2005-06-04, 02:15
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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hey, so i havent done anything useful here for a while. so i thought id make this thread. everytime i go to a concert i write down the setlist of the bands i liked and a few memories. so here are some of the concerts i've been to and their setlists. add on your own. its nice to have a log of what concerts youve seen and whether or not they played "that one song". plus, some funny things happen at concerts every now and then.
my first concert
Opeth/ Moonspell/ Devil Driver
February 21,2004
Opeth Set list:
Master's Apprentices
The Moor (First live US performance ever)
The Drapery Falls
In My Time Of Need (For those two Mikael used an acoustic guitar)
April Etheral
Blackwater Park
Demon of the Fall (Encore)
Morbid Angel/Suffocation/Satyricon/Premonitions of War
Suffocation Set List (Rough order)
Infecting The Crypts
Pierced From Within
Effigy of the Forgotten
Demise of the Clones
Subconciously Enslaved (At that performance Souls To Deny had not been released yet)
Thrones of Blood
Suspended in Tribulation
Liege of Inveracity
Morbid Angel
(Left early)
Pain Divine
Songs from Heretic
Drum solo from Heretic while setting up triggers
Lamb Of God/Children of Bodom/Fear Factory/Throwdown
November 13 2004
Children of Bodom Setlist
Intro (Yellow flashing lights and keyboard)
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Bodom Beach Terror
Needled 24/7
Everytime I Die
Six Pounder (Changed guitars)
Hatecrew Deathroll
Hate me!
February 19,2005
Suffocation/Behemoth/Cattle Decapitation/Misery Index/Devil Inside
Suffocation Set list(Rough Order)
Infecting The Crypts
Thrones of Blood
Subconciously Enslaved
Effigy of the Forgotten
Despise the Sun
Catatonia (Human Waste version)
Breeding the Spawn (Dedicated to all the women in the audience. "Because women want to kill people too!")
Tomes of Acrimony (Dedicated to Cattle Decapitation
Liege of Inveracity
Surgery of Impalement
Pierced from Within
Funeral Inception
All songs from Demigod except As Above, So Below and Christians to the Lions
Conquer All
Saturday April 2,2005
Cryptopsy/Cattle Decapitation/Skinless (The Autumn Offering cancelled)
Cryptopsy Setlist:
All of None So Vile
Drum Solo
Cold Hate,Warm Blood
We Bleed
During Cattle Decapitation's set Cryptopsy came out and dismantled the drummer's drumkit. They took off all his cymbals and after that Cattle Decapitation played one song (3 seconds long) and stopped playing.
Skinless's vocalist came out on stage with a popehat and and a gasmask. The popehat was later given to the "Pope of the Pit" a skinny black guy wearing a Pig Destroyer t-shirt.
Kreator/Vader/The Autumn Offering/Intraction
May 10,2005
A roadie told us before letting us in that Vader cancelled two days before. He said that Vader's vocalist had mad an excuse that their bus needed a new engine but that his voice was actually blown.
Kreator Setlist (Rough Order)
Choir of the Damned
Enemy of God
Voices of the Dead
Enemy of God
Terror Zone
Pleasure to Kill
People of the Lie
Violent Revolution
Riot of Violence
All of the Same Blood
Deicide/Immolation/Skinless/Despised Icon/With Passion
Wednesday June 1st 2005
Immolation Setlist(Rough Order)
Swarm of Terror/Of Martyrs and Men
Harnessing Ruin
Despondent Soul
Our Savior Sleeps
Challenge the Storm
Father, You're Not A Father
At Mourning's Twilight
Deicide Setlist (Rough Order)
Scars of the Crucifix
Once Upon The Cross
When Heaven Burns
Lunatic of Gods Creation
Children of the Underworld
When Satan Rules His World
and others
After Scars Glen complained that he couldn't hear himself in the monitor and that he would not play anymore if he couldnt hear himself and that he would break the monitors. Later on he began sweating so badly that his setlist ink was blurred by his sweat. Jack Owen's floyd rose broke so he switched guitars to a Hamer. Other guitar player was using a LTD DV-8.
well, thats it. post your own memories and set lists!

2005-06-04, 02:57
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i cant remember the set lists but some cool things from shows
mike kept playing a sabbath riff over and over
somone shouted "play angel of dead" and he says something like
hmm, dont know that one
morbid angel
cant remember the song but I can distinctly remember the moment i lost my hearing at it. trey was doing some fucked up wicked solo and hits this note that has some slight feedback(plus other effects) and yanks the bar up making this (literally) ear shattering shreik. which made my ears ring for over a week
got to chat with him after the show aswell
front row played air guitar almost the whole show afterwards got to talk to kerry which he ask me if i was the guy playing air guitar
damn dude i got some competition *laughs*
then give me one of his picks
was cool shit
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-06-04, 03:37
Noob lud
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haha, awesome
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2005-06-04, 08:02
The Stings of Conscience
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i went to a remembering never concert and a guy died of a cocaine overdose. Ironic, considering RN are hardcore straight edge fags. I still love the music though.

2005-06-04, 10:39
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dont remember setlists either, but here's to the memories!
I saw Rammstein 5 times and evertime it was fucking killer, they have awesome gimmicks like flamethrowers on their faces, a cannibal act, etc etc etc. Awesome, i'm gonna see em again in 2 weeks.
Also Peter Pan Speedrock, great live band, mucho energy, saw em three times i believe, and once they dedicated 2 songs to me and my brother because we posted a video of us wasted in their guestbook, haha.
it was cool, but i didnt really knew em well when i visited. A friend recommended them. But i fell in love that night
great show, great enery, after the second song somebody threw beer on the stage and Lemmy cut of the song and warned us if somebody did that again he would leave, haha.
killer show, they played for almost 2 hours, a lot of classics but also cool stuff from the new album. Man i got pissed that night. Hatesphere and Ektomorf sucked, Dark Tranquility was ok.
Cool show with just the classics, i was the youngest guy in the audience that night, haha. Grey ponytails all over the place.
Graspop festival 2003,
great day with Antrax, Arch Enemy, Destroyer 666, Iron Maiden and what not. Def remembers
Wacken 2004,
best holiday ever, 3 days of metal and beer. Motorhead was lame though, played it quick as if they wanted to get out as soon as possible. Destruction, Anthrax, Cannibal Corpse, Saxon and the rest of the bill was great though!
And i work at a small venue near to my house where i've seen bands like Dew-Scented, Grave, Prostitute Disfigurement, Desaster, Pentacle, Mortem, Destroyer 666, Krieg, Abozagorath, Cliteater, General Surgery etc.

2005-06-04, 13:45
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does anyone else wear earplugs? i do. i didnt the first few concerts but i dont like my ears ringing and besides it makes it much easier to hear whats going on when your ear hairs arent falling out of place!

2005-06-04, 13:47
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meh, you ought to use them, but they fuck the sound up really bad, only the bass penetrates, it really sucks.
You can get those professional fitting things, but they're fucking expensive

2005-06-04, 13:49
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yeah, i dont know, everyone says they mess up the sound. yes they make it bassier but my ears rattle with so much treble i cant hear whats going on anyways. personal preference i guess

