2004-05-08, 12:43
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anyone else agree? i can hardly sit through winds of creation and nihility is just plain boring. the vocals are terrible, the drums are faked, the guitar playing IS pretty good, but it doesnt save the band

2004-05-08, 13:01
Schrodinger's Cat
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I don't think they're over-rated at all. They're pretty good but there are better bands around. I think they have had their career overscrutinized because they are young (the bastards are younger than me!) and have been hailed as the bright new things to save death metal. I like them though and the good thing is that they have plenty of time to evolve from quite a good band into an amazing band.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
Last edited by johnmansley : 2004-05-09 at 12:32.

2004-05-08, 13:01
Dog farts
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I don't necessarily think they are overrated as such. I like 'em, but the more I listen to The Negation the more I hate it.

2004-05-08, 13:32
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
I don't necessarily think they are overrated as such. I like 'em, but the more I listen to The Negation the more I hate it.
thats basicly wat i was gonna say
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-05-08, 14:04
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Its your typical death metal album man. They are amazing but the tracks sound alike in general. they have blast beasts coming out the ass in every song, and the vocals never change, true the guitars are extremelyu technical, but that doesnt save it like you said. I just listen to a couple tracks every once and a while. I cant listen to a whole cd or ill find myself saying that they suck. THe only way people may think they are overrayed is because they are so young that its an accomplishment that everyone likes so they spread that around.
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2004-05-08, 14:05
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i heard a preview of the negation and was not impressed. at first i was all excited because they're so young they might be the future of death metal, but really who needs them when we are still getting fantastic new albums from suffocation, malevolent creation and immolation.
just my opinion though

2004-05-08, 14:33
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And its a very good opinion too. Im not saying in any way that decapitated suck donkey balls, but when people hear someone say they suck they say something like, "well give them a break dude, theyre so young." Its the music, not the age that makes people good.
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2004-05-08, 15:00
New Blood
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you guys must be sick in the head.....malevolent creation is terrible man, i rank them right up there with diecide in shit factor. decapitated does an excellent job of song writing, which is more than i can say for 99 % of death metal bands. the leads are actually in a key.... which is rare in death metal. the drums are brutal enough without having to blast beat out the ass (i think someone commented on that. please elucidate because i havent noticed an over abundance of blast beats in decapitated music). the bass is noticable without having to shove it right in your face at every turn. and the vocals are unique enough for me to actually pay attention to what he is saying...(although i find the vocals the most lacking part of the band). excellent musicianship and quality song writing are the key points to this band, i never even knew the age of the band when i first heard WOC and NIHILITY, and i didnt consider it when i listened to THE NEGATION.
the real issue here is that there are very very few respectable or halfway decent death metal bands out there. decapitated makes the very short list.

2004-05-08, 15:16
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malevolent creation are far superior to decapitated on every level. pick up the Envenomed album and you'll see. the drummer (dave culross) completely owns the drummer in decapitated, the guitar riffs are much more memorable, better solos and the vocals are so much better. the vocals are very vicious and emotional compared to the OOooooo of decapitated.
im glad to see you didnt know about their age, its way too much of a selling point for them. most musicians start writing at their age anyways, big deal.
the WOC vocals were terrible. how could you say they are good? he sounds completely monotonous, tired and uninterested. the drummer cant do a hyperblast very well either, especially on WOC.

2004-05-08, 16:10
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i like them because they entertain me.
that's really all i have to say.

2004-05-08, 16:45
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I have Nihility and in every song except Spheres of madness there are at least two riffs of balst beats. But thats just the least, one song has 2 minutes worth of blast beats. And they dont have it coming out their ass no, they have it coming out of every other orafice in theri body.
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2004-05-08, 18:52
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poorly triggered blast beats at that

2004-05-08, 20:13
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In my opinion, Winds of Creation is a masterpiece. Memorable riffs ? There are plenty of them on that particular album. I don't like that much Nihility and The Negation, I find them a little bit repetitive. Of course, the voice is always the same, but I prefer it to what a lot of bands out there (including Malevolent Creation) do. And yeah, most musicians might start writing music at their age, but not that much already have three albums out at that point.
Also, I think the drummer does a pretty good job, especially on WoC (again). I'm not that much of a specialist but I like the fills and, oh well, everything he does fits.
Of course, that's only my opinion, and the point of this thread was to know if they're overrated. Well, I don't really care. If it's good enough for me, I'll buy it anyway.

