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Old 2004-01-14, 23:49
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somebody mentioned ph's as difficult on a gibson.. my gibson rocks with them. zakk wylde plays a gibson, and he's very well known for his ph squeals.

anyway, basically focus on where you're picking. make it 1/2, 1/3 or 1/6 of the distance from the fret to the bridge. 1/2 is a good rule when playing high notes, but lower on the neck you'll want 1/3 or 1/6 since you don't want to be picking notes on the fretboard, ya know?

the easy part is getting it to sound out once you found the sweet spot. just touch the string at all and it'll "pinch" the vibration, silencing the dominant harmonic sound and allowing the squeal sounds. doesn't matter how you do it.. just touching it somehow. so basically, finding a way that your thumb hits the string is the best, since you don't have to change much at all from your normal ways of picking.

the easiest way to get a hang of these is to use your ring finger.. maybe only for 5 minutes, though. just until you get comfortable with seeing how where you pick really does make a difference. there's a pretty small window of area. so just fret a note and try picking all around (with tons of distortion) and you'll get it. then try it with your thumb. voila.

should take 15 minutes to get the hang of.. then much, much more practice to be able to throw in squeals at will in a solo, heh.. that's the hard part.
Old 2004-02-01, 05:07
Orion 1349
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I used to have a problem with that too.
the only thing I can say is find yourself a riff with ah\ph on the deeper strings and practice on that.
heres a good one from the live version of crazy train
pm . . . . . . . .

pm . . . .

practice on that and you should be able to do great ph on the deeper strings in no time.

Last edited by Orion 1349 : 2004-02-01 at 05:11.
Old 2004-02-10, 16:04
freek666's Avatar
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Once you get pinch harmonics down, they become one of the easist things to do. make sure no strings are ringing or you'll get a muffled harmonic all you do when you pinch a harmonic is your reducing the string to half of it's wavelenth by muffling it a bit with your finger.

also, it helps to vibrato it to because a regular pinch sounds weird. the easies string to pinch on has got to be the 4th string because it's like neutral. it's not to thick and not to thin. pinches like a charm.

the thick strings will need more touching with your thumb to muffle their wavelength, unless you have thin strings. thicker guage strings, i've seen gives a better harmonic response because of the higher tension, and they will sustain longer. but the thick strings are a bitch to pinch and give a good vibrato, unless you have strong fingers.

thin strings are a plain bitch because it is incredibly easy to muffle out the entire wavelength of the you have to be delicate with them. but once a pinch os going, and you vibrato it, it will ring for a LONG time.

I hope this helps all of you. i know it helped one of my friends, cuz now he can play pinches too.

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Old 2004-02-19, 02:58
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I like playing the riff to Demoniacal Possession, Old Man's Child...that's a good song to practice pinch harmonics with. Especially because you have to go from a palm mute to a pinch quickly.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.

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Old 2004-02-28, 19:31
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I've got to the level where I can do harmonics from anywhere on the guitar from the bridge to up and down the fretboard. I don't have it posted anywhere and don't have the song downloaded, but I have a tune called "Behind the Light" in which during the middle of the tune, I have a slow section where I use pinch harmonics with my right palm and pick at the 15th and 16th fret on the G string at with my left finger on the 3rd fret. And I just keep altering my picking between the 15th and 16th frets. I've caught many guitarists/other band members attention when doing this live. Of course they say..."How the hell you do that? Just practice with time man...
Old 2004-03-16, 05:24
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About the Gibson's PH response I think it just depends on the guitar. I have 2 gibsons in the house. Les Paul and SG. The Les Paul's AH response is much better than the SG. The settings on both guitars is excellent, truss rod, string height, pickup height, etc. New strings. But still, the Les paul has better response. I think sometimes the guitar just won't have a good response to something. You can't control it. However the Neck on the Les Paul is thinner than the SG neck, so I do find it easier to play since I have average size hands.
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Old 2004-03-28, 01:34
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For some reason i can do pinch harmonics easily on the 3 thicker strings but on the high e, b, and g they always sound dead... anyone know why?
Old 2004-03-28, 16:46
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Yeah I tended to find that happening, especially on the e string. But I corrected it by altering my hand position. Most people will keep there hand in roughly the same place and just tilt it as they progress to the bottom three strings. I just moved my hand down to follow my playing and it seemed to correct the problem you described.