2005-06-04, 14:28
Pokémon Master
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I don't think I could tollerate a concert without them.
And Most of the time, the mixer wears earplugs - and they mix it as to what they hear.
Gig memories for me:
Metallica [1998] - That is quite awhile ago, and I was WAAAYYY up the back so my memories basically consist of small figures running around on stage and lots of noise.
Slayer/Machine Head [2001] - Still not many memories, this time, I wasn't quite so far away, but I was on a weird angle. They were both good though.
Devolved + others [2002] - Local gig, my last ever underage one too! Devolved were awesome, I was right up close. All other bands were somewhat to verry shit.
The Haunted/Blood Duster/Earth [2003] - First overage gig. Earth were fucking awesome, sadly that was the only time I ever saw them. Blood Duster, decent playing I wasn't quite so grind then, so I enjoyed it more than I would have now. The Haunted were quite noisy and screachy though entertaining.
Opeth/Alchemist/Chalice [2003] - 1 month later. Challice were utter shit, they had a fucking flute player for christs sake! Alchemist were quite good, though generally not my sort of thing, they played the songs I wanted to hear and I was happy.
SYL [2004] - There was some other band in support, but they sucked. SYL was tight and played quite nicely. Sadly they played many songs I was unfamiliar with, but it was still good.
Exhumed/Fuck ...Im Dead/Bludgeneor/Ebolie/Vaginal Carnage [2004] - Vaginal Carnage were really quite good. Another band I sadly will only ever see once (RIP Chris). Ebolie - Shit, and took too much fucking time, meaning that latter bands cut their set short. Bastards. Bludgeoner were quite good, but awfully generic. Fuck ...Im Dead were FUCKING AWESOME. It was the first time I have seen them live and I was in no way dissapointed, even though they cut their set short because of previously mensioned bastards. Exhumed, well what can I say, tight fucking good gore. They played the songs I wanted to hear, and they did it well.
Deeds of Flesh/Psycroptic/Fuck ...Im Dead/someone else [2004] - Fuck ...Im Dead were first, they were not quite as good as they were at Exhumed, but were still quite entertianing. Someone else went here, and were obviously quite unmemorable. Psycroptic were next. They played Lacertine Forest. I was happy. Deeds was next. Inresting. Tight. But slightly boaring. I had a good time headbanging along.
Devolved + other shit bands [late 2004] - Shit bands inspired much drinking. Rest of night = blur.
M.S.I./Garbage Guts/Rotten Chop/Gorverk [2005] - Gorverk had a shit mex, but were still pretty good. Rotten Chop were shit, plain and simple. Garbage Guts gave me wood. I love pitch shifted grind. M.S.I. were quite entertaining too. Sadly I was sick this night, and the bits of alcohol that I consumed didn't help this.
Megadeth/Dungeon [2005] - Dungeon got shit all time, and a poor mix. But they were decent. Megadeth were good, really good. They mixed songs togeather a bit (i.e. would start one song, and then change to another in the middle, then change back for the end) Their last song was something along the lines of "Holy Train of Mechanix ... The Punishment Due".
Hate Eternal + others - http://metaltabs.com/forum/showpost...postcount=12520
There are probably more. But I don't remember.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?
Last edited by BeastOfCarrion : 2005-06-04 at 14:33.
Reason: oh shit, how could I forget Megadeth

2005-06-04, 18:40
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Oct. 2004, the Bodom/Lamb of God/Throwdown/Fear Factory thingy. Throwdown started and I wasn't really paying attention to them. Bodom was second and their set list was:
Silent Night
Bodom Beach Terror
Needled 24/7
Hate Me!
........and that's it, Mr. Laiho decided he was too sick and his foot was hurting to play much more. It was only like 30 min. and I was kinda pissed and I didn't feel like watching Fear Factory and shit so I left.

2005-06-04, 19:57
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there we go
good job guys

2005-06-04, 22:06
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Originally Posted by Transient
Jack Owen's floyd rose broke so he switched guitars to a Hamer.
No he went to a Schecter!!!!
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-06-05, 01:11
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2005-06-05, 01:15
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And I saw the model name on the headstock too but I forgot 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-06-05, 01:54
Forum Reverend
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Damageplan/Shadowsfall/Haunted in Montreal sometime before x-mas:
during both Damageplan and Shadowfall sets "Best Dude" comes on stage and jumps into the crowd pouring a 40 of whiskey on all of us in the pit...about 4 people including myself all slipped and fell on our asses at the same time do to all the whiskey on the floor. Damageplan ended thier set by playing some classic Pantera - Broken, A New Level and Walk. I then met Dime in a bar after the show where he was too fucked to figure out the ATM.
the patterns are everywhere...

2005-06-05, 01:58
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Death - Spiritual Healing tour at The Stone in San Francisco (or was it the Omni in Oakland? Definitely one of those two.): James Hetfield was at the show. At one point he sat down at the bar behind me and was talking to his two buddies about different methods of killing people (maybe they were bodyguards and had nothing else to talk about). At one point I glanced over and he was silent and looking in my general direction, so I said "What's up James?" and he responded "Hey." Then two of the fags that were standing around staring at him looked at me with the old "How dare you speak to James Hetfield" look on their face and I shot them a very smug evil eye and had a good laugh with my brother about it. The show was awesome and was by far the best Death show I've ever seen live or on video.
Sam Kinison - Circle Star Theater in San Carlos, CA 1989ish: Lars Ulrich was there with a bevy of four beauties surrounding him. At one point a foolish heckler shouted at Sam to "Get with the program!". Sam responded: "Get with the program? I'm the one that was getting my dick sucked by twins while doing lines of coke in a leer jet on the way over here. YOU get with the program. (giggles) I'll bet you were riding your bike this morning on your paper route saying to yourself 'I sure hope I make enough money to go see Sam Kinison tonight!'." The guy stood up right there and walked out of the venue with his girlfriend in front of everyone and it was a very cozy crowd in a circular theater with everyone watching him and laughing at him.
Megadeth - Peace Sells tour at The Stone in San Francisco: I had already been to The Stone for several speed/thrash concerts before and they generally had one large circular pit and maybe a smaller side pit sometimes. When Megadeth finally hit the stage the entire front half of the venue spontaneously turned into a huge rectangular pit of random mayhem with me right in the middle right of it. This phenomenom held up for most of the show which consisted of every song off the first two albums (except for the covers) plus a preliminary version of Mary Jane to start off the encore. Overkill had opened up, but they didn't stand a chance compared to Mustaine and the boys in top form.
Sam Kinison - Circle Star Theater (prior to the other show): A heckler decided to get in the action as usual. Sam had brought Jessica Hahn out and paraded her around. Someone shouted "Did you fuck her?" and Sam said "No, but I did fuck your mother in the ass while she knitted me this hat!!!" (At the following show Sam had already dismissed Jessica and had fucked her at that point. When the subject came up he tried to describe the experience by saying "You know the sound a plunger makes in a toilet? It was like fucking a big house slipper that made that plunging sound." [followed by his impression of the sound while moving his fist in a plunging motion])
Metal Blade tenth anniversary show in L.A. with Armored Saint, Lizzy Borden  , and some other kooks: I was a college DJ at the time and a former DJ was working at Metal Blade and she introduced me to Jim Matheos of Fates Warning and I was like "You rule" or something. He said he was making a surprise appearance on stage and I misunderstood him to mean that Fates Warning would be playing a surprise set. My friend John and I set about spreading the rumor and there were a lot of very excited people near the stage. Jim Matheos and some other famous guy came out and jammed with Armored Saint on a cover of Judas Priest's "Livin' after Midnight". After Armored Saint finished a bunch of people were anxiously milling around expecting Fates Warning to come out and when they started to realize that it wasn't going to happen they started getting pissed off and we overheard someone say that they wanted to know who started the rumor so they could kick some asses or something to that effect. My friend and I slipped out quietly and had a good laugh about that one. I had made eye contact with the guy we had told (he was the one who spread it around) and he looked a little miffed, but kept his mouth shut.
Soulfly - Cane's Bar and Grill in San Diego 2004: I was wearing my "Jesus is coming... Look Busy" t-shirt which has Jesus in large print and the rest of it smaller plus a picture of Jesus with his arms spread up and out. Some drunk bastard actually got in my face and was rambling shit like "Jesus sucks!!!! Fuck Jesus!!!!" and actually looked like he was ready to fight about it. I gave him my "Boy, what in the HELL is wrong with you?" look and then continued on to the smoking area.
Snoop Dogg - Coors Amphitheater in San Diego around 2002ish: Four songs into Snoop's set a bunch of bloods wearing red T-shirts started a riot in the orchestra section and then got onto the stage and trashed all the DJ gear while Snoop was being whisked away by security. The concert was stopped right there. Very weird experience.
GBH - Fender's Ballroom in L.A. 1988ish: My friends and I were among a very small group of people with long hair. Everyone else was hardcore punk and back then they didn't get along with the longhairs. We stayed in the back with our backs physically against the wall and kept out of trouble. There were at least 10 fullblown fights and two hardcore catfights. A large shaved skinhead was in the middle of the pit the entire time just punching people as they went by him. When we were leaving, one of my friends decided to talk some shit to this guy and yelled something at him. We had to hit the gas because four giant skinheads started running towards our truck at full speed.
Death Angel - Fender's Ballroom in L.A. 1988: Some clown pulled a rag off of Rob Cavestany's leg and appeared to be very excited and proud of himself until Rob grabbed him by the hair and kicked him in the face. MX Machine opened up and was phenomenal live and people kept climbing up in the rafters and dropping back down into the pit.
Dark Angel - Fender's Ballroom in L.A. 1988: This was the first time I ever witnessed a pit whore in action. This cute blonde chick kept stagediving and crowd surfing over and over all night and thoroughly enjoyed getting felt up by all of the savages in the pit. I suspect she climaxed more than once.
Testament - The Warfield in San Francisco on the Practice What You Preach tour: This was probably the best live performance I have ever seen put on by anyone in a club type venue. Nothing more to say about that...
Pantera/Slayer/Morbid Angel plus three crap nu-metal bands - Cox Arena San Diego: Scott Ian was hanging out near us for a while. He shook all of our hands and seemed very cool and very short. He got busted by security for drinking a canned beer that he had scored backstage earlier. He pounded the rest of the beer and scoffed at the bouncer.
That's enough for now. Or maybe it was too much? A lot of other good concerts, but the off the wall random shit always sticks out in my memory the most. I gotta get the fuck out of here...

