)
Dödheimsgard (newer this isn't bm, older is great stuff)
Behemoth (older is bm, newer is death metal)
Arckanum (TROLLBM)
1349 (Cult)
Impaled Nazarene (Sick bm LEGEND from finland, very great stuff)
Hell Vomit (satanic blasphemy)
Nazgul (latin lyrics)
Ragnarok (very melodic stuff)
Katharsis (Kathaarian bm)
Gestapo666 (true NSBM)
Capricornus (NSBM)
Thor's Hammer (NSBM)
Kataxu (NSBM)
Thunderbolt (NSBM)
Winter Funeral (NSBM)
Nehëmah (french)
Okkultum Magnificentia (Italian totalian bm)
Iuvenes (Great stuff)
Krieg (KVLT)
Watain (melodic blasphemy)
Baptism (primitive legend)
Countess (bit bathory style)
Megiddo (great melodies)
Leviathan (there's US and Swedish version of this, US is much better)
Wigrid (Best burzum rip-off I've ever seen)
Grand Belial's Key (US black metal legend)
Sargeist (finnish bm)
Clandestine Blaze (Very good , primitive stuff from finland)
Abigor (summoning members, from Austria)
Vintersemestre (finnish bm, bit 1993 year Carpathian Forest influences)
Urn (WAR)
Sólstafir (Icelandian bm)
Pagan Rites
Nifelheim (death-black actually)
Nocte Obducta
Hate Forest (RAW black metal)
Funeral Mist
Abyssic Hate (Burzum's Filosofem style and even better)
In Battle
Try these, all them are good, some less some more.

2004-01-25, 10:15
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Australia
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
Sodom (one of the german trash legends, but still black-trash metal)
Why do people from europe call thrash, trash?

2004-01-25, 13:48
Schrodinger's Cat
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I don't. I thought people were just making typo's all the time!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-01-25, 14:00
Dog farts
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That, I would like to know as well.

2004-01-25, 18:52
New Blood
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Two Words: Mercyful Fate!

2004-01-28, 01:18
New Blood
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In no particular order...
Anaal Nathrakh
Anorexia Nervosa (I think they're BM?)
Dimmu Borgir

2004-01-28, 09:17
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 1,596
Nice list, Decrepify!
I´ll try some, allthough many aren´t black metal like Manegarm and Enslaved
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2004-01-28, 20:41
New Blood
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epic and destructive BM rules!!
Dark Funeral
Impaled Nazarene

2004-01-28, 21:09
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i dont think you can call gehenna bm

2004-01-29, 01:40
New Blood
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Children of Bodom
Dimmu Borgir
Cradle of Filth

2004-01-29, 08:07
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by The Doctor
i dont think you can call gehenna bm
? Gehenna is pure black metal, there's no question about that. "First Spell" from Gehenna was including many gothic elements, but it doesn't make it gothic metal. There is lot of keyboards, slow-riffing, whispering vocals (a bit compared to Carpathian Forest's cover song of The Cure's "A Forest"), acoustic guitar etc.. Music is bit rock 'n' roll styling in riffing (but not as much what dimmu borgir or cradle of filth kind of shit bands do). Still Gehenna got all black metal elements in it's songs. But why all people say that Gehenna truly is gothic metal? Gehenna's ideology is definetly not gothic! Music just sounds bit gothic style.

2004-01-29, 09:37
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Originally Posted by Exodus666
Allthough I can´t pronounce it, this is awesome!!! It´s quite like the style my band plays...
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2004-01-29, 10:49
Dog farts
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Originally Posted by Master of Puppets
Children of Bodom

2004-01-29, 11:21
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Master of Puppets
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
Last edited by johnmansley : 2004-01-29 at 11:25.

2004-01-29, 11:29
Dog farts
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Well said.