If this doesn't work try picking the string at a slight angle, ie, don't keep the pick parallel to the length of the string. This is hard to explain but it works for me. Remember there are also 'sweet' points (the distance from the bridge at which you pick the string) at which artificial harmonics become easier to play.

I hope you find this useful.
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Old 2004-04-25, 19:44
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Well for the pinch harmonics I can describe how to do it in one sentence. Pick the notes and catch it with the side of your thumb all in one stroke. Not hard, only took me a week to get perfect. Try tap harmonics, and try not to mute them. I perfected that in 2 weeks.
Old 2004-04-25, 19:58
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Well aren't you special.
Old 2004-05-01, 21:36
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Originally Posted by memnoch
Natural harmonics ring alone and can sound very loud.

Pinch Harmonics sound close to natural ones, but it's more of a squeal type sound. Also you can do a pinch harmonic on just about any fret on the guitar......natural harmonics only occur at certain places.

Also, I've found that where you get the natural harmonics also happen to be the "sweet spots" for pinch harmonics - just right for the sickest squeals.
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Old 2004-05-07, 12:03
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Three ways to get P.H.'s

The most common way is the thumb close to the edge of the pick method. Another one you can use is what I call the "Nuno Bettencourt" method, since hes the first person Ive heard of using it. You lead in with your pointer finger, gently touching the string. Then you pick the note with your middle finger and thumb. That always works for me. Another way to get harmonics on the treble strings is to upstroke it with your middle finger a little past the endge of the pick. Works the other way too, but that ones most comfortable to me.
Old 2004-05-14, 16:14
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Dunno if anyone posted this yet.

Heres a cool trick...

Sound a natural harm right in front of the 3rd fret on the bottom E, slightly in front of the fret, give it a coupla millisecs to form then quickly and gently press your freting finger into the fret and give it some trem whacking. Sounds hella cool, one of Zakk's tricks I was told by the guy that taught me it.
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Old 2004-07-15, 14:00
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hey Man, Ask Zakk Wylde to teach you, see him live, his pinch's just get to annoy me sometimes, but, dont get me wrong, he is the man....

Try Pinch bends, it is cool too....ask that to Zakk too....hehehe...

cheers headbangers....

Keep it Brutal.

Last edited by obrien20 : 2004-07-15 at 14:09.
Old 2004-08-12, 15:50
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What you dont need distortion to do squels. You're crazy i can do them with out distortion. It just sounds way more kick ass when you have distortion.
Old 2004-08-12, 17:34
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Yeah of course you can do them with distortion. it just sound not as cool.
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Old 2004-08-19, 02:41
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i've watched endless clips of guitarists in various bands playing pinch harmonics, i've studied guides online, and asked friends on how to do it...i've finally got it down, here's how i do it.

fret the note normally. nothing different goes down on the left hand. pinch harmonics are all on the right hand.

check out your hand thats holding the pick. take a look at your thumb. move your thumb down the pick, closer to the tip, so the tip of your thumb just barely reaches past the tip of the pick. now, the idea behind the pinch harmonic is to have the pick strike the string and then have your thumb hit it afterwards. of course, your thumb is so close to the pick that you cant hear any difference, but make sure your thumb is behind the pick and the pick strikes first. things NOT to do: hit the string with your thumb first (why in hell you would do that is beyond me...), don't strike the string and then touch the string with another finger, this is TOO SLOW. you should be able to pinch harmonic as fats as you can normally do downstrokes once you master it. doing a whole stirke string then touch strng with another finger is not only wrong, but slow.

THINSG TO DO: only the tip of your thumb brushes the string. you know from doing regular harmonics that it take only a very light pressure to make a harmonic go, so try to apply the same pressure with the brushing of the thumb on a pinch harmonic.

PEOPLE WILL SAY that you should ta a striong with your middle finger. i'm sporry, this is bullshit. watch any video of someone doing pinches and you see no difference between a regular downstroke and a pinch harmonic. its all in the thumb behind the pick. play around a bit, crank the gain on your amp, and you'll get it. its not too hard. without an amp, pinches are nearly in audible.

good luck
Old 2004-08-24, 21:24
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Question Sleepless???