2005-06-05, 03:22
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oh well i didnt know standup comedians counted. i saw george carlin, but it was very dissapointing. all he did was get more offensive and less funny as time wore on apparently.
youve seen some cool shows and have cool memories kylito!

2005-06-05, 03:25
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The most rescent gig I've been to is Hate Eternal/Psycroptic/Fuck... I'm Dead at the Espy.
I can actually give the exact set lists of Psycroptic and Fuck... I'm Dead because I've got a couple of souvenirs from the show. Both their set list sheets along with Jay's dirty fucking foot print stamped across it. I was fucking close to getting Erik's Jazz III too when he chucked it into the crowd.
Fuck... I'm Dead:
Twist Of Death
Anal Abattior
Barefoot And Shitfaced
Coliteral Damage
Colon Commando
Ruthless Aggression
Force Fed Brutality
Licky Webster
Burnt To An Absolute Crisp
Shop Front Whore
Inject Me With AIDS
Toilet Tantalizers
Jeffrey Dahmer's Cookbook
Slowly Raped With A Chainsaw
Shotgun Facelift
Delicous Dolop
Spray Me With Fecal Matter
A Fraction Off Death
Army Of Hermaphrodites
Fuck... I'm Dead
The Sword Of Uncreation
Skin Coffin
Alpha Breed (new song)
Condemned By Discontent
The Colour Of Sleep
Epoch (new song)
Carnival Of Vulgarity
The Scepter Of Jaar-Gilon
I had a fucking awesome time. I brought along my fellow med student friends, who are into punk and they had a great time too. They spent as much time up the front headbanging and stage-diving as me.
They were actually disappointed that the pit wasn't as aggressive as they expected, with that fuckhead bouncer being the most violent out of everyone but we're all still finding bruises and grazes all over our bodies.

2005-06-05, 03:30
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ive found that mosh pits dont exist anymore. now its just the spin kickers
steves got a nice story to tell about that one, ill let him tell it

2005-06-05, 22:28
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Pantera/Slayer/Morbid Angel plus three crap nu-metal bands - Cox Arena San Diego: Scott Ian was hanging out near us for a while. He shook all of our hands and seemed very cool and very short. He got busted by security for drinking a canned beer that he had scored backstage earlier. He pounded the rest of the beer and scoffed at the bouncer.
was that the Extreme Steel Tour?? man Morbid Angel was the first band...somehow Scrape and Static-X deserved to be after them...fucking jackasses...this was in Hamilton, ON. anyways me, my bud and two other random dudes sat down on the floor in defiance of what was happening. I also sat down when Soulfly was playing before Slayer in Montreal at some other show. people were tripping over us occasionally, but no one did anytihng about it, so we stayed seated.
the patterns are everywhere...

2005-06-06, 00:37
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I am envious of Kylito's live experiences 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-06-06, 00:45
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Dug up from my first thread on this site:
Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
I walk into the underworld, rush straight to the merchandise section get an incantation hoody, the new behemoth album and the t-shirt. Then i run to the stage 'cause Ragnarok already started. FUCKING GOOD! Blasting classic black metal, then came Incantation, who took a while tuning up, (the vocalist/guitarist : "sorry for the delay, my guitar took a shit before the show!") but when it started, fucking hell was it amazing! Brutal death metal, which was played through a BC Rich Mockingbird.
Finally I got what I came for; Behemoth! The crowd went crazy, it started off with "Are there any Christians here" the crowd replies "Christians to the lions!" A couple of people (including myself) went stagediving, it was awesome. I didn't stay for Krisiun because i'm not particularly keen on them, but overall the best gig i've ever been to. (so far)
 "Blasting classic black metal" and "brutal death metal" 

2005-06-06, 00:47
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Originally Posted by Father Death
was that the Extreme Steel Tour?? man Morbid Angel was the first band...somehow Scrape and Static-X deserved to be after them...fucking jackasses...this was in Hamilton, ON. anyways me, my bud and two other random dudes sat down on the floor in defiance of what was happening.
Same tour, same bullshit. Morbid Angel was forced to play through a substandard sound system at fairly low volume early in the day and hardly anyone was there. Then Static-X and two other gay bands played. Then somehow Pantera was billed above Slayer which annoyed us even more. Some wannabe nu-metal skinheaded fucks almost started a fight with my friend Dan just because he was saying that Pantera had no business being billed above Slayer. The one cool thing about the Pantera performance was that every time they would trigger the giant flames at the top of the stage set a huge heat wave would rush over us. 

2005-06-06, 00:57
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I am envious of Kylito's live experiences 
Thanks MTM, but don't be sad. I'm like old and stuff. But allow me to bore you a little more with a short list of some more bands I've seen live when they were hot:
Celtic Frost
Fates Warning
Racer X


2005-06-06, 15:15
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Thanks MTM, but don't be sad. I'm like old and stuff. But allow me to bore you a little more with a short list of some more bands I've seen live when they were hot:
Celtic Frost
Fates Warning
Racer X

Goddamn you son of a bitch,you've even seen Forbidden?!?!?! 
Last edited by LordofStorms : 2005-06-06 at 16:29.

2005-06-07, 03:42
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Originally Posted by LordofStorms
Goddamn you son of a bitch,you've even seen Forbidden?!?!?! 
Twice.  They opened for Testament on I believe The New Order tour. The lead guitarist for Forbidden AND Alex Skolnick both did twenty minute guitar solos that night. It was close to Christmas and the singer for Forbidden was wearing a Santa hat (he's a large individual and very funny). Skolnick's solo included some unbelievable volume knob tricks and some weird double picking thing that I had never heard before and have never heard him do on an album. It really pisses me off because I can't describe it other than to say it was awesome...
I think the other time I saw them might have been with Exodus but I'm not sure.
Just keep going to shows all the time and someday someone will be like "OMG!! You saw Assclown before they were killed by religious extremists????" I'm always jealous of my older friends that saw Zeppelin, Sabbath, and Floyd back in the day. If I met someone who had seen Hendrix I would probably punch them in a rage of jealousy.
The best band I've ever seen live that I've never seen any recorded material of was called "Clownhouse". These guys had some of the best heavy riffs I've ever heard anywhere... 

2005-06-08, 00:59
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by Kylito
The one cool thing about the Pantera performance was that every time they would trigger the giant flames at the top of the stage set a huge heat wave would rush over us. 
i found that pretty funny since in one of the Pantera Videos Phil want on and on about how they don't use pyro and special effects, therefor making them better than all those other bands that use it...meanwhile KISS is one of his favourite bands...
the patterns are everywhere...