2004-01-29, 11:41
Schrodinger's Cat
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Thanks, it needed saying.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-02-06, 05:12
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by sanderinos
Mithotyn is viking metal indeed, that can be hard/loud/whatever. But it ain't black at all!
Could'nt agree more. And i like the vocals on Burzum. Why do some people dislike? They give intensity to the music.
I have written in this thread before, i went back and read my entry of bands and i realize i was drunk when i wrote it!!! here is my sober opinion
Ancient Rites
Hecate Enthroned
Mourn in silence
Dimmu(early days)
I dont think anyone has mentioned Hecate enthroned!! And Ancient Rites, they are BM to me, and very very good. Does no one listen to Hecate enthroned?

2004-02-06, 11:10
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They definatly are! I love Hecaty Enthroned en Ancient Rites even more! Also very good and unknown black: Dawn and Obtained Enslavement
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2004-02-06, 22:58
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by sanderinos
I love Hecaty Enthroned en Ancient Rites even more!
Right on!! true black metal! Its great these guys are still going strong. I think Ancient rites is only getting better with each album. And Fatherland is a tough album to top!
Ahh, it doesnt get much better!!!!!!!


2004-02-07, 10:29
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by timedragon
Right on!! true black metal! Its great these guys are still going strong. I think Ancient rites is only getting better with each album. And Fatherland is a tough album to top!
Ahh, it doesnt get much better!!!!!!!

In my opinion ancient rites is getting WORSE with each newer album. The newest albums are very bad music. Only true releases (but neither they were not even close of true black metal) are ancient rites' most oldest releases, "The Diabolical Serenades" is good example. Bit primitive 'cause of the drum machine and riffing but still hearable.

2004-02-07, 10:49
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by sanderinos
Nice list, Decrepify!
I´ll try some, allthough many aren´t black metal like Manegarm and Enslaved
Actually oldest enslaved is pure black metal. (VIkingligr Veldi or split with Emperor are good examples)
Manegarm has many black metal influences and some releases contains some black metal stuff. So I put it in black metal category. The Word "Viking Metal" may sound someones ears odd. OLDEST Moonsorrow (Metsä, Tämä Ikuinen Talvi demos) was black metal, but in EPIC feeling and paganism. Still some sort of satanism influences were in moonsorrow ideologies so it could have been called as Black Metal. Newer moonsorrow is just rawly sayed DEATH metal with EPIC melodies etc.. Maybe I could fuck the common, but all of my list band are either black metal influences, black metal or mix of black metal/death etc.. If I would like to list bands that are called Dark Metal. The list would be much longer.
Black Metal is one of the Oldest metal sub-genres (from the end of 70's to nowdays) so many band take influences from the legendary 80's bm bands and some even become black metal. Ofcourse many bands use their own style, like SUMMONING uses epic (tolkien) influences, GEHENNA gothic, ENSLAVED viking/epic (beginner of actual viking metal genre with influences of bathory), WYRD folk/forest poetry style etc..
So if you talk about the little death metal genre you talk about SUFFOCATION, MORBID ANGEL, MASSACRA, DEICIDE, THERION, SEPULTURA (oldest), OBITUARY, HYPOCRISY, INCANTATION etc.. stuff. But even these got black metal influences, but no called as black metal 'cause death metal is mostly in their music.
If some band sound mostly black metal, it IS.

2004-02-07, 16:50
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
The newest albums are very bad music. Only true releases (but neither they were not even close of true black metal) are ancient rites' most oldest releases, "The Diabolical Serenades" is good example.
Not even close of true black metal.... ? everybody likes to complain about how they "get worse". i say they changed some. just as other bands do. And it is "very bad music". do you play something better? I guess i just like the new stuff more cause (to me) its more epic. But its true that their older stuff was more black.
Last edited by timedragon : 2004-02-07 at 20:24.

2004-02-07, 17:08
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Very good explanation, I like you Decrepify....
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2004-02-09, 13:56
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by timedragon
Not even close of true black metal.... ? everybody likes to complain about how they "get worse". i say they changed some. just as other bands do. And it is "very bad music". do you play something better? I guess i just like the new stuff more cause (to me) its more epic. But its true that their older stuff was more black.
I'm meaning by true black metal - good black metal. E.G. Newest Emperor is bad black metal and same is newest dödheimsgard, or the kovenant. Music and in some cases even ideology is black metal. But it's like raping the black metal by making shit music.