Hi, Can anybody help me??? how can i do the anathema´s sleepless song, you know to get the same sound of the song, the fx and the PH
Old 2004-08-28, 19:39
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Old 2004-08-29, 21:41
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It is well explained here, about.. 96 times
Good job.

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When you post a message.. next to your name there is this round-circle-thing, that can be grey, or green .. hmm.. what is the difference?
Just wondering..
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Old 2004-08-30, 08:21
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Old 2004-11-23, 22:56
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Pinch harmonics occur at the nodes, and there is a reflection point at the twelve fret. That means that any harmonic you can play below the 12 fret, you can mirror over the 12 + area. As well, make sure you are fretting a note lower than the 12th fret, or the pitch of the harmonic won't vary much from the pitch of the fretted note.

Last, the best way to develop consistency is to practice one pinch, one straight, one pinch, one straight. Once you've practiced all downpicks, and have that nailed (ie sometime next year) it's time to learn up picking, ie using the flesh on your index finger. Nobody can do that but me and my students
Old 2004-11-23, 23:01
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Originally Posted by team_sleeping_pill
Last, the best way to develop consistency is to practice one pinch, one straight, one pinch, one straight. Once you've practiced all downpicks, and have that nailed (ie sometime next year) it's time to learn up picking, ie using the flesh on your index finger. Nobody can do that but me and my students
I gotta learn how to do tremelo pinch harmonics. I need to know that to be able to play Intentional Manslaughter by Dying Fetus.

Do you have any advice for up picked PHs?
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Old 2004-11-24, 02:31
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hahah, i can do up picked ph's, i use my ring finger though
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Old 2004-11-27, 05:49
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Hey i have a semi on topic question. I always hold my pick with two fingers not including my thumb. I seem to be able to do pinch harmonics like this but does holding the pick with two fingers hurt my over all speed or accuracy? Or not because i seem to be able to still do harmonics and tremolo picking and triplets just as fast as anyone else.
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Old 2004-11-27, 16:14
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Originally Posted by briyo2289
Hey i have a semi on topic question. I always hold my pick with two fingers not including my thumb. I seem to be able to do pinch harmonics like this but does holding the pick with two fingers hurt my over all speed or accuracy? Or not because i seem to be able to still do harmonics and tremolo picking and triplets just as fast as anyone else.

I guess whatever is most comfortable for you.
But if you try it with just one fingure not including your thumb, then I'll bet you get more speed.
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Old 2004-11-27, 16:37
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haha that was my topic like 2years ago ! woot ! :P

now i masterize the artificial harmonic... that's quite easy...
thx too the dude who tell me how !
Old 2004-12-13, 16:12
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Yup, DELETE79 has pretty good tips. Everyone is different it has a lot to do with the position and place of your hand and the distortion you have. Are mid or scooped settings better for pinch harmonics?
Old 2004-12-13, 16:15
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I've been playing for almost 5 years. I taught myself and I must say my style is pretty unprofessional, it's good, but I'm theoretically dumb. Please explain to me in the least harsh of ways, what the hell is a triplet?
Old 2004-12-13, 16:17
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Originally Posted by RUSSIANROULETTE
hahah, i can do up picked ph's, i use my ring finger though

Sweet, I'll have to try that. Is it uncomfortable?
Old 2004-12-13, 17:55
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i cant get my pch harmonics to sustain......i play one of those line six spider two combos and a wack ibanez (laugh it up).......when i use chorus and delay i can get them to last on the ead strings but i cant get any sustain out of the gbe.......any tips

dont say new guitar

ive been fucking with harmoncs and the wammy bar to tribute dime.....thats some challenging shit
Old 2004-12-13, 19:54
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Originally Posted by Baritoner
Sweet, I'll have to try that. Is it uncomfortable?