2005-06-08, 01:05
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Thanks MTM, but don't be sad. I'm like old and stuff. But allow me to bore you a little more with a short list of some more bands I've seen live when they were hot:

I am generationally-challenged
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-06-08, 04:18
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Posts: 868
Originally Posted by Father Death
i found that pretty funny since in one of the Pantera Videos Phil want on and on about how they don't use pyro and special effects, therefor making them better than all those other bands that use it...meanwhile KISS is one of his favourite bands...
Yeah, these guys say stupid shit just like the rest of I suppose. I do have to give Phil props because he sound checked Morbid Angel's guitars and played Raining Blood. He also came out and sang on one of the Morbid Angel songs and I understand he had got them on the tour in the first place. The most ironic thing was that the bassist from Static X often cites Morbid Angel as a huge influence on him and yet they were billed over them. 

2005-07-08, 05:59
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i saw Bucket Truck, Dammage Plan and Slayer at the Harbour Station in Saint John, NB, it was awsome, but this was when i didnt know anything...
there was another Newfie-Land band... they sucked...
Bucket Truck sucked major ass...
Dammage Plan came out and i though they were Slayer and the lead singer was Kerry King! (he was bald aswell)
I remember Dammage Plan doing a cover of Walk and Slayer playing Angel of Death, South of Heaven and i think Mind Control... there was alot more but thats all i remember... i was right infront of Jeff in a mosh and all i could think of was "wow is his hair cool or what?"  i was also steped on by a really fat guy too... 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-07-08, 15:48
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you must be tiny and whiny then

2005-07-08, 16:25
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correct and correct :P
good to see this thread get some action though

2005-07-08, 17:20
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Posts: 470
Some of the best shows ever for me :
Bloodletting North America 2003 : Lexiviat (local), Spawn of Possession, Severed Savior, Pyaemia, Gorgasm... awesome show, tightest bands ever (except for that Gorgasm drummer who kept having trouble keeping his double kick in time). We were only about 40-50 metalheads at the gig, I don't know why. Greatest sound ever in a show (due to the small size of the place maybe). Best moment of the show : every solo played by SOP's guitarist Karlsson, or Severed Savior covering "Funeral Inception" by Suffo.
Iron Maiden in 2004 for the "Give me Ed till I'm Dead" tour : Dio opened, followed by Motorhead. I hated Dio, but I enjoyed Motorhead mainly because of the harley-old-schoolers crowd standing in the pit like they were Lemmy's bodyguards or something, pushing away Dio's fans. That was hilarious. Like 90% of the crowd, I only knew "Ace of Spades". Maiden were absolutely amazing, played a lot of old songs instead of just the "Brave New World" hits. My ears kept ringing for a week after that huge gig (Centre Bell is the place where Celine Dion and U2 usually play when they come to Montreal, so you can imagine how loud would Maiden be).
Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Despised Icon and some other NYC death metal band in 2004 : Great, great show. Not much to say about it, except that Dying Fetus singer wasn't there, so J. Gallagher had to fill alone all the vocal parts, + play guitar/solos, which he managed to do very well I must say. Suffo were incredible. Maybe the best act ever. Their sound was HUGE, yet so tight, I don't know how they do it.
Cryptopsy + Cephalic Carnage + The End + Bloodshoteye : I didn't want to see the first two acts, which I thought would be boring. So I got drunk with friends in a park, and we got into the show the minute Cephalic started its set : one of the best live acts ever, I've never seen musicians playing so tight while jumping around and headbanging in such a strange and difficult way. And their drummer... I was speechless. After Cephalic, there was this whole Lord Worm weird theatrical show for his comeback (LW arrived on the stage in a casket carried by white-painted-face people) which was funny as shit, especially as drunk as I was. They played the whole None So Vile album, which was great, although the Worm seemed to need a bit of practice for the long screams. But Levasseur's solos and Flo's drumming were still incredible, needless to say.
Also, I've seen that Underground Deathfest 2004, with Deeds of Flesh, Mortal Decay, Gorgasm, Infernal Majesty and Dead Jesus. I was fucking pissed because Gorgasm couldn't make it to the show, but that Dead Jesus' guy, who kept eating bibles lighted on fire and punching himself in the face until he bled, was so funny that I started liking the show. And then, Mortal Decay was absolutely amazing. Deeds of Flesh, I don't know... I had already seen them once and they're not, in my opinion, really entertaining live.
Other shows I've seen : Children of Bodom, twice, and a lot - A LOT - of small local acts, which probably no one here know of. Oh, and also, in 2001 or 2002, Martyr + Neuraxis + Cryptopsy together in the same show. Montreal is such a great place...

2005-07-08, 20:16
Join Date: Apr 2004
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youve seen some amazing shows, spirit. im jealous

2005-07-14, 18:47
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You saw Spawn of Possession, you fucking bastard. I sadly missed that show, I didnt find out they were playing near me till 3 days after the show was over. Everyone who has seen them always asks me if I saw them since I have a SoP hoody and it is always rubbed into my face about how amazing they are live.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2006-04-08, 21:41
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Holy shit, Krisiun was awesome last night, I like them a whole lot more now. I was right in fornt of the guitar player, and man that bastard can play alot better than I ever thought he could. The vocalist from Morbid Angel was gay and a half, he was wearing this gay leather vest and huge platform studded boots. Trey played very well though, as did Sandoval (who is getting reeeeally fucking skinny. He's starting to look like Mick Mars). Behemoth was awful, their vocalist came out with a slipknot mask on and a big trench coat as well. He was getting heckled by two dudes saying "return that shit to hot topic!" and things of that nature. It was a 2 hour drive to Poughkeepsie but it was woth it to see Morbid Angel and Krisiun.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-04-08, 21:52
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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bahaha i told you they have stage masks! did krisiun play house of god?
and did you get me a shirt?

2006-04-08, 22:09
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Ahh fuck I don't know if they played that. And sorry, the only shirt they had with an eagle on it had a big american flag in the background and it just looked gay, so I decided not to get one :/
There were also 2 hot metal chicks (one looked pretty Greek and one looked French) and one fat one moshing, so that was pretty damn cool (the hot ones were, anyways). There was also this one 25 year old bodybuilder that I talked to. He came in looking like he wanted to start a fight, but he seemed like a pretty nice guy when I talked to him, and when he was talking to people. He threw my ass around pretty good, and I his, haha. We talked about lifting a bit too, he said that my shoulders looked pretty wide and my arms look decent, but he said to give it a few more years and wait until I get a little older before I worry about building a ton of mass. Fun times in Poughkeepsie.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-04-08, 22:12
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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yeah that sounds pretty gay. i need shirts that fit though damnit!
how is the venue itself? and the drive up? and did you get the morbid angel tour shirt with the domination cover art

2006-04-18, 03:34
New Blood
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Umm Slayer/Hatebreed: first show. Pretty fun but i was intimidated as hell considering i was a 14 year old who barely started puberty.
in nyc
Deicide/Skinless/Despised Icon/With Passion
IN PHILLY. immolation didnt show up because they were at maryland deathfest which sucked. Skinless was awesome. Deicide and Despised Icon were pretty fuckin good and With Passion kinda blew (waaaay too much distortion and fuzzz... you couldnt hear the music)
For skinless's set they brought out this really hot babe in a box mover all tied up and jason keyser (the singer) felt up her tits it was funny.
Obituary/Napalm Death/Dead To Fall (+ local bands)
Dead to Fall kicked ass. Napalm Death's set was INTENSE as fuck. Obituary were really good but they were like the 8th band up and I was EXHAUSTED by the time they got on stage so i didnt enjoy it as much as i could have.
I saw Danny Lilker (bassist for SOD, Nuclear Assault and Brutal Truth) in the audience... didnt get to meet him tho...
R.A.M.B.O./Municipal Waste/Caustic Christ
All three bands FUCKING TORE THE PLACE DOWN. Best concert yet. So much fan. Stagediving was fun as hell. It was RAMBO's singers last show so they made it extra special. People brought cardboard costumes. They has two guys in a huge cardboard tank... they gave my friend rob a cardboard jesus constume, there were wizard costumes, knight costumes and within 30 seconds of their set all the constumes were ripped to shreds in the pit. while in the circle pit i found a fake realistic looking head it was sweet. good show

2006-05-05, 04:04
slack as fuck
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ALICE COOPER... fuck! Just saw him tonight! It was amazing, his theatrics are awesome. He got decapitated and they killed a fake paris hilton.. it was awesome. Also, some random chick kept giving me and Zertonshfits beer. Fuck it was amazing.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-05-05, 04:24
Life is pain.
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local band - called my mate a faggot so we went up started a fight, singer got punched 3 times in the face and finished the set crying hahaah