2004-02-09, 22:34
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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I hear what your saying. And i do agree, the kovenant is now very bad! Its no longer black at all. But really, emperor? I think they are still doing pretty good, plus they have better recording now. "shit music" is a bit harsh on the guys. And i really like Ancient rites. Oh well, we all have different opinions, and that isnt a bad thing.

2004-02-10, 09:28
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Right now:
-Mayhem (the old one, obviously)
-Thy serpent
-Enochian Crescent
Umm... Couldn't list just five...
I like quite a lot of BM, but there are not enough good bands out there I've heard... Id really like to discover some bands and thats why I like these threads, though otherwise theyre quite stupid...
EDIT: forgot Emperor
Doom what thou wilt

2004-02-10, 14:55
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by timedragon
I hear what your saying. And i do agree, the kovenant is now very bad! Its no longer black at all. But really, emperor? I think they are still doing pretty good, plus they have better recording now. "shit music" is a bit harsh on the guys. And i really like Ancient rites. Oh well, we all have different opinions, and that isnt a bad thing.
Yep all have their own opinions. All what I have said is actually looking the thing by my view or my opinion.
ThroneofbahoS: Aiotko mennä carpathian forestin ja enochian crescentin keikalle toukokuussa? (4 kaupunkia).

2004-02-12, 17:00
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Prometheus was way to technical for BM, timedragon
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2004-02-14, 18:41
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Does anyone hear like Siebenburgen? For some reason, I really, really like this band. Very melodic.
New Kovenant is ok, but I'd say they were best on Animatronic. SETI just isn't as catchy. I heard that they are already working on a new album.
"Hey! They're working! My feet are soaking wet, but my cuffs are bone dry! Everything's comin' up Milhouse!"
"I guess it all works out in the end"
"Yeah, the REAR end."
-Beavis and Butt-head

2004-02-15, 01:01
New Blood
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Posts: 7
I can't really stand Danni's high pitched vocals. My five fav. black metal bands...
1. Dimmu Borgir
2. Emporer
3. Enthroned
4. Vehemence
5. Summon

"Reality Is A State Of Mind"
Sites I built:

2004-04-12, 22:18
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Top 5? That's too difficult! I love Black Metal! Here's a bunch of my favourites, in no particular order.
1. Nokturnal Mortum
2. Beherit
3. Immortal
4. Burzum
5. Darkthrone
6. Mayhem
7. Graveland
8. Venom (some people consider them Black Metal, some don't)
9. Possessed (same deal as Venom)
10. Emperor
11. Dark Funeral
12. Nargaroth
13. Gorgoroth

2004-04-12, 23:31
Senior Metalhead
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Only five?
Dimmu Borgir
...And Oceans
Summoning (yeah yeah it's not really black metal)
Dark Funeral
.......I always sucked in math

2004-04-12, 23:43
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That's what I said! It's impossible to name ONLY 5!!!

2004-04-13, 21:21
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As far as Cradle is concerned...
The fact that they are extremely popular today doen't mean that they've sold out. Yeah, of course their music change a bit but that's call evolution. Sometime it's good, sometime it's bad. Selling out is taking all the necessary means to gain fans. You don't see them rapping and scratching on turntables. They just have fallen victim of their own success. People are bitching because Cradle give enormous exposure to metal or black metal...whatever you want to call it...and of course, we want to keep it OUR little secret. We don't want to see every random guy with a COF shirt. The same goes for Dimmu Borgir. The point is that we can't condemn them just because they are popular. BWT, as funny at it may sound, I'm not a hardcore COF fan.
P.S. Rap music fucking sucks
............,/¯../ /
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('(...´...´.... ¯_/'...'/
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2004-04-14, 11:25
New Blood
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Location: Norway
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i don't listen so much to black...but it's pretty cool
Dimmu Borgir
the embraced
everyone is from my country....norway!!!

2004-04-14, 18:44
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Warwickshire, England
Posts: 126
Most black metal is fucking great! but some of the best is:
Hate Forest
Lux Occulta
if you don't know any of these, check them out!! 
Striking up my discordant underture
A carnal cacophony, perversely penned
Transposed... and decomposed

2004-04-14, 21:52
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COF have signed to Roadrunner for the new album Nymphetemine. I have been listening to them for about 10 years now and they have not disappointed me yet. Well letting Nick go sucked but he joined another fav band of mine. Plus they have Adrian which is a very good replacement.
Blizzard Beast
Suck a turd to a point and stab yourself with it..