2004-05-08, 20:44
New Blood
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malevolent creation?
i have a hard time swallowing the fact that MC is even in the same category as decapitated. i cant even listen to 2 minutes of MC without wishing i had a fucking yani record to play instead, they are absolutely terrible, almost as bad as deicide. and how can you say decapitated has too many blast beats? are you insane? its death metal.... not some gay gothenburg shit! they arent even a blast oriented band! its not like beserker or origin or hate eternal (not that i have problem with those bands hell two of them make my top five) a complaint about too many blast beats shouldn't even merit a response.
i can agree that the vocals were pretty weak up until the negation, and i have heard better drummers......but i never said they were perfect, just certainly not overrated (like for instance molevolent creation/morbid angel/deicide)

2004-05-08, 20:54
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Your becoming quite a pest.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-05-08, 21:12
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i <3 darko
anyways, why dont you like malevolent. so far you've said they suck and that's pretty much it. give me some good reasons why, ill listen to your opinion. read spirit crusher's post. he clearly disagrees on everything i said, and yet he said it in an amicable way, notice im not getting into a typing match with him.
what malevolent albums have you heard anyways?
and there are bands that incorporate blast beats much more tactfully, but i was referring to the hyperblast (snare/bass) drum pounding. he gets ahead of himself in some places, it sounds sloppy.

2004-05-08, 21:15
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He is a pest who is a closeminded fuck. Not all bands need blast beats to be "good". Children of Bodom. Look at them. I dont believe they used any blast beats and they are an amazing band. I agree Morbid Angel and some of those bands are popular, but my no means overrated. Decapitated isnt really overrated. I like grindcore with shitloads of blast beats, but at least they have a certain brutalness to them. IN MY OPINION, decapitated doesnt bring out the savage beast within. The guitars are well fitted yes, but the overall feel of the bnd just doesnt get me going. This thread is a matter of opinion and if you get all PMSy about it, then you deserve to be locked in a room and listen to nothing but slipknot for all eternity.
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2004-05-08, 21:41
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he'd like that
i know you mods wont ban him unless he does something bad, so everyone ignre him

2004-05-08, 21:46
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Slipknot for all eternity? Damn, Corpse, that's harsh.

2004-05-08, 23:32
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That isnt as harsh as stinkin fart for eternity, or opra.
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2004-05-08, 23:38
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
He is a pest who is a closeminded fuck. Not all bands need blast beats to be "good". Children of Bodom. Look at them. I dont believe they used any blast beats and they are an amazing band. I agree Morbid Angel and some of those bands are popular, but my no means overrated. Decapitated isnt really overrated. I like grindcore with shitloads of blast beats, but at least they have a certain brutalness to them. IN MY OPINION, decapitated doesnt bring out the savage beast within. The guitars are well fitted yes, but the overall feel of the bnd just doesnt get me going. This thread is a matter of opinion and if you get all PMSy about it, then you deserve to be locked in a room and listen to nothing but slipknot for all eternity.
i never said you had to use blast beats to be good. you arent even talking about the same style of music...
popular does not mean overrated.
locked in a room and listening to slipknot for eternity? oh, ok.
closeminded fuck? in what way? please explain. how have i expressed myself as a closeminded fuck?
bodom has used blast beats before.
why would you choose to ignore me from here on out anyhoo? as far as i know i havent insulted or ridiculed anyone on this board or elsewhere, so what is the problem guys? i am a pest b ecause i have opinions contrary to the existing ones on this board?
sounds like im not the closeminded one.