2006-05-08, 02:35
I am a tax on the world..
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That's hi-larious!
I can count the number of metal gigs I've ever been to on one hand.
My first metal concert was for Iced Earth's Glorious Burden, and CoB's Hatecrew tour......
Children of Bodom, Evergrey, and Iced Earth.
Second was
Into Eternity  , Incantation, and ....KRISIUN!!!!!!!!!for their Bloodshed tour
Next was Necrophagia, Dagon, and some other local black metal crap touring Texas.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2006-05-08, 05:20
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Bitch is Back Toward with GWAR: Fucking blast, went with a friend and got fake blood and piss sprayed on us and the crowd. Was a fucking hilarious show. Cattle Decapitated sucked fucking balls though.
Unearth/Black Dahlia Murder: Good show, not as good as GWAR though. Had a great time blowing my voice out.
HammerFall/Edguy/Into Eternity: Probably the best show I've been to, to date. Fucking HammerFall ruled. enough said. picture
Decapitated/Vader: Good show, wish more people were there, but still rocked. picture
Amon Amarth/Trivium/Children of Bodom: Left after Amon Amarth played...they fucking dominated. picture
Necrophagist: Fucking shit can they shred...and Muhammed is so fucking short. Like 5' 3" tops. picture

2006-05-08, 15:21
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Originally Posted by rapeandruin
Amon Amarth/Trivium/Children of Bodom: Left after Amon Amarth played...they fucking dominated. picture
they opened didnt they?
fucking stylish to leave, respect man 

2006-05-08, 15:32
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
they opened didnt they?
fucking stylish to leave, respect man 
yeah thye did open, but you know what? it was great cuz I got back at like 9 so I still had time to kick back and relax.

2006-05-08, 15:37
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ah right, would have been a bit expensive then

2006-05-08, 18:31
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I havent been to one. 

2006-05-08, 19:06
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Originally Posted by powersofterror
That's hi-larious!
I can count the number of metal gigs I've ever been to on one hand.
My first metal concert was for Iced Earth's Glorious Burden, and CoB's Hatecrew tour......
Children of Bodom, Evergrey, and Iced Earth.
Second was
Into Eternity  , Incantation, and ....KRISIUN!!!!!!!!!for their Bloodshed tour
Next was Necrophagia, Dagon, and some other local black metal crap touring Texas.
how was incantation?ive heard nothing but bad things about them live but not that much anyways. i cant imagine their stuff carrying over live anyways. headbanging?moshing? intro music?

2006-05-08, 23:20
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
ah right, would have been a bit expensive then
i think it was like 15 bucks or something...but 15 bucks to see fucking amon amarth is worth it for me. i don't know about you

2006-05-09, 06:03
Life is pain.
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Transient - I have live DVD on Incantation, they look great live!
But, I like their music alot, fun and cool to me.

2006-05-09, 10:32
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i like them ok too i just cant imagine that stuff live

2006-05-09, 19:10
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
Posts: 6,940
can someone find me a concert to good to

2006-05-10, 06:34
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Originally Posted by Requiem
can someone find me a concert to good to
look on the internet at bands you like...find tours near you...it's really fucking simple

2006-05-10, 12:23
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Originally Posted by rapeandruin
i think it was like 15 bucks or something...but 15 bucks to see fucking amon amarth is worth it for me. i don't know about you
good deal, i wouldnt expect that tour to be so cheap with cockheads like COB on board

2006-05-10, 17:45
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Actually ive tried that no bands that i like even a little are coming to Texas.

2006-05-12, 04:40
Senior Metalhead
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Location: azusa CA
Posts: 166
Man I miss all the gigs in the los angeles area by downtown la. their was this small place in china town called the hung pow cafe (I TOTALY MISSED SPELLED THIS) it was bitchen seen some awesome bands their that was early 90's 91 or 92 but good memories though....

2006-05-13, 16:03
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-05-14, 03:03
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
Posts: 3,017
Fuck the song listings, ill share my epic tales!
slayer, Soulfly, In Flames 09/05/02 (Mississauga Ontario)
First show ever. My GOD i was blown away, it made me want to grow my hair put again and play my guitar unill i was a GOD! And to give me a sign, Jeff Threw me his pick
Slayer, Damageplan 06/04/04 (Halifax NS)
This day was my best day on earth, I SAW DIME WITH MY OWN FUCKIGN EYES! as soon as the doors opend i was 3rd in line, and once i was checked, I RAN LIKE FUCKING HELL! to were dime would be playing, and i just got there, people were trying to move me, but my hardcore pantera fan blood held me there! and once those lights went down, and damageplan hit the stage, my life was whole! DIME WAS 2 FUCKING FEET FROM ME! and the whole night i was bashing my head, and the crowd was right behind me puching at me to get close to dime, and i had HUGE black and blue marks from it! now, at the time were dime does his solo, he took the mic right after, and he said "I SEE ONE OR TWO OF THOSE OLD PANTERA SHIRTS OUT THERE!" and i was yelling "DIIIIIIIIIIME!" and he pointed at me, and i felt like i was TOUCHED by god! and once the set was done, IT WAS NOT OVER! he threw his pick out, and it hit the floor, AND I COULD NOT GET IT! but the security guard in front of me was attending to someone in the crowd (before the show i asked if a pick fell if i could get it), and if you know the show "trailer park boys" thats filmed here, "Sam Losco" (the vet) works security at the metro center, and he picked it up, and i was like "ME SAM ME!!!" and the cunt next to me wanted it, but as luck had it, the guy who was in front of me was done with the crowd situation, and tapped sam on the shoulder, and pointed at me! I WAS WHOLE! SAW DIME, DIME POINTED AT ME, AND GOT HIS FUCKING GUITAR PICK BY THE HELP OF SAM OFF TRAILER PARK BOYS!!!
Now, slayer hit, and i was soooo burned out form the damageplan set, but i hit the pit for my very first time and got my ass handed to me hahaha, and i eneded up getting Kerry Kings pick right after the show.
Cryptopsy 07/26/04 (Halifax NS)
My first underground death metal show, and my god it was good! long story short, i got Jon's pick, and had a blast! But i had to walk home fromt eh event (2 hours).
JUDAS PRIEST, SLAYER 09/18/04 (Toronto Ontario)
the day started at 8am, my bro and i took the train into the city to get out tickets, and we got ours for 100 each (6 rows back and dead middle), so we took to the streets on the city (and made a MT post at a net cafe too!), and FYI, if you are in the middle of the city and need to poop, DO IT AT A STARBUCKS!), and i do have a funny story about a pop-eyes fried chicken joint we ate at, but thats not another story hahha, so once the show started, we made our way to the event! we encountered tomes of drunk assholes who tried to fight me and my brother, because i had a slayer shirt on, and not a priest shirt... anyways! we thought it was set seeating, but NOPE! for front row we would have had to pay 200 each, but we didn't and settled for a few rows back, but metal heads dont like the whole seating thing and tossed the to the side and stood! and i got right infront of kerry king MUAHAHAHA! slayer SUCKED i wont lie about it. you could tell it was an off night, pluys there was not pit, just alot of head banging! THEN! JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDAS PRIEST!!!! my chrsit, halford had a voice on him! i was in a trance for a bit while he sang! all in all i got Glenn's pick, and meet the singer of skid row mr S.bach!
Misery Index, Nuraxis, Grusome Feast, Soul Devour 10/31/04 (Halifax NS)
MY GOD!!!! thats all i can say! The whole night was good, but Misery Index KICKED MY FUCKIGN ASS, and after that i was a huge fan. and i got sparky's pick too! and shook the cat's hand!
Misery Index, Grusome Feast 04 or 05/?/05 (Ch'Town PEI)
At first I never thought i could go, but i DID! anyways, my friend jamie told me o bring my axe because misery index loves to jam with the grusome feast guys (the became brothers with them after the last maritime tour) and being cool dudes from the band, they told everyone that they could jam with them! So i brought my dimeslime!!! anyways, i got there, and jamie was the only guy left at the house (he lived with GF) and he called his grandmother to drive us to ch'town (1 hour drive), so she showed up, and jamie brought some sabbath, and asked her if her could throw them on, and his grand mother said (ILL NEVER FOR GET THIS!) "With or without that fag DIO?" and i lost it! so we were driving to the capital of pei blasting the first sabbath CD with his grandmother singing along with us! so the show went SOOO SWEEET! though there was only 14 of us in crowd, it was still epic as hell! misery index was playign for almost an hour and a half!!! now my friend was being "security" for the night, and for the last song his friend told him to hit the pit, because he was working all night, and jamie jummped on the floor, someone puched him, adn he busted his nose on the monitor, and broke it! so we had to go to the hospital right after the show, and were there till 230 am (got there at 12), so we got to sumemrside at 345am, and by that time everyone was passed out drunk, but jason (bass/vox in misery index) was up, and was being interviewed by a guy i know form here, so i left and went to bed. (i got to this show because someone my mom worked with was getting married at the hotel, and this hotel was accross the street from the GF house hahaha).
Motorhead (cant remeber the shit bands that played) 05/02/05
BLOWN AWAY! they played for 2 hours!!! and i got the drumemr to sign my motorhead cd at the signing @ one of the local musicstores. the show was amazing! for a bunch 50 year old drunken cats! adn i got lemmy's and phils pick!
SUFFOCATION 05/28/05 (Halifax NS)
MY GOD! MY FUCKIGN GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! one of the best shows i have been too! 4 songs into it i yelled at terrance "CAN I GET YOUR PICK!?" and he tossed it at me, and it was HOT from the press! and after the show, he signed my "human waste" cd. I got to go to the after party, and i had to leave around 130am beauce of work, but suffo got there 15 mins after i left
Behemoth 11/19/05 (Halifax NS)
I didn't want to go to this at first, but i said "fuck it" and went! AND IM GLAD I DID! they were soooooooooooooooooo tight, i mean WOW! they played, then an encore, then we kept chanting, the played another, we chanted again, they played AGAIN, we chanted again, and they played ONE MORE!!! all in all they were up there for more then 2 hours hahaha! I got the rythem guitarist pick, and the drummers stick! (still has all the blast beat markings on it hahaha).
Now i have seen other bands, but nothing as special! and sorry for spelling mistakes.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2006-05-14, 04:38
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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The Slayer show was June 10, 2004 not the 6th...and you forgot to share.. that date was when we first met in person. Cunt.
I haven't seen all the shows cunt monger has been too, a lot of them by choice...however, I'm going to see Suffocation here May 20th, and I'm not even a fan! Suckers!
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-05-15, 22:24
Death to all but metal!
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
it made me want to grow my hair put again and play my guitar unill i was a GOD!
Haha yesssss!! Slayer did that to me as well, but it was when I bought Reign in Blood a few years back 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-05-16, 01:25
The Mountie From Hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Halifax N.S. Canada
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well the albums DID want me to play music, but at the time my untrained ears and fingers thought that to play a solo you had to BE a god on guitar, but seeing them live and seeing how EASY it was made me think "hey my lazy ass can do that too!!!"
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2006-05-16, 06:06
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Chicago
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The best thing ever was playing last at this grind fest on Saturday for 6 minutes and having people say it was the best set of the night.
Also watching a guy convulse for a couple minutes after hitting his head on a beam after he jumped off stage at an Anal Blast show. CRAZY. The poor guy is (from what I've heard) in pretty bad shape though.