2004-04-29, 12:30
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by FilthyGod
I was just curious to hear what other people think about Black Metal. What's
your top 5 black metal bands? And what do you think about COF, do you
think they've sold out? I like them but I think their too sold out.
1. Ancient Ceremony
2. Children of Bodom
3. Dimmu Borgir
4. Borknagar
5. Dark Funeral
Well,to begin with..!I can asure you Children of Bodom dont play black metal...
My 5 favorites... hmm
Dark Funeral
Dimmu Borgir
now,about CoF!Dani Filth is just too stupid to listen to!i like only one song that i've heard(her ghost in the fog).if they're sold out i really dont care!

2004-04-29, 20:04
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by The Dimmu Monk
Only five?
Dimmu Borgir
...And Oceans
Summoning (yeah yeah it's not really black metal)
Dark Funeral
.......I always sucked in math
I think Summoning actually IS black metal and Dimmu Borgir ISN'T.

2004-04-29, 20:25
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Perdition City
Most black metal is fucking great! but some of the best is:
Hate Forest
Lux Occulta
if you don't know any of these, check them out!! 
You have Lux Occulta and Xasthur there, and you think that these are one of the best bands in black metal. Have even heard from bands like Darkthrone, Katharsis, Graveland or Burzum? These all are in my opinion best bands in black metal ever, and if you would have heard of these you'd say the same thing. I've noticed that it's actually a constant if someone have heard of these bands, these bands would be in their "the very best of black metal" -lists.
But this is only MY assumption, maybe you don't like these bands as much as generally is assumed, but it usually is so. Or otherwise you just want to be very underground in black metal, and you don't respect bands which are famous among typical/normal/non-underground people. This happens only in elitism of black metal. Only few black metallers are truely elitists, and those others are usually just wanna-beeings. This "wanna-be elitism" is popular in nowadays black metal culture.
EDIT: Typos.
Last edited by Decrepify : 2004-04-29 at 20:32.

2004-04-29, 20:37
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Posts: 1,234
that's all.

2004-04-30, 08:13
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
bit hard to put top 5 but top 10:
1. dissection (if they can be classified as black)
2. atomizer
3. amon amarth
4. burzum
5. absu
6. mayhem
7. darkthrone
8. deströyer 666
9. marduk
10. dawn (same rule as dissection)
cradle of filth 

2004-04-30, 13:07
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by andrewc
bit hard to put top 5 but top 10:
1. dissection (if they can be classified as black)
2. atomizer
3. amon amarth
4. burzum
5. absu
6. mayhem
7. darkthrone
8. deströyer 666
9. marduk
10. dawn (same rule as dissection)
cradle of filth 
Dissection is black/death metal and Amon Amarth is melodic death, it has nothing to do with black metal.

2004-05-07, 20:58
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by Decrepify
You have Lux Occulta and Xasthur there, and you think that these are one of the best bands in black metal. Have even heard from bands like Darkthrone, Katharsis, Graveland or Burzum? These all are in my opinion best bands in black metal ever, and if you would have heard of these you'd say the same thing. I've noticed that it's actually a constant if someone have heard of these bands, these bands would be in their "the very best of black metal" -lists.
But this is only MY assumption, maybe you don't like these bands as much as generally is assumed, but it usually is so. Or otherwise you just want to be very underground in black metal, and you don't respect bands which are famous among typical/normal/non-underground people. This happens only in elitism of black metal. Only few black metallers are truely elitists, and those others are usually just wanna-beeings. This "wanna-be elitism" is popular in nowadays black metal culture.
EDIT: Typos.
about the 2nd paragraph...
I understand exactly what you mean..!and I think that it has become very widespread in sweden nowadays!like a plague...
about the previous reply, dimmu borgir is black metal,but like a new type!some dont want to accept it as black metal,because they have become all too popular!but the truth is that it is BM...

