2006-02-09, 02:39
New Blood
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use ur thumb
Originally Posted by Mxcc
How do you do Pinch/Artificial harmonics?
u put ur thumb close to the tip of the pick and right after u hit the stringbrush your thumb against the string

2006-02-09, 04:14
Senior Metalhead
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I think he does that note on the G string where the harmonics really squeal. try around that area.
lol G string
R.I.P Dime
Life is black or white
-Zakk Wylde

2006-02-09, 04:38
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lol e string
My bands page ^
Think my attitude stinks?? You should smell my fingers.
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible 

2006-02-09, 04:46
New Blood
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yeah, i do most of my pinch harmonics on the low D string (drop D).. i find i can get both high and low squeals on this string, depending on where i tap it with my middle finger.. i mostly do them on the 5th and 3rd frets.. if i tap the string closer to where the neck begins, i get a lower, Zakk Wylde/Killswitch harmonic.. and if i tap it near the end of the bridge pickup, i get a higher Bleeding Through/As I Lay Dying quick squeal.. if that helps any..
Hello, my name is Brandon Williams, and I'm sad to say *tear*, I'm a squeal-aholic.. where did my life go so terribly wrong?
Last edited by BornIntoChaos : 2006-02-10 at 02:01.

2006-02-09, 22:48
New Blood
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2006-02-24, 01:07
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Pinch harmonics eh? I love those squealy bastards! I don't know if you could say theres a right and wrong way of doing them...i mean if your not getting anything you should try a new technique, but Theres alot of different ways of doing them. I usually kinda flick my picking hand a little so that as soon as I hit the string my thumb slightly nicks the string afterwards...I like this way because I don't really have to change the way I hold my pick at all and I find it really comfortable. My friend does his really weird and he has to change the way he holds his pick to do them...looks pretty uncomfortable but hey, it works! It also depends where you hit the pinch harmonic. some frets were just born squeellers while others are harder to get anything from. Its also harder to do them when you try and hit them closer to the neck, the closer you do them to the bridge I find the easyer they get, just fool around with a few different positions until you find a nice place where you can let it wail and still be able to play. this information is just from my knowledge of pinch harmonics, like I said, theres alot of different ways to do them.


2006-02-25, 12:49
Drunken Yeti God
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I have a bit of a dilemma. I looked through about half of this thread and I figured I'd quit looking to see if it'd been asked. Anyway, on my Ibanez I can't get pinch harmonics for shit on my lower three strings. I have no problems doing it on the higher strings, and I don't have much problem doing it on other guitars... do the types of pickups or amplifier itself have an impact on whether or not they'll go through? The pickups are stock double coil, the amp is a small Fender, I'm using the amp's own distortion, and my strings I think are hybrid slinkies that go from .009 to .052 if I remember right. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2006-02-25, 13:27
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it probly does have alot to do with amp and stuff. on my old amps they wouldnt pickups natural harmonics on my bridge pickup. and especially on a single coil neck pickup, but once i gto my splawn i can use either p/u. i think for squeels on the lower strings it really matter where you try to play em.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2006-02-25, 19:33
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 19
And when you master both natural and pinched harmonics, try this: Dimebag's Squealing Lesson . Alot of it he's showing off, but near the end of the video, he shows a clsoe up of him doing it. Can sound very cool with a Floyd Rose....

2006-02-25, 20:44
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Originally Posted by Fliggunsnov
And when you master both natural and pinched harmonics, try this: Dimebag's Squealing Lesson . Alot of it he's showing off, but near the end of the video, he shows a clsoe up of him doing it. Can sound very cool with a Floyd Rose....
That video rocks. The same technicque is used by Allen West from Obituary a lot.

2006-03-03, 11:47
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Originally Posted by walpurgis
I have a bit of a dilemma. I looked through about half of this thread and I figured I'd quit looking to see if it'd been asked. Anyway, on my Ibanez I can't get pinch harmonics for shit on my lower three strings. I have no problems doing it on the higher strings, and I don't have much problem doing it on other guitars... do the types of pickups or amplifier itself have an impact on whether or not they'll go through? The pickups are stock double coil, the amp is a small Fender, I'm using the amp's own distortion, and my strings I think are hybrid slinkies that go from .009 to .052 if I remember right. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
I dont think stock pickups would really make a differance , obviously hotter pickups would help but meh. Im using stock pickups on my Rg , but i can still get pinch harmonics on all strings but the high e , id assume its all to do with hand placement and picking motion. My picking hand kind of slants when i do harmonics on the high strings.