2006-06-01, 09:23
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Michael Angelo Batio - music store, yesterday
He gave a clinic in the local music store, lasted over two hours, playing lots of his own work (speed kills, hands without shadows) plus a lot of medleys of his influences (ozzy, metallica, jimi hendrix, led zep).
He had a nice backingtrack goin along the song, and you could say either he raped them with fucking appeggios all the time, or he gave em a batio twist. It was cool anyhow.
He also talked alot about how he started, what his educations were (classical and jazz), and as a matter of fact, he's a pretty damn good guitarist, he played a little jazz lick here and there and he was showing he's not just a dumb shredder like a lot of the webcam guys nowadays.
oh and did you know he was tom morello's mentor? that was interesting.
And his hair is freaking ridiculous haha, anyway he used two dean guitars from the store and played em through a marshall jcm2000 with an ibanez tube(s)creamer and 400 buck delay. He also played his double-neck, showed how it worked, how you can put it together and stuff. Afterwards he signed stuff and took pictures with every one.
cool night, cool guy, great guitarist.

2006-06-02, 15:44
slack as fuck
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Originally Posted by Cunty Shunt
The best thing ever was playing last at this grind fest on Saturday for 6 minutes and having people say it was the best set of the night.
Also watching a guy convulse for a couple minutes after hitting his head on a beam after he jumped off stage at an Anal Blast show. CRAZY. The poor guy is (from what I've heard) in pretty bad shape though.
Haha nice
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-06-02, 18:28
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ballater, Scotland, UK.
Posts: 1,128
Originally Posted by The Doctor
Michael Angelo Batio - music store, yesterday
He gave a clinic in the local music store, lasted over two hours, playing lots of his own work (speed kills, hands without shadows) plus a lot of medleys of his influences (ozzy, metallica, jimi hendrix, led zep).
He had a nice backingtrack goin along the song, and you could say either he raped them with fucking appeggios all the time, or he gave em a batio twist. It was cool anyhow.
He also talked alot about how he started, what his educations were (classical and jazz), and as a matter of fact, he's a pretty damn good guitarist, he played a little jazz lick here and there and he was showing he's not just a dumb shredder like a lot of the webcam guys nowadays.
oh and did you know he was tom morello's mentor? that was interesting.
And his hair is freaking ridiculous haha, anyway he used two dean guitars from the store and played em through a marshall jcm2000 with an ibanez tube(s)creamer and 400 buck delay. He also played his double-neck, showed how it worked, how you can put it together and stuff. Afterwards he signed stuff and took pictures with every one.
cool night, cool guy, great guitarist.
I'll bet that was fucking great.
My best memory is Cannibal Corpse in Glasgow, April 19th.
Being told by Corpsegrinder that we were the best crowd he's had in years and that not just saying that. And getting him to laugh at the slogan on the longsleeves that I wore.