2004-05-07, 21:35
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Maryland D.C. border, U.S.
Posts: 63
I believe the greatest black metal band is Mayhem and not for their sound but for the fact that they have an extensive history of internal murders, sucides, and sacrifices. You know your elite black metal when your bassest kills your guitarist.
ps: Why have so few people listed EMPEROR
Eat a third and drink a third and leave the remaining third of your stomach empty. Then, when you get angry, there will be sufficient room for your rage.
-Babylonian Talmud, tractate Gittin

2004-05-07, 21:43
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 387
Emperor is gay, and they are not very good.
Their first almus sucked, and their latest sounded like something Dimmu Borgir could have turned in to.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2004-05-08, 19:47
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by op3tH
about the 2nd paragraph...
I understand exactly what you mean..!and I think that it has become very widespread in sweden nowadays!like a plague...
about the previous reply, dimmu borgir is black metal,but like a new type!some dont want to accept it as black metal,because they have become all too popular!but the truth is that it is BM...
Yes, but I see that black metal truely should be cold, hateful, raw, morbid and melancholic not any pop music as Dimmu Borgir is. I have always believed that black metal should be underground and not to be listenable for mainstream people. But still I do always accept bands in black metal and not thinking how popular they are. For example Burzum or Mayhem have got quite popular in "mass" culture and I don't really care about that because no man can't stop the invasion of trendies into black metal (it has be seen that trendies have polluted almoust every music genres around the world, now it's time for black/death metal).
Daggerfall, Emperor is one of the greatest band ever since the born of black metal. It's true that their latest (and one before that) are bad and these albums should have left undone, but their first was filled with passion and hate what black metal should always contain. It might be hard to get into their music if you aren't truely into black metal (ideologically).
Edit: Typos
Last edited by Decrepify : 2004-05-08 at 19:50.

2004-05-08, 20:24
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Just bought Black Shining Leather by Carpathian Forest, fucking agressive

2004-05-08, 20:40
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Dark Funeral (Vobiscum Satanas! great album!)
ArthemesiA \m/fucking great\m/
Immortal (what happened, did they break up?)
Dimmu Borgir (getting a bit too famous...still good though)
Cradle of Filth (what is Gyan doing now?)
Gorgoroth (any else hear about that show)
The Project Hate
Any "satanic black&white makeup" black metal is great! If anyone knows any more let me know.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler
Last edited by MyOwnSavior : 2004-05-08 at 20:46.

2004-05-08, 21:20
New Blood
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Posts: 5
Originally Posted by Decrepify
Yes, but I see that black metal truely should be cold, hateful, raw, morbid and melancholic not any pop music as Dimmu Borgir is. I have always believed that black metal should be underground and not to be listenable for mainstream people. But still I do always accept bands in black metal and not thinking how popular they are. For example Burzum or Mayhem have got quite popular in "mass" culture and I don't really care about that because no man can't stop the invasion of trendies into black metal (it has be seen that trendies have polluted almoust every music genres around the world, now it's time for black/death metal).
Daggerfall, Emperor is one of the greatest band ever since the born of black metal. It's true that their latest (and one before that) are bad and these albums should have left undone, but their first was filled with passion and hate what black metal should always contain. It might be hard to get into their music if you aren't truely into black metal (ideologically).
Edit: Typos
what to say..!I agree with almost every point that you make!

2004-05-09, 09:06
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Originally Posted by MyOwnSavior
Dark Funeral (Vobiscum Satanas! great album!)
ArthemesiA \m/fucking great\m/
Immortal (what happened, did they break up?)
Dimmu Borgir (getting a bit too famous...still good though)
Cradle of Filth (what is Gyan doing now?)
Gorgoroth (any else hear about that show)
The Project Hate
Any "satanic black&white makeup" black metal is great! If anyone knows any more let me know.
you should listen to witchmaster,
and yeah, immortal broke up