2006-03-03, 12:30
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Try raising the pups slightly slanted to get a better balance, or simply raise them normally. Turn your guitar's vol knob up. If you use 2 pickups at once and they're both of the same output, your PH's will usually drown out fast or not even ring out at all, like with my Jackson's stock crapbuckers. Upgrade to a better pair of pickups and that should help a lot.
You might also not be doing it right on the lower strings but I dunno.
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)

2006-04-01, 17:42
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Posts: 112
Originally Posted by arvina
it probly does have alot to do with amp and stuff. on my old amps they wouldnt pickups natural harmonics on my bridge pickup. and especially on a single coil neck pickup, but once i gto my splawn i can use either p/u. i think for squeels on the lower strings it really matter where you try to play em.
Splawns are so fucking nice 

2006-04-05, 00:59
New Blood
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Location: Dundee, MI
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All i can really say is what everyone else says
Artificial harmonics: lightly brush the string with your thumb after a normal pick to creat the squeal.
Pinched Harmonics: Same as an artificial just with vibrato (were you bend the string back and forth really quick)

2006-04-05, 16:53
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Was dime just pull-offing the string and then tremming the bar? i din't really get it  but that was some cool stuff 
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
are you telling us that you have 4 boobs...2 small and 2 bigs

2006-08-01, 10:56
New Blood
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2006-08-27, 07:58
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 65
Originally Posted by shredder_daniel
All i can really say is what everyone else says
Artificial harmonics: lightly brush the string with your thumb after a normal pick to creat the squeal.
Pinched Harmonics: Same as an artificial just with vibrato (were you bend the string back and forth really quick)
Is that the only difference between them?
Anyway, I always used to do it using my middle finger until I saw some videos of people doing it without having to use their middle finger. I was kinda stumped for a while, I didn't know how the hell they were doing it cuz it just looked like they were picking normally while still making that harmonic squeal.
I found out about the thumb thing just yesterday when I accidentally did it...

2006-08-27, 08:58
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Originally Posted by shredder_daniel
All i can really say is what everyone else says
Artificial harmonics: lightly brush the string with your thumb after a normal pick to creat the squeal.
Pinched Harmonics: Same as an artificial just with vibrato (were you bend the string back and forth really quick)
your a retard dont ever post again
artifical is just a different name for pinch, they are the same thing
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.
Youve made me cry
Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.
RIP this guy

2006-09-06, 03:47
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Im havin a bit of a problem with my pinch harmonics. See, I can get them to make a higher pitched noise using my thumb, but they just dont have that tight, clean squeal-type sound that they're supposed to have. It sounds kind of broken up, kinda dirty sounding, and just really stupid. Could it be my crappy guitar, or am I pathetic?
Im talking single coils crappy guitar btw

2006-09-06, 11:25
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Originally Posted by Death By Monkeys
Im havin a bit of a problem with my pinch harmonics. See, I can get them to make a higher pitched noise using my thumb, but they just dont have that tight, clean squeal-type sound that they're supposed to have. It sounds kind of broken up, kinda dirty sounding, and just really stupid. Could it be my crappy guitar, or am I pathetic?
Im talking single coils crappy guitar btw
probaly a bit of both, humbuckers work best with harmonics. but u also have to practice them to be precise.

2006-09-06, 13:56
Supreme Metalhead
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Just practice more and you will get cleaner pinch harmonics.

2006-09-11, 15:43
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What's the difference between these three terms, besides the words of course;
Natural Harmonic
Artificial Harmonic
Tap Harmonic
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2006-09-11, 18:07
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Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
What's the difference between these three terms, besides the words of course;
Natural Harmonic
Artificial Harmonic
Tap Harmonic
natural harmonic, are the harmonics u find on the 5th 9th 12th fret positions (and some more places, but the once i emntioned are the easiest to get).. the ones on the 2nd 3rd 6th fret (i think) are much harder to get, but they sound alot higher, u can get some realy col effect with these harmonics combined with a whammybar.
artificial harmonics (also called pinched harmonics)
u get these from playing a regual note, but instead of just picking the note with your pick, you touch the string with your pick and a piece of your finger at the same time.. if you pick it in the correct spot ul get an artificial harmonic... ...thisone is kidna hard to explain, if i could show you in real life youd understand the idea within 5 minutes, but its hard for me to explain in words  , you just have to find the right place to pick the note..
try picking the 12th fret, and try hitting that note woth you pick and finger, near or above the 24th fret, also, the closer you play a note to the end of the fretboard, the closer to the bridge youll have to pick to get the sweetspot to amke the artificial harmonic
and tapped harmonics, well, u pick a regular note, and u tap on a sweetspot to get a harmonic... try, pickin an open note, and then slightly tap right above the 5th fret, and youll get the harmonic you would also get when just playing the 5th harmonic
also, if you search this thread a bit u might find a better explanation of artificial (pinched) harmonics.
< no wonder hes mad!!
Last edited by k13m : 2006-09-11 at 18:11.

2006-09-11, 18:21
Supreme Metalhead
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I thought tapped harmonics would be when you fret, lets say the 3rd fret, and lightly touch the string right over the 15th fret so it produces a harmonic an octave above.