2006-06-04, 13:05
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
Posts: 2,761
Originally Posted by FearFrost
Fuck the song listings, ill share my epic tales!
slayer, Soulfly, In Flames 09/05/02 (Mississauga Ontario)
First show ever. My GOD i was blown away, it made me want to grow my hair put again and play my guitar unill i was a GOD! And to give me a sign, Jeff Threw me his pick
Slayer, Damageplan 06/04/04 (Halifax NS)
This day was my best day on earth, I SAW DIME WITH MY OWN FUCKIGN EYES! as soon as the doors opend i was 3rd in line, and once i was checked, I RAN LIKE FUCKING HELL! to were dime would be playing, and i just got there, people were trying to move me, but my hardcore pantera fan blood held me there! and once those lights went down, and damageplan hit the stage, my life was whole! DIME WAS 2 FUCKING FEET FROM ME! and the whole night i was bashing my head, and the crowd was right behind me puching at me to get close to dime, and i had HUGE black and blue marks from it! now, at the time were dime does his solo, he took the mic right after, and he said "I SEE ONE OR TWO OF THOSE OLD PANTERA SHIRTS OUT THERE!" and i was yelling "DIIIIIIIIIIME!" and he pointed at me, and i felt like i was TOUCHED by god! and once the set was done, IT WAS NOT OVER! he threw his pick out, and it hit the floor, AND I COULD NOT GET IT! but the security guard in front of me was attending to someone in the crowd (before the show i asked if a pick fell if i could get it), and if you know the show "trailer park boys" thats filmed here, "Sam Losco" (the vet) works security at the metro center, and he picked it up, and i was like "ME SAM ME!!!" and the cunt next to me wanted it, but as luck had it, the guy who was in front of me was done with the crowd situation, and tapped sam on the shoulder, and pointed at me! I WAS WHOLE! SAW DIME, DIME POINTED AT ME, AND GOT HIS FUCKING GUITAR PICK BY THE HELP OF SAM OFF TRAILER PARK BOYS!!!
Now, slayer hit, and i was soooo burned out form the damageplan set, but i hit the pit for my very first time and got my ass handed to me hahaha, and i eneded up getting Kerry Kings pick right after the show.
Cryptopsy 07/26/04 (Halifax NS)
My first underground death metal show, and my god it was good! long story short, i got Jon's pick, and had a blast! But i had to walk home fromt eh event (2 hours).
JUDAS PRIEST, SLAYER 09/18/04 (Toronto Ontario)
the day started at 8am, my bro and i took the train into the city to get out tickets, and we got ours for 100 each (6 rows back and dead middle), so we took to the streets on the city (and made a MT post at a net cafe too!), and FYI, if you are in the middle of the city and need to poop, DO IT AT A STARBUCKS!), and i do have a funny story about a pop-eyes fried chicken joint we ate at, but thats not another story hahha, so once the show started, we made our way to the event! we encountered tomes of drunk assholes who tried to fight me and my brother, because i had a slayer shirt on, and not a priest shirt... anyways! we thought it was set seeating, but NOPE! for front row we would have had to pay 200 each, but we didn't and settled for a few rows back, but metal heads dont like the whole seating thing and tossed the to the side and stood! and i got right infront of kerry king MUAHAHAHA! slayer SUCKED i wont lie about it. you could tell it was an off night, pluys there was not pit, just alot of head banging! THEN! JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDAS PRIEST!!!! my chrsit, halford had a voice on him! i was in a trance for a bit while he sang! all in all i got Glenn's pick, and meet the singer of skid row mr S.bach!
Misery Index, Nuraxis, Grusome Feast, Soul Devour 10/31/04 (Halifax NS)
MY GOD!!!! thats all i can say! The whole night was good, but Misery Index KICKED MY FUCKIGN ASS, and after that i was a huge fan. and i got sparky's pick too! and shook the cat's hand!
Misery Index, Grusome Feast 04 or 05/?/05 (Ch'Town PEI)
At first I never thought i could go, but i DID! anyways, my friend jamie told me o bring my axe because misery index loves to jam with the grusome feast guys (the became brothers with them after the last maritime tour) and being cool dudes from the band, they told everyone that they could jam with them! So i brought my dimeslime!!! anyways, i got there, and jamie was the only guy left at the house (he lived with GF) and he called his grandmother to drive us to ch'town (1 hour drive), so she showed up, and jamie brought some sabbath, and asked her if her could throw them on, and his grand mother said (ILL NEVER FOR GET THIS!) "With or without that fag DIO?" and i lost it! so we were driving to the capital of pei blasting the first sabbath CD with his grandmother singing along with us! so the show went SOOO SWEEET! though there was only 14 of us in crowd, it was still epic as hell! misery index was playign for almost an hour and a half!!! now my friend was being "security" for the night, and for the last song his friend told him to hit the pit, because he was working all night, and jamie jummped on the floor, someone puched him, adn he busted his nose on the monitor, and broke it! so we had to go to the hospital right after the show, and were there till 230 am (got there at 12), so we got to sumemrside at 345am, and by that time everyone was passed out drunk, but jason (bass/vox in misery index) was up, and was being interviewed by a guy i know form here, so i left and went to bed. (i got to this show because someone my mom worked with was getting married at the hotel, and this hotel was accross the street from the GF house hahaha).
Motorhead (cant remeber the shit bands that played) 05/02/05
BLOWN AWAY! they played for 2 hours!!! and i got the drumemr to sign my motorhead cd at the signing @ one of the local musicstores. the show was amazing! for a bunch 50 year old drunken cats! adn i got lemmy's and phils pick!
SUFFOCATION 05/28/05 (Halifax NS)
MY GOD! MY FUCKIGN GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! one of the best shows i have been too! 4 songs into it i yelled at terrance "CAN I GET YOUR PICK!?" and he tossed it at me, and it was HOT from the press! and after the show, he signed my "human waste" cd. I got to go to the after party, and i had to leave around 130am beauce of work, but suffo got there 15 mins after i left
Behemoth 11/19/05 (Halifax NS)
I didn't want to go to this at first, but i said "fuck it" and went! AND IM GLAD I DID! they were soooooooooooooooooo tight, i mean WOW! they played, then an encore, then we kept chanting, the played another, we chanted again, they played AGAIN, we chanted again, and they played ONE MORE!!! all in all they were up there for more then 2 hours hahaha! I got the rythem guitarist pick, and the drummers stick! (still has all the blast beat markings on it hahaha).
Now i have seen other bands, but nothing as special! and sorry for spelling mistakes.
I fucking love trailor park boys.

2006-06-04, 18:00
slack as fuck
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Goddamn maritimes..
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
I fucking love trailor park boys.
Haha yeah me too, lucky bastard he is.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-06-26, 10:57
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Location: Sydney
Posts: 2,761

2006-06-26, 15:55
The Man Who Is, MGI.
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 2,216
I can't be fucked to go into details.
Seen Rammstein twice.
Opeth twice.
Akercocke twice, met them once.
The Berserker, met them.
Three festivals. 
Originally Posted by ImBored
I feel a bit arabic spending 30 minutes in the toilet.

2006-06-26, 16:01
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 1,156
Originally Posted by Robbie Filth
I can't be fucked to go into details.
Seen Rammstein twice.
Opeth twice.
Akercocke twice, met them once.
The Berserker, met them.
Three festivals. 
Rammstein? bahahahahahah
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.
Youve made me cry
Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.
RIP this guy

2006-06-26, 18:37
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Location: Bladel, Holland
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shut up, awesome band, seen em 6 times (their last record just suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks)

2006-07-01, 00:44
Death to all but metal!
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Slayer was amazing. I will elaborate when I have the energy.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-07-19, 21:53
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 134
i saw the in flames/throwdown/nevermore/evergrey on 5-20-06
nevermore setlist:
Final Product
enemies of reality
Engines of hate
my first concert!very cool evergrey opened and were decent they had some cool finger tapping solos,nevermore were on stage 2nd and only played 5 songs WTF stupid throwdown played for an hour but it was funny the pits were getting out of hand so they shut down the music,and FINALLY in flames they were ok but they had a huge light show ment for a big stage not a small stage so i was blinded .
Originally Posted by Wolfsherz
Last edited by Megadeth : 2006-07-19 at 22:01.

2006-07-20, 09:27
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Location: Bladel, Holland
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Originally Posted by Megadeth
in flames they were ok but they had a huge light show ment for a big stage not a small stage so i was blinded .
haha, that sentence sounds like it's taken from any newgrounds animation 

2006-07-23, 18:02
Death to all but metal!
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Saw Cryptopsy AGAIN last night, and they kicked so much ass. I talked with Lord Worm before they went on, and he is a nice guy, well spoken, and pretty intelligent. Sam's friends came up from Maryland, and one of them made me go over to Worm with him to say hi... shit I wouldn't have done it myself, that guy is goddamn creepy looking. I was headbanging at the front of the stage the whole time, and Worm handed me their set list at the end of the show 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-08-04, 10:45
Death to all but metal!
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Location: Highway to the Danger Zone
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Am I the only one that sees bands live anymore???
Me and Amerok saw Dragonforce.
Actual stompdancing
Crowd surfing
BEST crowd I've seen in a small venue since Anthrax. Fuckin'. Yeah.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-08-04, 16:45
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
im too lazy to keep record of the concerts i go to, especially since you take care of it ofr me steve

2006-08-09, 04:19
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Posts: 300
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Am I the only one that sees bands live anymore???
Me and Amerok saw Dragonforce.
Actual stompdancing
Crowd surfing
BEST crowd I've seen in a small venue since Anthrax. Fuckin'. Yeah.
YESS blood red bass and i drove to louisville, kentucky, to see those guys at headliner's. there was no air conditioner save for a couple fans on the rather high ceiling, and i can't stand anything above seventy-five degrees, but damn was it worth it. and vadim's colossal solo involved the most ridiculously excellent use of keyboards i've ever seen. and i'm not even gonna start about herman. 