2004-05-09, 10:11
New Blood
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Posts: 20
black metal
ok lets get 1 thing straight Immortal was the best black metal band ever created they have led most of genre diffining it , YOU have all left out satyricon shameless !!! dimmu borgir are very talented but i think they can improve im really sick of the way they dont use there riffs to the full potentall but they are still very good
emporer are also very good followed buy cradle of filth, now you may think they have sold out but they havent they are the modern black metal they are the ones exploring the genre to its full extent and the way pual allender uses his axe is amazing followed buy cruntching riffs and light licks whislt i still think that they shouldent have dropped nick barker(drummer for dimmu borgir) they make do with what they have later p.s. IMMORTAL RULE BLASHKYRH MIGHTY RAVENDARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-13, 08:04
New Blood
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F*ck modern black metal
Black Metal Kvlt Reigns Supreme
death is certain, life is not

2004-06-13, 20:06
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2004-06-13, 21:50
New Blood
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1. Marduk
2. Dark Funeral
3. Dark Throne
4. Immortal
5. Burzum

2004-06-13, 21:56
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2004-06-14, 04:48
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1. Dark-motherfucking-throne.
2. Marduk
3. tie between Mayhem (old)
and Burzum (before the synth stuff, although it is funny knowing that he claims "guitars are for niggers")
4. Immortal (genious)
5. Eibon (herd two demo songs on Moonfog and I can't wait for a real cd.)

2004-06-14, 05:46
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Pure Demoniac Blessings or whatever by Darkthrone (off goatlord) is a pretty fucking badass song.

2004-06-14, 06:16
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Top 3 Black Metal? hmmmm
1. Ancient Rites
2. Dimmu Borgir
3. Cradle of Filth
I don't think any of them have sold out. They each have a distinct sound and that is what has made them so popular. Ancient Rites is a very underrated band and I wish they were more popular cuz they are god damn amazing.

2004-06-14, 09:20
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Immortal is good
Dimmu is ok
other than that..... BLACK METAL SUCKS
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-15, 16:50
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Dude, I had just decided I liked you....
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2004-06-16, 01:57
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2004-06-16, 14:22
New Blood
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Originally Posted by rapeandruin
Top 3 Black Metal? hmmmm
1. Ancient Rites
2. Dimmu Borgir
3. Cradle of Filth
I don't think any of them have sold out. They each have a distinct sound and that is what has made them so popular. Ancient Rites is a very underrated band and I wish they were more popular cuz they are god damn amazing.
only the first of those bands you can define as black metal. those two other bands are typical for someone who only listens to "black" metal cause its 'cool".
we can miss those people
death is certain, life is not

2004-06-17, 02:31
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You need to shaddup

2004-06-17, 09:10
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Originally Posted by tarkath
only the first of those bands you can define as black metal. those two other bands are typical for someone who only listens to "black" metal cause its 'cool".
we can miss those people
An luckily you don't sound like a newbie poser right now
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2004-06-24, 11:04
But why is the rum gone ?
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cradle of filth
these are the only tttwo black metal bands that i like
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
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2004-06-24, 11:54
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Originally Posted by Benevophobic
cradle of filth
these are the only two black metal bands that i like
Two gaybands who never where called black metal.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2004-06-24, 12:25
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Originally Posted by sanderinos
Dude, I had just decided I liked you....
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-24, 15:18
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by daggerfall
Two gaybands who never where called black metal.
Maybe COF, but Emperor once made one of the best black metal ever released. Emperor MLP and Wrath of the Tyrant demo were very evil and grim stuff and almoust no other band have reached such of level in black metal. Maybe their newer ones sucks, but I respect the old. Hail Emperor!

2004-06-24, 16:28
bugfucker strikes back.
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CoF is Symphonic Black. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. "Never BM." Dumbass.
Emperor is black metal as well. You know SHIT about black metal. Next you'll say that Darkthrone isn't black metal.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2004-06-24 at 16:32.

2004-06-24, 16:31
bugfucker strikes back.
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I don't have an organized list or anything, but i like:
(Some) mayhem
Carpathian Forest
CoF before Damnation and a Day
Dimmu Borgir before Puritanical Eurphoric Misanthropia
etc. too many to name.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2004-06-25 at 00:58.