2006-09-11, 21:44
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Originally Posted by ThornsOfHeaven200
I thought tapped harmonics would be when you fret, lets say the 3rd fret, and lightly touch the string right over the 15th fret so it produces a harmonic an octave above.
thats exactly what i sayd, exept, i took a loose string for example.
but yeh, their a million possibilities
ohyeah, i asy this dimebag vid once where he explained some harmonics.
like, on a loose string ul have a easy harmonic on the 5th fret, when you fret the 1st fret, youll have a harmonic on the 6th fret, fret the 2nd fret and theres a harmonic on the 7th fret.. and so on
so if u want a the 5th fret harmonic too be a half noet higher, u can play the 1st fret and tab the 6thfret for that harmonic..
nvm the lame explenation.. oh i think that dimebag vid should still be around somewhere. ill see if i can find it and if i can il post it here
< no wonder hes mad!!

2006-09-11, 21:46
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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< no wonder hes mad!!

2006-09-16, 02:08
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there have already been plenty of descriptions on how to do it..but i figured i'd throw in my experience with learning...i learned how to do it trying to play the intro to carcass - death certificate...when it was too fast for me to play i would accidentally hit harmonics instead of just the fret and after doing that a bunch i was able to get a good feel on it and apply it whenever i wanted to. i guess it depends on how you play though...i use a small pic so its easy to hit my thumb too. the pic is a little smaller than a nickel.
Last edited by xgrafcorex : 2006-09-16 at 02:15.

2007-01-04, 21:54
Join Date: Mar 2006
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when i try it just makes a whispier less ballsy squeal, more like the sound of a complaining child, it isn't tight or REEEEEEEEEEEEE
i have Emg81 and through a MGDFX30  ya i know it sucks and i use an RG
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
are you telling us that you have 4 boobs...2 small and 2 bigs

2007-02-16, 21:23
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 55
I dont understand the difference btwn a pinch harmonic and an artificial harmonic. I looked through a few pages trying to see if the answer was already posted but I got lost in all the technical jargon. Can someone either explain it to me, or link me to a post that does?

2007-12-16, 02:53
New Blood
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79's explanation is the route.
hold pick closer to "the end" or "the edge"
tilt the pick in or out - almost so your contacting with a portion of the width of the pick (as opposed to the tip exclusively)
make sure the meat of your thumb makes contact with the string during your picking action
note: good pinch harmoics (or easier ones, at least) require a high-gain amp setup.
I treid this on a Crate lower end amp (50w), a Peavey Classic 30, a Fender CyberTwin SE and a Fender SuperSonic - using a Schecter C-1 FR Hellraiser with Active EMG's - all attempts came up short in just native amp mode on the dirty channels (no pedals).
2nd Take - jammed on a bunch of distortion pedals: ML-2, and a bunch of MXR's and botique pedals - still pretty far from ideal, and tone quality sounded like ass would smell.
Next take: Soldano - moderately successful - but this is a kickass high-gain tube amp/cab combo. I never really got "there" with pinch harmoics (e.g. being rather effortless) until I added a Ibanez Tubescreamer 808 Overdrive to the mix. Now>>bingo, no matter what axe I use I can whip out PH's with ease.
My .02c, results will vary.

2007-12-16, 05:13
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Emory, Texas
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I'm ok at harmonics, But I hold my pick the wrong way. So I have to do them in a kind of odd fashion. But I honestly don't like them too much anymore. Zakk Wylde ruined em for me.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Man oh man I'm in the mood for some meat right about now, so much so that I don't even care how implicitly gay this sentence is.

2007-12-20, 14:30
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 47
Practicing harmonics helps in so many ways.
Like familiarizing finger techniques.

2008-07-16, 08:04
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2008-07-16, 09:09
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2009-07-01, 08:22
New Blood
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Posts: 7
Hard to describe but here goes:
You can get pinch harmonics on acoustics if you want. But, gain helps. A LOT. And pickups matter a lot in this equation too. High output distortion style pups help tremendously as they amplify the right frequencies. So gear makes a difference. That said, every guitar is capable of them, but not all guitars will give you what is typically thought of as a good pinch harmonic (i.e., they'll sound a little weak.)
As far as actual technique, it's a lot like whistling: it's a lot of work to get the technique down, but once you get it, you'll be pulling them off all over the neck...course that's the advantage of pinch harmonics: you can hit them on every string and every fret..as opposed to natural harmonics which can only be played at specific points along the string.
How to do: Immediately after you strike the note with you pick, brush the trailing side of your thumb against the string, but DON'T allow your thumb to stay on the string! Think of it as a small rolling motion, or think of the side of your thumb as the second pick. Make sure to really bring your thumb in closer to the string before the strike or it will be too slow.
The important part is to keep trying. I personally spent a good hour trying to get it right.
Also, the pitch of the pinch harmonic will change as you move your pick hand to different points along the string. (Higher towards the bridge, lower toward the neck.)
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