2004-05-09, 02:26
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Originally Posted by Blood_reich
i never said you had to use blast beats to be good. you arent even talking about the same style of music...
popular does not mean overrated.
locked in a room and listening to slipknot for eternity? oh, ok.
closeminded fuck? in what way? please explain. how have i expressed myself as a closeminded fuck?
bodom has used blast beats before.
why would you choose to ignore me from here on out anyhoo? as far as i know i havent insulted or ridiculed anyone on this board or elsewhere, so what is the problem guys? i am a pest b ecause i have opinions contrary to the existing ones on this board?
sounds like im not the closeminded one.
Why the fuck is everybody mad at this guy? I agree fully with him. Hes just giving his opinion, like everybody else. Not everybody can like the exact same kind of music. All my friends think that death metal is shit but i dont call them closeminded fucks and never talk to them again, or ignore them. Whoever created this topic was asking for opinions. All he was doing was giving one.

2004-05-09, 02:48
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he's a complete racist douchebag, thats why. read his other posts.

2004-05-09, 02:55
Pokémon Master
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constructive criticsm please people, say they suck because ............. and dont start saying that other bands suck, this is a decapitated thread, not an MC or Deicide thread, ive seeen you bag those 2 bands repeatedly throughout all thirteen posts, as well as say that black guys cant play death metal, i dont see why they can't, it is unusual, but its not taboo
you have expressed your opinion, dont bother doing it again
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-05-09, 02:59
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i did read his other posts and he was also just giving his opinion.
And lol what band has a black guy in it? I guess there's no reason why they can't play it, they have a lot of hate inside of them. And im just not used to a black person making REAL music not that rap shit.

2004-05-09, 03:27
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They are pretty overatted because everyone just starts talking about their age but I think Decapitated are really fucking technical, the drummer is fucking insane and the guitarist is really cool but he now lacks creativity in their newest album. But the vocals have also watered down and dont say it was the way they were recorded because I have so far recorded 3 demos from different local LA metal bands, so I have experience with recording vocals for quite some time. And I also think its bull shit when people say the vocals have watered down because of the recording, cuz in Nihility they lacked reverb and effects on the vocals and they still sounded sick. Plus the damn vocalist was wearing a slipknot shirt LMFAO! \
I suck at guitar.
Last edited by Bones98 : 2004-05-09 at 03:31.

2004-05-09, 03:45
Dog farts
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the guys from Immolation wear Slipknot shirts too.

2004-05-09, 03:58
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
the guys from Immolation wear Slipknot shirts too.
i remember that picture, ha ha ha
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Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-05-09, 05:15
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LMFAO yeah I know, probably Roadrunner made them wear those shirts when they used to be signed to that label. LMFAO another marketing strategy!
I suck at guitar.

2004-05-09, 07:24
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Haha I remember when Mem posted that shit

2004-05-09, 09:08
Dog farts
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I posted it, thank you very much.

2004-05-09, 09:19
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"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-05-09, 15:01
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haha, he hasnt showed his little head yet

2004-05-09, 15:29
New Blood
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i should have known
you know i have tried to stay on topic throughout all my posts. in the suffocation thread i posted my opinion on suffocation, in the decapitated thread i did the same....
somehow the race card got thrown into all of this.
whether or not i am a racist has absolutely nothing to do with anything that i posted. i cant believe you could misconstrue my post to such an extent. had i intended to show any kind of racism whatsoever i could have surely found a better way to say it.
somehow a few of you have managed to make something rediculous out of a simple disagreement. if you didnt like the way i stated my opinion then thats tough shit for you.

2004-05-09, 15:58
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Originally Posted by Blood_reich
somehow the race card got thrown into all of this.
Yeah, you threw it in you douche.
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2004-05-09, 16:19
New Blood
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i most certainly did not. mentioning a race or color is by no means "throwing the race card." can we get back on topic now? too much of this thread has been devoted to this mindless bullshit.
they night as well close this thread off, i think everyone has stated thier opinion on the topic.