I guess it can be at first but now I do it without even noticing
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Old 2004-12-31, 09:10
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Anyone who knows how to do semi harmonics?
Old 2005-01-01, 18:31
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Please can somebody help me. Now this is serious! Can anyone explain how i should hold the pick. I haw tried for like a half year and i still can't get the harmonics right. The sound all worng or nothing at all. PLEASE HELP!!! I really really need to know. Can anyone please answer?
Old 2005-01-01, 19:01
johnmansley's Avatar
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Only have a tiny amount of the tip of the pick sticking out from beyond your thumb. That is the key.
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Old 2005-01-08, 08:15
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A.H or P.H Whatever you want to call em

I have been able to do what I call artificial harmonics since I was 16 thats about 9 years. I also am able to tremlo pick while doing A.H.'s This technique was especially useful when I wanted to get the sound from 5 Minutes Alone (the part that has the slow bend and high sqeal) but not have to go way up on the board. Did it on the B string 17th fret with and A.H. rather than the thin E 19th fret. It ended up sounding more like the song and was easier to do. Anyway my technique is to use the thumb or thumb and index when tremlo picking. But like all others said it makes a big difference where you pick at. It also will be easier to use this technique if they are aiming to play fast or something like Pantera. Just thought I would share my thoughts
Old 2005-01-08, 08:39
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Only have a tiny amount of the tip of the pick sticking out from beyond your thumb. That is the key.

Yes, I struggled for ages and when I changed the way I held my pick (with only the tip sticking out), I got it almost instantly.
Old 2005-01-08, 10:31
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Its not just a matter of how you do it, it is where you do it, i find my pinch harmonics on GBE strings sounds better when done over the neck pickup and i can do EAD strings virtually anywhere.
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Old 2005-01-13, 19:13
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I have trouble hitting them on the B and e strings, but can get pretty much all of the others.
Old 2005-01-13, 20:58
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To the earlier threads: I didnt see this mentioned... Try out different picks, they have a huge effect on the difficulty of PH's.
Old 2005-01-21, 19:11
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Thumbs up Is this an artificial harminic?

Hi, I just have a question..

In "Master of puppets" solo (Metallica) is there an artificial harmonic?

(I think its in B string, 4th fret but I'm not sure)

Old 2005-01-21, 22:22
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Well the live version he does a pinch harmonic. On the 3rd fret B string i believe
Old 2005-03-25, 21:47
k13m's Avatar
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what is the difference between artificial and pinch harmonics again?? i forgot

pinch is hit with the thumb thingy right??
and artificial?? whats that again

sry im to lazy to lok back and read

< no wonder hes mad!!
Old 2005-03-25, 22:00
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artificial is when you place your finger lightly on the 12th 7th 5th or
17th fret and pick it but dont actually put your finger on the fretboard.
Old 2005-03-25, 22:03
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Originally Posted by garr1
artificial is when you place your finger lightly on the 12th 7th 5th or
17th fret and pick it but dont actually put your finger on the fretboard.
so its just a natural harmonic??

< no wonder hes mad!!
Old 2005-03-25, 22:10
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Old 2005-03-25, 22:24
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owwwww than y did they give it a hard to remember name
awell thanx garr1 for telling me what i already knew sortoff

< no wonder hes mad!!
Old 2005-03-25, 23:06
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no problem
Old 2005-03-27, 14:04
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Originally Posted by amerok
To the earlier threads: I didnt see this mentioned... Try out different picks, they have a huge effect on the difficulty of PH's.

Yeah for sure, I find it a lot easier to do a PH with a Dunlop Tortex than a Jazz III pick.
Old 2005-04-10, 22:40
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is it eassier to get ph and nh with a active emg??
or doesnt it matter?

< no wonder hes mad!!
Old 2005-04-20, 14:48
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yeah, its a lot easier.
Old 2005-04-24, 21:21
The Angry Hobbit
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Cool cob

If you want some good pinched harmonic practice, try playing some stuff from the new Children Of Bodom cd, Alexi pulls 'em off like nothing.
Old 2005-04-25, 07:20
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whats the "upstroke" pinch harmonic. i can pull off normal pinch harmonics easy but is there any difference here??????
Old 2005-04-30, 23:55
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on the pinch harmonic does it matter which note you use
Old 2005-05-01, 04:51
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don't use it on a too-high fret, and playing them on the lower strings is preferrable.
Old 2005-05-02, 01:34
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what am i doing wrong when i try to the pinch harmonic and it kinda works up you cant hear it as much. am i laying my thumb on my string a bit too much or what?
Old 2005-05-02, 05:41
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The easiest place to pull them off - fret wise - is around the 8th fret on the D string.