2004-06-24, 18:35
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Dimmu Borgir before Puritanical Eurphoric Misanthropia
You dont like Puritanical? I do. Especially the song Kings of the carnival creation. Thats a really good song
I also really like Blessing upon the throne of tyranny.
Does anyone else here think that ancient rites sounds like folk metal now? I do. I like it more this way too. DIM CARCOSA!

2004-06-24, 21:24
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Dissection
CoF is Symphonic Black. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. "Never BM." Dumbass.
It's Ne wer.
COF is not black metal. It's Extreme goth metal, definetly not black metal. It has never been black metal, and it will never be. If you would have heard Darkthrone, Katharsis, Watain or Craft style black metal you would agree. Listen some Dissection or that kind of stuff, it is melodic black metal.
Originally Posted by Dissection
Emperor is black metal as well. You know SHIT about black metal. Next you'll say that Darkthrone isn't black metal.
Eh.. When did I said it isn't. Emperor was total black metal, but the newer one isn't very black metal (Prometheus). Maybe something like symphonic extreme metal or something like that. Yep Darkthrone's oldest material weren't black metal (Soulside Journey, demos and also Goat Horns (it was a compilation of old rehearsals, remastered or something like that)) it was death metal then, Darkthrone start to make black metal from A Blaze in the Northern Sky full-lenght.

2004-06-24, 21:30
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one simple rule to decide if a band is evil enough to be considered black metal
if they suck then their black metal
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-24, 22:32
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Originally Posted by BLS
one simple rule to decide if a band is evil enough to be considered black metal
if they suck then their black metal
Indeed. I agree fully with that. lol
This is my signature.

2004-06-24, 22:33
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cradle of filth may not be "grim" or "necro" or "evil" or whatever the fuck. but they have the style traits of symphonic black metal, the raspy vox, the heavy use of orchestral instruments, either actual or synthesized, the blast beats, the horror movie feel. so while they may not be "troo kvlt", they are still black metal.
Too grim to function

2004-06-24, 22:48
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
cradle of filth may not be "grim" or "necro" or "evil" or whatever the fuck. but they have the style traits of symphonic black metal, the raspy vox, the heavy use of orchestral instruments, either actual or synthesized, the blast beats, the horror movie feel. so while they may not be "troo kvlt", they are still black metal.
Thank you, PoonCravin'.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-24, 22:53
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Thank you, PoonCravin'.
anytime, dicksuction 
Too grim to function

2004-06-25, 00:57
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
See, mine is an insult. Don't do that.
Anyone who listens to "Haunted Shores" by Cradle of Filth and tells me that they aren't Black Metal is fucking stupid.
To be honest with you, I think its stupid when people call nu-metal bands "not metal." Just because they suck doesn't mean they aren't metal. I mean, no one accuses Anal Cunt of not being metal
Edit: Oh, it is a genre discussion, thats why I bring it up. So shut your fucking mouth, its Black Metal.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-25, 06:35
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Originally Posted by BLS
one simple rule to decide if a band is evil enough to be considered black metal
if they suck then their black metal
Another brilliant comment by our friend here.
In fact, I shouldn't be so hard on you. That's the smartest thing that you've posted for a while now considering that your last 50 post were : your gay! You're on the right track my friend. Maybe one day, when you grow up, you'll actually make an intelligent, constructive post about metal. But this ain't going to appen here.
Why do you post in a black metal tread if you think that black metal sucks?
Go read a book or something
............,/¯../ /
.........../..../ /
('(...´...´.... ¯_/'...'/
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2004-06-25, 12:38
bugfucker strikes back.
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Exactly. If you don't like it, post once, and be gone.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-27, 23:03
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
cradle of filth may not be "grim" or "necro" or "evil" or whatever the fuck. but they have the style traits of symphonic black metal, the raspy vox, the heavy use of orchestral instruments, either actual or synthesized, the blast beats, the horror movie feel. so while they may not be "troo kvlt", they are still black metal.
You must remember though, our friend decrepify believes that black metal must be pure satanic blasphemy from hell 