2004-05-09, 16:48
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ive stated my opinon on you being a douchebag and you arent "closed"
why close this thread

2004-05-09, 19:13
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
That isnt as harsh as stinkin fart for eternity, or opra.
Its close, along with that sound Jim Carry made in "Dumb and Dumber".
I don't care for MC that much for some reason, don't like the drumming, and the vocals just aren't brutal enough, too dry. But I'm no expert in the Death genre either. 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
Last edited by MetalThrashingMad : 2004-05-09 at 19:16.

2004-05-09, 20:43
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that's right you aren't, you stay out of my realm! 

2004-05-09, 23:39
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calmly man, you dont watn to turn into blood reich. JUst look at his name, its racist, Reich, Third Reich.
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2004-05-10, 03:02
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
calmly man, you dont watn to turn into blood reich. JUst look at his name, its racist, Reich, Third Reich.
What if its the Second Reich? Which wasnt racist.
And how does being racist take anything away from the points of your arguement (not saying he has a good one.)?
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2004-05-10, 15:11
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
i did read his other posts and he was also just giving his opinion.
And lol what band has a black guy in it? I guess there's no reason why they can't play it, they have a lot of hate inside of them. And im just not used to a black person making REAL music not that rap shit.
Suffocation has two black guys in it, one of their guitarists, and their drummer. Sure they can play but it just doesn't seem right. WHITE POWER
I'm the Trillest HAUS from the mean streets of Sandy dog.

2004-05-10, 19:36
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hey, the varg vikernes board called. they want you back.
and i was just kidding around with MetalThrashing

2004-05-10, 19:47
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Originally Posted by BOSE
Suffocation has two black guys in it, one of their guitarists, and their drummer. Sure they can play but it just doesn't seem right. WHITE POWER
I hope you're kidding, because you listen to Slayer. And if that doesn't make much sense to you, I suggest you look at a picture of the band.
Notice anything...odd?
Like one of them isn't white?
That's right. Spic playing the thrash. Shut the fuck up, hypocrite.

2004-05-11, 00:57
New Blood
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Posts: 40
Fucking Blasphemy, you retards. Decapitated owns you and your Grandma.

2004-05-11, 01:15
bugfucker strikes back.
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Decapitated's new album is boring as shit.
The one with 'Spheres of Madness' owns your soul.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-05-11, 01:27
Dog farts
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Originally Posted by VitalRemains
Fucking Blasphemy, you retards. Decapitated owns you and your Grandma.
God FORBID people having an opinion!

2004-05-11, 01:29
bugfucker strikes back.
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Exactly. Opinion. Thats why I listen to Agalloch and you are narrowminded.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-05-11, 05:08
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Exactly. Opinion. Thats why I listen to Agalloch and you are narrowminded.
ha ha ha good call
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-05-11, 06:58
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
God FORBID people having an opinion!
Speaking of God Forbid, they're all niggers too. 

2004-05-11, 07:06
Dog farts
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One is white. Don't ever forget that.

2004-05-11, 07:13
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is he the ringmaster?
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-05-11, 07:40
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Hes the coach

2004-05-11, 07:45
Dog farts
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He's the minority.

2004-05-11, 10:24
bugfucker strikes back.
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Jesus you people made this more serious than it should be.
Just keep your opinions to yourself. Thats what I do. Not too hard.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-05-11, 18:35
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i wanted to see what people thought of the band

2004-05-11, 21:20
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Originally Posted by BOSE
Suffocation has two black guys in it, one of their guitarists, and their drummer. Sure they can play but it just doesn't seem right. WHITE POWER
Yeah, it doesn't look right but those 2 guys can definately play better than you...And thats fo' sho! Second of all, white power? you're fucking hilarious.
Black people are cool, but rap straight out sucks..If u hate black people just because of rape then you must also hate white people because of Eminem, Vanilla Ice, and that one guy from the some contract killer movie.
I suck at guitar.

2004-05-11, 22:45
bugfucker strikes back.
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Yes, yes we do.
Fucking idiot.
*him that is*
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-05-11, 22:47
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"It just dosen't look right" ...Thats a pretty illogical reason to dislike something. Did a minority touch you in your bathingsuit area when you where little?
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-05-11, 23:11
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id like to see bose and that other guy banned, i wish theyd something bad

2004-05-11, 23:17
Dog farts
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How about shut it, talk about the topic - or don't reply.
Except Darko, my love.