Then you just need to perfect the technique on your right hand, which is a lot easier if you get somebody to show you.
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Old 2005-05-05, 13:26
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i love pinches i can do the pinches great on high pitch strings bot the bottom two i do it different

like if your were going to play base with fingers i pull strin with middle finger then first thing touch string with indext (right hand)
it works perfect for me the only thing i CANT do is the high E pinch harmoncs
Old 2005-05-05, 13:29
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no one does em better than zakk wylde
Old 2005-05-05, 21:20
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Took me a while to read the entire thread.
Ah well, at least it did teach me to do them -- though, I have noticed a few things:

1) I had my guitar tuned to C and as the strings were not as tensioned they were very easy. I managed to do them quite easily -- in like 20 minutes of reading the post. Especially in the B G and D strings.

But when I tuned to standard, I had a hard time to do some -- though I got used to them in like 30 minutes, they're still much harder to get. It doesn't seem so complicated but to learn to do them at a high speed, in a solo (like some of the lives of Nightwish) it does take some practice.
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Old 2005-05-06, 05:01
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do you do a bend or do you do a vibrato or do you just dont do nothing but hit the pick and your thumb?
Old 2005-05-06, 06:38
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Originally Posted by Kylito
Here are the three basic methods that I use:

1. Pinky squeals: I'll explain this one first since it will help you to understand the theory behind the other techniques. Fret any note with your index finger while lightly holding your pinky on the same string at any harmonic interval and release your pinky after picking the note. To understand this, first think about natural harmonics (where they are and what they represent)

- 12th fret harmonic - doubles the frequency - half of the string length
- 7th fret harmonic - triples the frequency - 1/3 of the string length
- 5th fret harmonic - quadruples the frequency - 1/4 of the string length
- 3.9 fret harmonic - quintuples the frequency - 1/5 of the string length
- 3.2 fret harmonic - sextuples the frequency - 1/6 of the string length
- 2.3 fret harmonic - septuples the frequency - 1/7 of the string length

Now fret any note with your index finger. Then use your pinky on the same string to iniatiate a harmonic vibration by placing it above the fret that is five frets higher than where your index finger is. Do the same thing at 3.9, 3.2, and 2.3 frets higher than where your index finger is. You may not be able to go 5 frets at the lower end of the fretboard, but you should be able to go 7 frets at the higher end (i.e. fret the 12th fret and rest your pinky above the 19th fret, pick the note and lift your pinky).

If you understand that, then all you need to understand at that point is that you can also initiate harmonic vibrations using your right hand by contacting the mirror image location on the string (i.e. the same distance from the bridge as it would be from your fretted note).

2. Pinched harmonics - This is the technique used by Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top. You rest your pickhand middle finger against the desired harmonic location while you are picking the note and then pull it away. You are "pinching" the string sort of.

3. Thumb harmonics - This is what I mainly use because it is generally more flexible as a technique IMO. When you pick the note, you follow with your thumb and brush your thumb into the string at the desired harmonic location.

I finally get a chance to quote myself!!!!

I figure this info belongs here if anyone wants to read my dissertation on artificial harmonics...
Old 2005-05-07, 17:31
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Originally Posted by Nothing
do you do a bend or do you do a vibrato or do you just dont do nothing but hit the pick and your thumb?

Old 2005-05-07, 23:08
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Originally Posted by Nothing
do you do a bend or do you do a vibrato or do you just dont do nothing but hit the pick and your thumb?

you can do it all!
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Old 2005-05-19, 23:29
The Angry Hobbit
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i learned these about a month ago and they actually arent that hard
Old 2005-05-23, 03:59
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Originally Posted by DeathCS
I gotta learn how to do tremelo pinch harmonics. I need to know that to be able to play Intentional Manslaughter by Dying Fetus.