2004-06-27, 23:24
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Originally Posted by The Dimmu Monk
Another brilliant comment by our friend here.
In fact, I shouldn't be so hard on you. That's the smartest thing that you've posted for a while now considering that your last 50 post were : your gay! You're on the right track my friend. Maybe one day, when you grow up, you'll actually make an intelligent, constructive post about metal. But this ain't going to appen here.
Why do you post in a black metal tread if you think that black metal sucks?
Go read a book or something
Im immature? Yet who's the one here that listens to black metal??
Since im SUCH a nice guy im gonna do what dissection said.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-28, 02:28
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by BLS
Yet who's the one here that listens to black metal??
uh, me.
And, whos the ONE you ask?? "The one" doesnt quite apply here
Last edited by timedragon : 2004-06-28 at 02:31.

2004-06-28, 11:39
But why is the rum gone ?
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Originally Posted by timedragon
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-06-28, 12:41
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Originally Posted by timedragon
I do also enjoy listening loads of symphonic/industrialized/similar black metal bands (like Limbonic Art, OLD Covenant (in the times..), Dimmu Borgir's oldest stuff, Nokturnal Mortum, Thyrane, Summoning, Valar, Abigor, Diabolicum etc.) I like many style of black metal, but 'grim' or similiar black metal is definitely best in my opinion.
In my opinion black metal should not be commercial , not to be making it for money. Mostly black metal is done for it's ideology/theme, not for money. Money is just earthen shit, music is pure art. And good art is not often made by perforced methods. Dimmu Borgir has made most of their songs just for money or what would sell well.

2004-06-28, 18:22
New Blood
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Posts: 5
Black Metal Bands
Anyone here like Deathspell Omega, or have heard the first two albums? I have the newest one and like it a lot.
Anyway, my favorite black metal bands would have to be Immortal and then Marduk. Also Gorgoroth, Emperor, Satyricon, 1349, and Maldoror all kick ass along with many other bands with qualifiers like early CoF and Early Dimmu, or what I have heard of Naglfar, Lunar Aurora ("Of Stargates and Other Bloodstained celestial spheres" is excellent), and Deathspell Omega.
I am working on forming a BM band (that is not bowel movement band either, even if some might say that is what it would be equivalent to) and wonder what some of you think of the name "Necroviscera"? What would you expect from a band with a name like that?

2004-06-28, 19:42
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by necroviscera
Anyone here like Deathspell Omega, or have heard the first two albums? I have the newest one and like it a lot.
Deathspell Omega is one of the best bands out nowadays. I think that their debut, Infernal Battles was their best release, but Inquisitors of Satan was also very close. Their newest full-length, Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice is also very good stuff. But there is some sort of change in their style, yet it has the good 'Deathspell Omega' sounding in it. I haven't listened much of this full-length, but by each time I listen it again, it sounds even more and more better than before. You should try their other two full-lengths (if you haven't), because they are very good. Those are avaible at CDs by Northern Heritage (Finland), the old VINYL versions of these full-length has been sold out for a years and those got incredible prizes at eBay, as same time these CDs cost about 15 $.
Last edited by Decrepify : 2004-06-28 at 19:46.

2004-06-28, 20:13
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
Originally Posted by Decrepify
I do also enjoy listening loads of symphonic/industrialized/similar black metal bands (like Limbonic Art, OLD Covenant (in the times..), Dimmu Borgir's oldest stuff, Nokturnal Mortum, Thyrane, Summoning, Valar, Abigor, Diabolicum etc.) I like many style of black metal, but 'grim' or similiar black metal is definitely best in my opinion.
In my opinion black metal should not be commercial , not to be making it for money. Mostly black metal is done for it's ideology/theme, not for money. Money is just earthen shit, music is pure art. And good art is not often made by perforced methods. Dimmu Borgir has made most of their songs just for money or what would sell well.
I knew there would be something we could agree on sooner or later
I just cant help but like some of the bands ive found to make good music, even if i were to later find that they were not 100% dedicated. As for new dimmu, i dont like their new stuff cause it just blows, add that to the fact that they are only in for the money now, and you got yourself a bunch of sellouts who no longer make good music.
And for symphonic black, YES... summoning
Also, Abigor kicks ass!

2004-06-29, 01:15
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ran out...
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