2006-08-09, 09:34
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Where the grass is green, and the girls 69.
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My only large concert was Opeth.
Paid fucking heaps for the tickets up to the city they were playing at.
Worth every fucking cent.
I came out like i had jumped into a swimming pool fully clothed, i was dripping soaked with sweat from the super fucking intense mosh pit. That was so much fun though.
Last week went to the Deja Voodoo concert which was fun haha, wasnt fun wen i fell over in the mosh though, couldnt get back up because i had my hands pinned to the floor by the crowd
"We are Deja Voodoo
We rock more than you do!"
My bands page ^
Think my attitude stinks?? You should smell my fingers.
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible 

2006-08-09, 16:35
slack as fuck
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Location: Goddamn maritimes..
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Saw Cryptopsy AGAIN last night, and they kicked so much ass. I talked with Lord Worm before they went on, and he is a nice guy, well spoken, and pretty intelligent. Sam's friends came up from Maryland, and one of them made me go over to Worm with him to say hi... shit I wouldn't have done it myself, that guy is goddamn creepy looking. I was headbanging at the front of the stage the whole time, and Worm handed me their set list at the end of the show 
Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you're a lucky cunt.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-08-09, 21:26
Death to all but metal!
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Originally Posted by mrs. malicious
and vadim's colossal solo involved the most ridiculously excellent use of keyboards i've ever seen.
Him and the guy from Symphony X are the best keyboard players I can think of.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-09-01, 07:46
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Location: nashville, TN
Posts: 302
Origin! - it was FUCKING BRUTAL. one of the most intense concerts ive been to and all the members are wicked players. I hung out with paul ryan after the show. Him and the rest of the bandmembers are really cool/friendly guys. definitely go to this show if you can

2006-09-01, 08:12
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Originally Posted by amerok
Origin! - it was FUCKING BRUTAL. one of the most intense concerts ive been to and all the members are wicked players. I hung out with paul ryan after the show. Him and the rest of the bandmembers are really cool/friendly guys. definitely go to this show if you can
gotta agree! there was hardly anyone there [stupid non-metalhead / unenlightened tennessean cunts], but i think it made the show more fun. maybe not for the band, 'cause they got, say, ten dollars out of the deal....haha. but origin's on my cds-to-buy list now, whenever i find the money to spare, and as uhh nathan explosion would say....brutal. 
im in ur srvr
eatin ur dataz
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
doom metal tries to invoke the feeling of being a really fat guy stuck in the trash compactor from Star Wars IV

2006-09-01, 14:04
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the Origin singer had a really intimidating growl and a face-melting high scream. He also had a sense of humor about the songs and the 20 people who showed up to see them. Bass player was amazing, but didn't have too much note definition. The drummer was a machine and the guitar player just swept all over the place. $10 well spent!
Originally Posted by Darko
Compare these people to the norm, say, Muhammed Suiçmez for instance who seems to think that lots of poorly strung together riffs spaced awkwardly around fancy monotonous sweeps covers up the fact that his ideas and songs are really quit boring.

2006-09-19, 06:56
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napalm death and exodus - kicked ass. not my style of metal but it was fucking good. haha, had to take my friend to the ER - wicked broken nose

2006-09-19, 14:26
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Toronto
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I just saw Celtic Frost last night. It was a birthday I will never forget.
They played with 1349.
1349: Really cool Black Metal band. They did fire breathing and stuff. I just found some of their songs sounded similar because they never announced the names of them they just went into them. I had only heard the song Chasing Dragon's before and at a stroke of luck the singer pointed the mic to me and I screamed "CHASING DRAGONS!!!!!" I got scratched from the dude's nail spike gauntlet when we gave him five.
Celtic Frost: Holly shit! Wicked as fuck! They are more of a doom act now which is awsome. The opened with Procreation Of The Wicked but slowed it down and made it heavy as fuck (Everyone was just pounding their feet/arms along with the beat). The place was packed. I was up at the front. They played all the classics, The Usurper, Circle Of Tyrants (the pit was intense for that! I was kicking ass with my buddy), Into Crypts Of Rays, Necromantical Screams, Dethroned Emperor, and some stuff from their new one Ground and Ain Elohim (Tom looked at me at the part where he goes "You are as good as dead." I made a cutting throat action while mouthing the words and he smiled and pointed to me) and they ended with a 14 minitute long doom piece from their new album Triptych: Synagoga Satanae. And in a wicked twist. My friend got hit in the face with something. He was like "What the fuck was that?" No buddy else seemed to notice. So when the show was over he suddenly jumped on the ground and said "Yo! I got you your birthday present" I was like "What?" He holds up Tom G Warrior's guitar pick. I was like a school girl! Also speaking of school girls there was this chick infront of me dressed as a school girl and she kept grinding me. I was not complaining.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2006-09-19, 17:09
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i would love to see circle of the tyrants

2006-09-19, 19:59
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Celtic Frost indeed is an awesome live-band, they ruled wacken last edition

2006-09-19, 20:01
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Originally Posted by amerok
napalm death and exodus - kicked ass. not my style of metal but it was fucking good. haha, had to take my friend to the ER - wicked broken nose
Hahaha nice 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-09-19, 21:01
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
Celtic Frost indeed is an awesome live-band, they ruled wacken last edition
ive heard really bad things about their live show actually, and im no CF fan id just like to see circle

2006-10-17, 06:06
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just got back from Decapitated. fucking badass show. hung out with them backstage - they fucking LOVE reefer, holy shit. i got voggs guitar pick, bought winds of creation tshirt and a sweatshirt - got the shirt signed by covan, vogg and martin. all the members are cool as hell. they had an interview after everyone left and every question turned into them smoking more reefer, haha. first row the whole time, awesome setlist and excellent stage presence. definitely see them if you get the chance.

2006-10-27, 06:44
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Posts: 302
just got back from Arsis. arsis fucking rules. great musicianship - definitely worth 10 bucks. All Shall Perish fucking blew. Faceless was 'ok'. every band but arsis had hardcore kids prancing about. I got yelled at for shoving them 

2006-10-27, 18:27
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Location: slaying all the giants
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Originally Posted by amerok
just got back from Arsis. arsis fucking rules. great musicianship - definitely worth 10 bucks. All Shall Perish fucking blew. Faceless was 'ok'. every band but arsis had hardcore kids prancing about. I got yelled at for shoving them 
HAH next time just go "duffman says, oh NO" and pelvic thrust instead of shove them

2006-10-27, 19:34
The Man Who Is, MGI.
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 2,216
Originally Posted by amerok
just got back from Decapitated.
Cool man.
Decapitated fuckin' rule.
Originally Posted by ImBored
I feel a bit arabic spending 30 minutes in the toilet.

2006-10-29, 02:12
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Originally Posted by Transient
HAH next time just go "duffman says, oh NO" and pelvic thrust instead of shove them
somehow i can see him doing that 
arsis was great, though; i saw the legendary pink guitar  they ended with face of my innocence, one of my favourites. good enough to tolerate those scene-hardcore-whatever kids for.
im in ur srvr
eatin ur dataz
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
doom metal tries to invoke the feeling of being a really fat guy stuck in the trash compactor from Star Wars IV

2006-10-29, 02:36
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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the reason came and went accross the face of my innocence i was *ddodododoododod*badumubumbubm
fucking awesome

2006-10-30, 01:40
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Location: tn
Posts: 300
Originally Posted by Transient
the reason came and went accross the face of my innocence i was *ddodododoododod*badumubumbubm
fucking awesome
can i be your friend? 
im in ur srvr
eatin ur dataz
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
doom metal tries to invoke the feeling of being a really fat guy stuck in the trash compactor from Star Wars IV

2006-10-30, 02:35
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
no, go bug amerok

2006-10-30, 05:59
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Posts: 300
Originally Posted by Transient
no, go bug amerok
haha, douchebag 
anyway, i didn't stay for that last band. i'm assuming that's the one all the ones with their hair parted to the side were there for, haha..and enfold darkness is....tolerable, but..well okay, not really.  luckily, arsis was worth it. i kinda got a shirt, but it's uh..a "secret." so i can't really have it until later. :< too bad. haha.
im in ur srvr
eatin ur dataz
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
doom metal tries to invoke the feeling of being a really fat guy stuck in the trash compactor from Star Wars IV
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