Do you have any advice for up picked PHs?

those are natural harmonics that are just speed picked
Old 2005-05-28, 21:40
the_bleeding's Avatar
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hey... anybody know how Zyklon gets their pinch harmonics to last so long?

i've been thinkin about this for a while, and i cant figure out whether its just naturals or pinches.... but if its pinches... how does it stay alive for sooo fucking long?
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
In the US "fanny" is a word used to describe the ass or butt. Here in the UK "fanny" is a lady garden (vagina)
I was very bemused as a youngster watching the Golden Girls when Blanche said she was going to "spank her fanny" I had visions of a geriatric vertical bacon sandwich red and bruised from being disciplined!!!
Old 2005-05-30, 10:17
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I use the thumb; don't think it's too difficult. On thicker strings it may be more difficult off course.
Old 2005-06-20, 05:33
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Originally Posted by the_bleeding
hey... anybody know how Zyklon gets their pinch harmonics to last so long?

i've been thinkin about this for a while, and i cant figure out whether its just naturals or pinches.... but if its pinches... how does it stay alive for sooo fucking long?

I find if you turn up the "High" on your amp equalizer, that all sorts of harmonics become real easy and much more clean. And you can vibrato the pinch harmonic for the real evil death metal squeal, and to make it sustain a bit longer.
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Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible

Old 2005-06-24, 16:02
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what is this technique:

"pick a natural harmonic and then put pressure on the strings above the nut where the strings meet the fret board"

it sounds like it is just bending the harmonic - but is this actually called anything?

Pinch harmonics are easier about 4th fret G string onwards for beginners (in standard tuning)
Old 2005-06-24, 18:00
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Hmmm... I can nail ph's pretty well now, not always perfect, but I'd say I get it right about 70% of the time. On the 1st and 2nd strings I use my middle finger and nail it all the time. If it's on lower strings(my favorite: 6th) then I use my thumb.

I have a problem with 5th, 4th, and especially the 3rd string though. I find it a bit challenging to not accidentally touch the other strings. Any tips on avoiding touching the other strings?
Old 2005-07-15, 14:19
Lord Hiestand
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why always a title

i really dont know what i do.its not a pinch but it sounds cool. i pluck the string first and then put my finger on it in sort of a hit-on and a bend at the same time and i get a wicked squeel.
Old 2005-07-27, 02:51
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Perfect Necrophagist-Like Squeals?

I'm quite good at artificial harmonics and can pull them off pretty much anywhere on the fretboard but I don't know how Necrophagist have perfectly noted pinch harmonics.

I assume that I have to have my picking hand at a certain place i.e. if the fretboard continued I'd pick two octaves higher then where I'm fretting. Or do you use Kylito's Pinky Squeal technique?

Can someone please shed some light on this?
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Old 2005-07-27, 04:28
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One thing... to get a perfect squeal I portrude my thumb's fingerprint almost exaggeratedly, but I nail it all the time on the 6th and 5th string. Is this the right way to do it? I think it's a bit inneficient, perhaps someone could post a pic of how you hold the pick when doing ph's?
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane

(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)
Old 2005-08-15, 23:21
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God I Hate Shadows Falls's P.H.'s.....they are so fucking annoying!!!!!!

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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.

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Old 2005-08-29, 06:15
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Anathema "Sleeples" - good training in pitch harmonics!
Old 2005-09-07, 11:54
LuciferianSoul's Avatar
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I've learnt to do pretty basic pinch harmonics with my middle finger. The thumb is alot harder than the middle finger I find.

I always vibrato the fret to sustain the pinch harmonic longer, and it sounds plain/boring if you don't (in my opinion).

Working on getting to do it with my thumb is hard, but would pay off - trying to use my middle finger it's very hard to pull off the PH AS SOON as I pick the string.
Old 2005-09-26, 15:26
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I tried doing a pinch harmonic about 2 years ago when i was starting on the guitar and(goes without saying)always failed. Since then i just ignored songs that included them, until about 10 minutes ago when my pick slipped and i accidently touched a string with the side of my thumb while playing the solo from Orion and heard this "screaming" kind of sound and instantly thought: "Dimebag" Haha!