2004-05-11, 23:46
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What is the subject
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2004-05-11, 23:52
Dog farts
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Read the title.

2004-05-12, 10:18
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Winds Of Creation is great, although it contains a shitty Slayer cover.

2004-05-12, 12:23
Dog farts
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I liked that cover. The double-kick part made it all worthwhile.

2004-05-12, 21:27
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its a good riff
i listened to nihility twice today, it does have some great moments
especially that solo in track 2

2004-05-12, 22:56
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Yeah thats the only solo I like throughout that entire album.
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2004-05-12, 23:23
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Has anyone noticed how hard it is to play "Blessed" (WoC) main riff ? It's soooo fast...

2004-05-13, 02:36
Dog farts
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Yeah, that riff is amazing. Also.. Human's Dust is it? That's hard too, if I'm thinking of the right one. Haven't listened to it for awhile.

2004-05-13, 02:40
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
Yeah, that riff is amazing. Also.. Human's Dust is it? That's hard too, if I'm thinking of the right one. Haven't listened to it for awhile.
Probably, most of the stuff they play on Winds of Creation is hard enough. Strangely, they kind of minimized the difficulty afterward. The riffs are a lot more powerchord-based on the next albums.

2004-05-13, 02:49
Dog farts
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Off topic, but:
"SpiritCrusher has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space" - I can't reply! I'll just say it here. The server got canceled. I was hosting 60 GB of metal vids on there, and that was against their "policy" which I neglected to read.
Anyway, yeah, I'd much prefer WoC over any of their material. I'm really starting to lose interest in The Negation altogether.

2004-05-13, 02:53
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
Off topic, but:
"SpiritCrusher has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space" - I can't reply! I'll just say it here. The server got canceled. I was hosting 60 GB of metal vids on there, and that was against their "policy" which I neglected to read.
Ok man. Kinda strange policy if you ask me. Mp3s, I can understand, but videos...
Btw, if you ever get some free webspace to lend again, don't hesitate
Originally Posted by Nihilist
Anyway, yeah, I'd much prefer WoC over any of their material. I'm really starting to lose interest in The Negation altogether.
Same here.
Last edited by SpiritCrusher : 2004-05-13 at 02:55.

2004-05-13, 03:12
Dog farts
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I'm working on getting some more webspace, don't worry!

2004-05-13, 05:05
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Originally Posted by Darko
"It just dosen't look right" ...Thats a pretty illogical reason to dislike something. Did a minority touch you in your bathingsuit area when you where little?
Holy shit Darko! you have never failed to make me laugh. first i read your post, then your new sig. haha
I know I'm really late to this thread, but i just read it and it was damn entertaining. Now for my long and detailed opinion... decapitated=average.

2004-05-13, 05:14
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I am to please
I would consider them above average from WoC - Nihility. As for The Negation..it isn't bad, but it isn't a step forward so in that way I was dissapointed.
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2004-05-13, 20:59
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Yeah I dislike their new one
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2004-05-13, 21:27
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i should buy it, completist that i am

2004-05-13, 23:43
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I'm the same way, I got every Amon Amarth album, every Opeth, evry Immortal (minus plagues of evil seeing as how i hate ebay) and every In Flames (minus their two new shitty ones) But go ahead and buy it, it will dissapoint you from the rest of their stuff.
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2004-05-14, 00:11
bugfucker strikes back.
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No, buy their previous release.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-05-14, 02:03
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
I'm the same way, I got every Amon Amarth album, every Opeth, evry Immortal (minus plagues of evil seeing as how i hate ebay) and every In Flames (minus their two new shitty ones) But go ahead and buy it, it will dissapoint you from the rest of their stuff.
I don't think it will dissapoint you, it just may not live up to what you want. Being a band that has progressed after each album, this one isn't far off from Nihility.
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2004-05-14, 20:40
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Yeah, i guess i could have put my words a little better
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2004-05-14, 20:42
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i have WoC and Nihility
even though you hate ebay:
i got those two albums and Children of Bodom-first three releases for 34 bucks.