The "sweet" spot on my guitar is when i pick exactly above the right edge of the neck pickup. (ESP Horizon II)
There it was. The final destiny. A sunrise that never came, still the lamp never faded away. Farewell was the word, and the afterglow was the brave morning. Rising and telling everyone, about the beauty of its Prologue.
Old 2005-10-15, 15:31
New Blood
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There really isn't a "sweet" spot when doing harmonics, what fret you are on changes where the harmonic should be played with your pick hand. Theres no difference really between artificial and natural harmonics (just playing an open string and touching above the 5th, 7th, 12th fret etc) because you are simply switching roles between hands. Your pick hand is now doing the muting that causes the harmonic and your fret hand does the work that the nut does for a natural harmonic. Anyway, I use a techinique that I haven't seen posted here yet so I'll explain and maybe it will help someone. The only thing i do differently to make a note into a harmonic is use the knuckle of my pinky. I bend my pinky like any normal hand does (so its sort of pointing at your palm) and i use the first knuckle (closest to the nail) to touch the string at the same time as i pick it, then i quickly pull it away. It's a weird method but it's always worked like a charm for me. It's esp helpful for a guitarist whose pick han dis generally farther from the bridge than most because the distance form the pick to the pinky can be 2-3 inches so that saves a couple of inches you would have to move your entire hand towards the bridge to hit that "sweet" spot.
Old 2005-10-15, 15:49
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I can never get a ph working when my pickup config is set to dual humbucking. If I use only the bridge or only the neck PU it works fine, but when I use both PU's you just can't hear the ph. Is this normal? What could be the cause?
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane

(Did you know In Flames had a 2005 album called "Come Clarity"? How prophetic. I think they're trying to tell us all their sperm are dead.)
Old 2005-10-19, 14:18
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Originally Posted by ironman3134
There really isn't a "sweet" spot when doing harmonics, what fret you are on changes where the harmonic should be played with your pick hand. Theres no difference really between artificial and natural harmonics (just playing an open string and touching above the 5th, 7th, 12th fret etc) because you are simply switching roles between hands. Your pick hand is now doing the muting that causes the harmonic and your fret hand does the work that the nut does for a natural harmonic. Anyway, I use a techinique that I haven't seen posted here yet so I'll explain and maybe it will help someone. The only thing i do differently to make a note into a harmonic is use the knuckle of my pinky. I bend my pinky like any normal hand does (so its sort of pointing at your palm) and i use the first knuckle (closest to the nail) to touch the string at the same time as i pick it, then i quickly pull it away. It's a weird method but it's always worked like a charm for me. It's esp helpful for a guitarist whose pick han dis generally farther from the bridge than most because the distance form the pick to the pinky can be 2-3 inches so that saves a couple of inches you would have to move your entire hand towards the bridge to hit that "sweet" spot.

Yeah, i didn't realize how stupid my post was until after i posted it. Kinda hoped noone would notice it :/
There it was. The final destiny. A sunrise that never came, still the lamp never faded away. Farewell was the word, and the afterglow was the brave morning. Rising and telling everyone, about the beauty of its Prologue.
Old 2005-10-30, 23:51
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It is easy I don't think there is much else to say about it or "how to do it".
Just remember all they've said, and most of all practice don't give up after you like screw up 100 times.
Old 2005-10-31, 07:02
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Originally Posted by Jarod_g29

Just remember all they've said, and most of all practice don't give up after you like screw up 100 times.

Old 2005-12-06, 17:37
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I use a pick called the wirething ,which gives unbelievable squeals and pinch/artificial harmonics.
I do not sell em , so its not spam .
Old 2005-12-24, 01:14
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Harmonics Question

I am an average guitarist and started fooling around with harmonics. I wanted to know if it's possible to do a pinch harmonic and while it's ringing do a natural harmonic on top of it. Since I don't exactly understand what harmonics are, I don't know if this even logically possible. Obviously you could do the pinch on one string and the natural on the other, but what about on the same string? Are there any sites that pertain to harmonic theory?
Old 2005-12-24, 02:24
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im not sure i understand wut u mean, u wanna do a pinch harmonic, and at the same time a natural harmonic, on the same string at the same time?
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Old 2005-12-24, 03:04
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I doubt it. For a natural harmonic you don't actually press the string down, you just rest your finger on it. When you do artificial's you have to press the string. So doing the natural on the same string at the same time just isn't gonna work. It might be possible but it would be damn hard.

Last edited by Meesh : 2005-12-24 at 03:07.
Old 2005-12-24, 07:55
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I'm guessing if you squeal a 5th fret A string, then try to chime 17th natural, the artificial won't sound anymore, just the natural.
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Old 2005-12-24, 09:38
guitariste's Avatar
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Originally Posted by davie_gravy
I'm guessing if you squeal a 5th fret A string, then try to chime 17th natural, the artificial won't sound anymore, just the natural.

you're right.
Old 2005-12-24, 09:53
metal_monkey's Avatar
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it wouldnt work cuz when u do a pinch harmonic ur just making the string vibrate very fast so it wouldnt work as u would have to put ur finger on the string to do the natural and it would stop the vibration
Originall Posted By problematic
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Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.

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Old 2005-12-24, 16:08
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Originally Posted by metal_monkey
it wouldnt work cuz when u do a pinch harmonic ur just making the string vibrate very fast so it wouldnt work as u would have to put ur finger on the string to do the natural and it would stop the vibration

yeah hes got a point. u can do the pinch harmonic first. but when u take it off that note the vibrations will stop neways.
R.I.P. Dime

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Old 2005-12-24, 16:56
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is'nt that the technique what dime does
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Old 2005-12-24, 16:59
Six_Feet_Under_420's Avatar
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neh, dime uses the whammy bar. he hits the open G string. dives the bridge then makes a natural harmonic on the first, second, third, fourth of fifth fret. than raises the bridge again.

( if that's what you mean by the dime harmonic )
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Old 2005-12-24, 17:23
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Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
neh, dime uses the whammy bar. he hits the open G string. dives the bridge then makes a natural harmonic on the first, second, third, fourth of fifth fret. than raises the bridge again.

( if that's what you mean by the dime harmonic )

yep thats the one thanks
One hundred years have gone and men again they came that way,
To find the answer to the mystery,
They found his body lying where it fell on that day,
Preserved in time for all to see,
No brave new world, no brave new world,
Lost in this place, and leave no trace.

iron maiden - stranger in a strange land
Old 2005-12-24, 18:05
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I'm merging this into the sticky.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.

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Old 2005-12-25, 04:08
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Originally Posted by davie_gravy
I'm guessing if you squeal a 5th fret A string, then try to chime 17th natural, the artificial won't sound anymore, just the natural.

Yes this is what I meant. Going 12 frets up from where you did the artificial then tap it into a natural. However since this was said.....

Originally Posted by metal_monkey
it wouldnt work cuz when u do a pinch harmonic ur just making the string vibrate very fast so it wouldnt work as u would have to put ur finger on the string to do the natural and it would stop the vibration

Which I'm assuming is correct, then it isn't possible. I'll try and figure out some other techniques as I progress. Learning how the instrument works can allow you to try out unconventional ideas. Today I recorded a track with my remote for the cable box. When you point it near the pickups and press anything, it will transmit the frequency. This combined with a flanger was pretty cool, though jazzy which is not my style of choice.
Old 2005-12-29, 17:46
New Blood
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Nice thread,

Thanks guys.

Old 2006-01-27, 09:04
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How to do pinch harmonics on acoustic guitar: (1 way)
My guitar teacher showed me a great way.
This method utilizes your thumb and index finger.. so.. no pick.
well anyway, simply pick the string with your index - upwards and have the string brush your thumb. Its very hard to explain but relatively easy.
The sound you get is much like a natural harmonic.
as pinch harmonics on electric, there are certain 'spots' and frets which produce a higher quality sound.

Hope I helped,
John R
Old 2006-01-31, 12:17
kurt:ellis's Avatar
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I dont understand what you guys mean about pinch harmonics with your index finger? I mean .. I can do it with my thumb on downstrokes real easy and i know they have to be pinch harmonics because they squel real high ( not as high as professionals like Z.Wylde ) , but nonetheless.. i can still get them. But... how do you do it with your middle finger?

Last edited by kurt:ellis : 2006-03-03 at 11:49.
Old 2006-02-09, 01:42
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if you listen to chokehold by cob and near the begin its really loud how would you do that

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