2004-05-15, 03:44
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Well I did like it until I paid 35 bucks for Suffocation - Pierced From within, Exhumed - Slaughtercult, and Morbid Angel - Blessed are the sick. And I got ripped off(never got the cds even thouguh i paid), and when I tried contacting the seller, no response, and the site wouldnt let me file a claim. So I got screwed over.
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2004-05-15, 18:37
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that is unfortunate.

2004-05-15, 19:01
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
Well I did like it until I paid 35 bucks for Suffocation - Pierced From within, Exhumed - Slaughtercult, and Morbid Angel - Blessed are the sick. And I got ripped off(never got the cds even thouguh i paid), and when I tried contacting the seller, no response, and the site wouldnt let me file a claim. So I got screwed over.
I use ebay alot and have never had that happen. Just don't order off someone that has under a 95.0 rating. And always check the buyer's feedback.
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2004-05-15, 21:19
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im debating getting a 5150 212 right now on ebay...

2004-05-16, 15:14
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Originally Posted by Darko
I use ebay alot and have never had that happen. Just don't order off someone that has under a 95.0 rating. And always check the buyer's feedback.
I did, he had a 97.5 with occasionally bad feedback. But all the bad feedback was for not working properly dvds. So I figured that he would ship.
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2004-05-17, 02:40
New Blood
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i don´t think so
well, i like Decapitated!! i think they´re rlz a lot!! and, more i hear them, more a like ´em! the negation is perfect, the Deicide´s cover, very good! =)

2004-05-17, 19:59
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i saw a copy of nihility on ebay with some really cool bonus track.... i forget what track it was though. i would love to hear it....thats all i can add
anyone clear this up for me?

2004-05-17, 20:49
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Originally Posted by Transient
i saw a copy of nihility on ebay with some really cool bonus track.... i forget what track it was though. i would love to hear it....thats all i can add
anyone clear this up for me?
Suffer The Children (originally by Napalm Death) I guess.

2004-05-17, 22:09
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yes, thats it
thatd be cool

2004-05-18, 14:08
New Blood
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yes that is, and in "the negation" there is "Lunatic of gods creation", very good, try to hear later

2004-05-18, 14:59
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2004-05-18, 19:54
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i take you more seriously because you post in all caps. 

2005-12-31, 07:47
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Originally Posted by Transient
the drums are faked
Your arguement became childish here.

2005-12-31, 08:57
Metal As Fuck!
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A Decapitated is overrated thread!??!! They fucking kick ass and deserve more recognition!!! They are one of the best death metal bands ever! So many lack the elements Decapitated has. Crazy this got revived for just that comment.
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2005-12-31, 09:08
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Well, if people love this new album, then I would certanly say they are overrated.

2005-12-31, 09:40
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I actually preferred "The First Damned" over "Winds Of Creation" just because I liked the production better, even though it was basically the same thing. Just my opinion.
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2005-12-31, 15:01
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Originally Posted by SARS
Your arguement became childish here.
are you fucking kidding? you dug up a thread from 2004 to say that?
christ i dont agree with myself anymore, i like decapitated
what exactly was running through your mind when you decided to be the internet tough guy and call me childish in a years old thread

2005-12-31, 21:01
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Originally Posted by Blood_reich
i have a hard time swallowing the fact that MC is even in the same category as decapitated. i cant even listen to 2 minutes of MC without wishing i had a fucking yani record to play instead, they are absolutely terrible, almost as bad as deicide. and how can you say decapitated has too many blast beats? are you insane? its death metal.... not some gay gothenburg shit! they arent even a blast oriented band! its not like beserker or origin or hate eternal (not that i have problem with those bands hell two of them make my top five) a complaint about too many blast beats shouldn't even merit a response.
i can agree that the vocals were pretty weak up until the negation, and i have heard better drummers......but i never said they were perfect, just certainly not overrated (like for instance molevolent creation/morbid angel/deicide)
You are a MAJOR douchebag... 
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